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  1. Project Charter (pdf file)
    December 23, 2009 - Consider adding representatives from the physician and nursing staff, along with quality improvement … Consider factors that are potential barriers to success, such as resistance to change, resource limitations … Consider including representatives from stakeholder groups noted above.
    December 23, 2009 - Consider adding representatives from the physician and nursing staff, along with quality improvement … Consider factors that are potential barriers to success, such as resistance to change, resource limitations … Consider including representatives from stakeholder groups noted above.
  3. Project Charter (pdf file)
    December 23, 2009 - Consider adding representatives from the physician and nursing staff, along with quality improvement … Consider factors that are potential barriers to success, such as resistance to change, resource limitations … Consider including representatives from stakeholder groups noted above.
    January 17, 2017 - points in numerator and denominator to revise language, improve clarity (AAP) - Recommendation to consider … revise language in numerator and denominator statements for clarity (PMAG) - Recommendation to consider … revise several points in numerator to revise language, improve clarity (AAP) - Recommendation to consider
    February 02, 2017 - points in numerator and denominator to revise language, improve clarity (AAP) - Recommendation to consider … revise language in numerator and denominator statements for clarity (PMAG) - Recommendation to consider … revise several points in numerator to revise language, improve clarity (AAP) - Recommendation to consider
    February 01, 2021 - Issues to Consider When Deciding Whether to Adopt an Innovation to identify sections that are most pertinent … Issues to Consider When Deciding Whether to Adopt an Innovation Dimensions Questions to Consider
    October 01, 2014 - A State should consider several factors when choosing interventions: Evidence base of interventions … In addition to cost, States must consider which members will benefit most from interventions. … Address Barriers to Care Delivery As States implement interventions, they should consider the challenges … Some States might want to consider holding informal focus groups with select Medicaid members to determine … or higher on the PHQ, staff prompted the member's provider by mail to ask that he or she carefully consider
    January 01, 2023 - This section reviews some of the options you may want to consider for gathering quality data on health
    September 01, 2020 - Consider enlisting the help of a practice leader (e.g., medical director, lead physician) to endorse … Consider what modality will be easiest for your practice members to use and how you plan to receive the … Tips for Implementing this Tool Consider implementing Tool 6 with other tools from the Toolkit. … You may want to consider implementing this tool with Tool 20: Connect Patients with Literacy and Math … Review signage around the office and building, and consider whether bilingual or multilingual signage
    June 01, 2021 - Let’s consider some of the possible side effects from antibiotics. … Slide 4 Forming a Team SAY: Consider starting with the following individuals for the core members … Consider the following possible mission statements for your team: · To ensure that every resident who … Slide 8 Identifying the Problems SAY: Let’s consider some problems in the events leading to this … Here are some examples of pre-prescriptive interventions you could consider in your facility.
    June 01, 2023 - When assessing acute care patient status , consider the following: Patient history Vital signs … When assessing the environment , consider relevant factors such as:  Facility information, including … When assessing progress , team members need to consider the following: Status of the team’s patients
    September 01, 2012 - To address these issues, you should consider four questions, discussed in the following sections. 2.1 … However, in selecting your method, there are common factors to consider, including: Timeframe and number … What factors do we need to consider in choosing interventions? … Consider the following questions to determine the changes that will be needed: Whose help is needed
    October 01, 2014 - Consider what is most important to get out of the evaluation and how you will use the results. … You might consider going back to your goals or your funded proposal to help guide your decision. … Consider how frequently you will conduct a formal evaluation. … Consider what resources you have to conduct the evaluation and who will conduct it.
    June 28, 2023 - Consider the format of other well-attended meetings in your department, as well as participant access … ● Test the video link, screen sharing, and creating breakout rooms prior to the session ● Consider
    June 28, 2023 - Consider the format of other well-attended meetings in your department, as well as participant access … ● Consider ways to increase participation, such as offering continuing education credits or snacks
    June 28, 2023 - Consider the format of other well-attended meetings in your department, as well as participant access … ● Consider ways to increase participation, such as offering continuing education credits or snacks
    March 01, 2017 - Consider what processes can be integrated into the normal workflow. … Consider reassessing safety culture on a regular basis, but not more frequently than every 6 months, … Consider which measures you want to focus on as part of the sustainability plan by assessing what will … When developing a sustainability plan, consider one or more of the following approaches to reinforce … Consider engaging the staff by assigning a section to each person and having them teach their peers.
    November 01, 2012 - • Many consider retained foreign objects avoidable.1 • Retained foreign objects represent a serious … • Consider use of computer-assisted method for counting, including use of a barcoding system on … surgical sponges and instruments.6,7 • Consider use of radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs … • Consider routine use of a closing x-ray and radio-opaque surgical materials for all patients, … Also consider performing a failure mode and effects analysis to better understand the process and where
    November 01, 2019 - Recommended, if available, to assist with narrowing antibiotic therapy Legionella urinary antigen Consider … PLUS azithromycin (or doxycycline) For children, otherwise healthy adults, or those with mild disease, consider … Ceftriaxone In patients with recent respiratory viral infections presenting with bacterial pneumonia, consider … Moment 4: Duration of Therapy 5 days of antibiotic therapy is sufficient for most patients with CAP Consider … It is reasonable to consider antibiotics for hemodynamically unstable patients, but frequent reevaluation
    January 01, 2020 - He encouraged the NAC members to consider, as the meeting proceeds, a theme of potential roles for … The agency also should consider studying consumer experiences with telehealth. … The primary care practices database should perhaps consider vulnerable populations. … Consider requiring HSR/PCR large- grant applications to include a healthcare delivery system partner … AHRQ could consider the importance of sustainability relating to large and long programmatic grants

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