January 01, 2017 - The provider champion is often a physician, but consider whether you need a champion (or champions) from … SAY:
These are some of the essential and enhancing members and roles that you should consider in your … Slide 25
Premortem Exercise
In step two, consider what could have caused the project to fail. … As a group, consider all the reasons you think the failure occurred. … First, consider 2 years from now and ask what the worst-case scenario could look like.
October 01, 2014 - patient is a member of a special population (e.g., adolescent, pregnant smoker, racial/ethnic minority), consider
February 01, 2017 - Consider recreating to make defect real:
Visualization tools.
Process mapping. … Consider having more than one meeting or additional fact-finding to find all contributing factors. … Consider rating solutions based on direct and feasible way to address the defect. … Remember the “people side” of the intervention:
Consider who influences and impacts your intervention
January 01, 2017 - Reconstruct the timeline and explain what happened
Consider recreating to make defect real
Visualization … Consider having more than one meeting or additional fact-finding effort to find all contributing factors … Make choices and select your intervention
Have your team vote on its favorite solutions
Consider rating … Remember the “people side” of the intervention
Consider who influences and impacts your intervention
December 01, 2017 - with your team
Identify a defect in your operating rooms
Select and work on one defect per quarter
Consider … Once your team has a few wins, consider participating in surgical conferences. … If your team has lost momentum, consider revisiting your meeting schedule. … SAY:
Next, consider the defects that your team has addressed in the last 6 months.
January 01, 2009 - example, you may want to note any obvious or persistent barriers, as well as any items that you did not consider … Consider items with ratings
of 4 or 5. Next, insert the barrier(s) you’ve already written
above. … Also, you might consider listing those topics in which
you have achieved great success (ratings of 1
January 01, 2009 - example, you may want to note any obvious or persistent barriers, as well as any items that you did not consider … Consider items with ratings
of 4 or 5. Next, insert the barrier(s) you’ve already written
above. … Also, you might consider listing those topics in which
you have achieved great success (ratings of 1
April 01, 2014 - Instructions: The team should review this list and consider which entries are needed for its efforts
November 01, 2015 - __________________________________________________________________
What changes might your team consider
October 01, 2014 - Therefore, clinicians should consider using these combinations of medications with their patients who
October 01, 2014 - Since alcohol is associated with relapse, the patient should consider limiting/abstaining from alcohol
October 01, 2014 - Consider use of or link to more intensive treatment.
April 01, 2017 - Examine the scenarios over the next series of screens and consider the difference between Scenario 1 … Slide 8: Scenario 1 Reflection
Now that you've had the opportunity to explore both scenarios again, consider … Older Adults
When using teach-back with older adults, consider the following:
Mild or moderate hearing … Children
When using teach-back with children, consider the following:
The conversation with the child … Language Diversity
When using teach-back with patients who speak a different first language, consider
September 08, 2015 - 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No change to
existing EHR
2 Yes No N/A Yes—in upgrade Consider
upgrade … • States should consider broadly
disseminating current and future
versions of the Format to providers … Because many providers
cannot devote attention to 700
requirements, States could consider
disseminating … Independent practices
and health systems that use the
same EHR product could consider
approaching … • EHR vendors could consider
demonstrating the extent to which
their products already meet Format
February 01, 2017 - Consider that each person carries a set of attitudes and behaviors that can contribute to the defect. … As a general rule, consider factors that occur often as major reasons for the defect. … As noted in the previous slide, strongly consider those interventions likely to have the biggest impact … Consider all stakeholders who influence and impact the intervention and ask if there will be resistance … Slide 31: Evaluating the Intervention
When evaluating an intervention, consider its impact
October 01, 2014 - (see Section III)
Consider the
evaluation’s purpose
and audience, and plan
it at the same time the … Consider the purpose and audience for the evaluation. … Consider, too, the form and rigor of the evidence the stakeholders need. … If the intervention you are evaluating tests this approach, you
could consider how the medical home … To decide which measures to collect, consider those likely
to reflect critical activities that must
October 01, 2014 - (see Section III)
Consider the
evaluation’s purpose
and audience, and plan
it at the same time the … Consider the purpose and audience for the evaluation. … Consider, too, the form and rigor of the evidence the stakeholders need. … If the intervention you are evaluating tests this approach, you
could consider how the medical home … To decide which measures to collect, consider those likely
to reflect critical activities that must
October 01, 2014 - Consider prescribing second-line agents (clonidine and nortriptyline) for patients unable to use first-line
December 01, 2013 - Consider offering a pacifier to infants >1 month of age at naptime. … Consider analgesics.
Consider acid suppressant.
Protect skin from excoriation. … Consider prokinetic drugs.
Consider antiemetics.
Antibiotic therapy. … Consider laxatives.
Review total fluid intake. … Consider consultation with neonatal dietitian, gastroenterologist.
October 01, 2014 - In addition to the medical record, consider keeping a separate unit log that summarizes the results … Also consider if the individual is receiving epidural/spinal pain medication. … Always consider the length of time that the patient may need to stay in one position. … (Consider the time in the holding and recovery rooms when assessing the time). … Consider innovative approaches to conveying level of risk.