March 01, 2015 - • Consider the effects of a new QI process or policy on the entire practice. … assessment and improvement for UMHS’s Department
of Family Medicine, expressed, “You have to be sure to consider … practice joined the Beacon Consortium 3 years after first
implementing its EHR that Foresight began to consider … It is important to consider the
various levels of interoperability of health IT that primary care practices
September 21, 2018 - CHIPRA 235: Section 2, Detailed Measure Specifications
Rate of participating cardiologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, hematologists/oncologists,
nephrologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, and rheumatologists who have seen ≥1 enrolled
child, age <18 years,…
December 01, 2009 - Skip to main content
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November 01, 2019 - In addition, future specifications may
consider including a denominator exclusion of a documented contraindication
April 14, 2018 - Sickle Cell Disease Measure 16: Appropriate Emergency Department Pain Assessment for Children With Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease
Measure 16: Appropriate Emergency Department Pain Assessment for Children with
Sickle Cell Disease
The percentage of children identified as having S…
February 01, 2019 - Slide 12: Communication to Enhance Antibiotic Stewardship 10-12
Consider using TeamSTEPPS communication
January 01, 2017 - Consider prioritizing the improvements, starting with one strategy. … Consider starting with a unit that has:
■ A high volume of test, treatments, or procedures requiring … • Consider providing this part of the training module as part of a staff meeting or in
small groups … Consider how frequently the Change Team, Executive
Sponsors, and other hospital leadership should receive … Thus, you might want to consider having only nursing managers take the full
module while other nursing
January 01, 2013 - Module 6 Evidence Base
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 for Long-Term Care Evidence Base: Mutual Support – B-6-31
Mutual Support
Evidence Base: Mutual Support
Mutual support is a core team skill and a crucial component in any teamwork process. Mutual
support is also commonly referred to as “back-up behavior” in the teamwo…
April 01, 2017 - When forming your SBAR make sure to consider
What residents and their families are really asking for
September 01, 2017 - Slide 7
Say: Hospital leaders in an acute-care hospital noticed that staff were reluctant to consider … For example, you may consider adding specific fields for contributing factors to falls (such as high-risk
July 01, 2019 - Clinicians should consider current medical
conditions associated with obesity, risk of future conditions … disparities regarding excess weight between ethnic groups
must look beyond income and education to consider
April 24, 2018 - When you include the Elicitation Protocol in a survey, consider revising any
invitations and reminders … that is similar to when it is
administered independently because the respondents were not primed to consider … Invitation and reminder letters and emails: When fielding the Elicitation Protocol
on its own, consider
August 01, 2010 - If these concerns come up frequently and prevent nurses from conducting the report at the bedside, consider … Also, consider how work flows to make sure that bedside shift report is an efficient process. … Consider the logistics in involving language-access services, such as in-person interpreters, telephone-based
January 01, 2012 - CHIPRA 81: Section 2, Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications – Pediatric Global Health (PGH-7) Measure
The PGH-7 development process followed a mixed-methods approach, which has been
published (Forrest, Bevans, Tucker, et al., 2012).
Domain Concept Specification
Content Expert Input Chi…
October 01, 2019 - The level at
which a benchmark is set should also consider whether
there are opportunities for improvement
June 16, 2017 - If not, would you consider adding any categories to your hospital’s plan?
November 01, 2017 - Consider the exclusion criteria, patients who had a documented nutrition screening in the
prior 48 hours
November 18, 2015 - TeamSTEPPS 2.0 | Team Structure
Please consider
September 08, 2015 - These
coalition meetings helped Medicaid
staff consider the unique needs
of children and adolescents
October 01, 2016 - In considering patient care, SCC
clinicians consider both medical and social complexity, which they