August 01, 2024 - Conceptual map of cognitive load theory key domains Clinical Example Consider the following scenario … When you consider all the cognitive processes that must occur with reasonable precision during the diagnostic
November 01, 2019 - If you have a
patient with pyuria, you should consider whether the
patient might have another cause … If neither can be used because of
resistance, then consider converting to an oral
cephalosporin once … If trim/sulfa or
fluoroquinolones cannot be used because of resistance,
then consider converting to … Other causes of urinary symptoms in males to consider
include prostatitis, epididymitis, and sexually … Frontline providers and stewardship teams may also
consider working with information technology to
February 01, 2023 - Level of burden: Consider the burden for both participants and the organization as a whole. … Schedule: Consider how often you plan to conduct the assessments. … Practices can
consider which strategies are most relevant to their practice setting, and tailor them … • Consider implementing team-based care in your practice. … • Consider creating a position for a chief wellness or well-being officer.
January 01, 2013 - ▪ Examine the scenarios over the next series of screens and consider the difference
between Scenario … Children
When using teach-back with children, consider the following:
▪ The conversation with the … (click the buttons below for examples)
When using teach-back with older adults, consider the following … :
When using teach-back with children, consider the following:
When using teach-back with patients … who speak a different first language, consider the following:
1.19 What are other important tips for
May 01, 2017 - Slide 9
Consider the use of video recording in situ
simulations when they are conducted. … Consider reserving a separate meeting space
for the debrief, especially if a screen to review
a video … Consider a dual debrief, in which a portion of
the debrief focuses on teamwork and
communication, and … Units can also consider developing their own
scenarios, or use scenarios that are
available through … • Consider using data from safety culture
surveys to evaluate impact.
January 01, 2017 - Consider that each person carries a set of attitudes and behaviors that can contribute to the defect. … As a general rule, consider factors that occur often as major reasons for the defect. … As noted in the previous slide, strongly consider those interventions likely to have the biggest impact … Consider all stakeholders who influence and impact the intervention and ask if there will be resistance … Slide 30
Evaluating the Intervention
When evaluating an intervention, consider its impact and
January 01, 2013 - ▪ Examine the scenarios over the next series of screens and consider the difference
between Scenario … Children
When using teach-back with children, consider the following:
▪ The conversation with the … (click the buttons below for examples)
When using teach-back with older adults, consider the following … :
When using teach-back with children, consider the following:
When using teach-back with patients … who speak a different first language, consider the following:
1.19 What are other important tips for
October 01, 2014 - clinicians should use motivational techniques to encourage smokers who are not currently willing to quit to consider
May 20, 2019 - Consider using the Success and Sustainability
PowerPoint template. … Think Through Challenges to Sustainability
Consider the following sustainability concepts (from the … You might also consider including tasks integral to
maintaining the opioid management program in job … pathways for complex patient resources and close the loop on referrals
☐ If not already in place, consider
April 01, 2022 - not resemble learning environment
Checklists can often help assure that insertion is done aseptically
Consider … catheter rounds as opportunities are identified (sometimes referred to as “just-in-time education”)
Consider … Consider multiple steps in the insertion process, as something can go wrong at any point in the process … Preventing CLABSI and CAUTI
IUC Insertion ׀ 18
Take-Home Points
Use judgement and critical thinking
August 01, 2017 - activity, liability outcomes, and associated interventions, we also recommend:
Recommendation 1 : Consider … Recommendation 2: Consider evaluating clinician attitudes and organizational norms surrounding consent … Recommendation 3: Consider integrating indices of systems thinking and mindful organizing. … Recommendation 5: Consider multiple levels of analysis when examining patient safety culture data. … Recommendation 8: Consider how the multiple dimensions of safety culture interact to impact disclosure
August 01, 2017 - activity, liability outcomes, and associated interventions, we also recommend:
Recommendation 1 : Consider … Recommendation 2: Consider evaluating clinician attitudes and organizational norms surrounding consent … Recommendation 3: Consider integrating indices of systems thinking and mindful organizing. … Recommendation 5: Consider multiple levels of analysis when examining patient safety culture data. … Recommendation 8: Consider how the multiple dimensions of safety culture interact to impact disclosure
April 13, 2018 - .
� The practice should consider the need to have copies of the Note Sheet, clipboards, and
pencils … When
planning the implementation, you may want to consider including posters
where they will be most … Consider whether you will need English and other language versions of the
patient poster.
December 01, 2022 - Factors to Consider When Deciding Whose Quality to Report
To decide who to focus on, start by considering … As you consider the pros and cons of reporting on various levels of the health care system, you may conclude
June 22, 2017 - • Exercise Script
• Exercise Role
• Exercise Care
Plan Questions
to Consider … When assessing resident status, consider the following:
• Resident history;
• Vital signs; … Provide copies of the Care Plan Questions to
Consider. … • Provide copies of the Care Plan Questions to Consider to the care plan team (and the audience). … Provide copies of the Care Plan Questions to Consider.
December 16, 2015 - Systolic: >160 or Diastolic: >100 Two
drugs preferred:
LM and Thiazide and ACEI, ARB, or CCB
Or consider … Address adherence, advise on self-monitoring, and
request readings from home and other settings
• Consider … Medications to consider for patients with hypertensions and certain medical conditions
Coronary artery … May consider
or combination. … If decision is unclear, consider primary LDL-C ≥160
mg/dL, family history of premature ASCVD, lifetime
November 01, 2015 - I'd like to give you a little road map here of things that you may want to consider, including in your … If you consider that we're reducing the number of overall Foley's that are being placed, it becomes a … Here's where I strongly suggest you consider throwing out some decision making scenarios. … You have to consider those 2 different groups, and your approach to those 2 different groups might be … You may consider that as an option for your simulation activities.
July 01, 2018 - Consider issues related to current processes, organizational culture, or other issues that might delay … To draft this section of the IP, consider the following questions:
What data need to be collected … Finally, your team should consider a communications strategy. … First, consider the performance measures that will be affected by your strategy. … Similarly, consider whether you need permission to gain access to the data, and list those approvals
December 01, 2017 - I'd like to give you a little road map here of things that you may want to consider, including in your … If you consider that we're reducing the number of overall Foley's that are being placed, it becomes a … Here's where I strongly suggest you consider throwing out some decision making scenarios. … You have to consider those 2 different groups, and your approach to those 2 different groups might be … You may consider that as an option for your simulation activities.
May 05, 2015 - I'd like to give you a little road map here of things that you may want to consider, including in your … If you consider that we're reducing the number of overall Foley's that are being placed, it becomes a … Here's where I strongly suggest you consider throwing out some decision making scenarios. … You have to consider those 2 different groups, and your approach to those 2 different groups might be … You may consider that as an option for your simulation activities.