
Total Results: 944 records

Showing results for "consider".

    October 18, 2017 - We consider this a safety measure, as missed hypothermia may lead to shock and death. … It also allows this measure to consider issues of socioeconomic status while using publicly available
    August 01, 2010 - For illustrative purposes, consider the following distribution of results for a measure that uses the … this section discusses what you would report using each of these two methods and what you need to consider … To decide which score is most suitable for your report, consider the following questions: • Will you … If your display does not support those messages or uses, you may need to consider the alternatives.
    September 01, 2015 - A practice will likely also want to consider the costs of attaining PCMH recognition. … Medical Home Initiative has outlined five potential payment models that public and private payers might consider
    May 08, 2008 - This is a complicated measure, but we consider it essential to safe, effective, and equitable care.

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