April 15, 2020 - mistakes-errors-and-failures-across-cultures-navigating-potentials
Human error, mistakes and failure have cultural aspects that are important to consider
May 20, 2020 - dementia and limited
medical and nursing provider presence, as well as action steps communities should consider
October 26, 2018 - ://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/safety-i-safety-ii-white-paper
To enhance patient safety, researchers must consider
April 17, 2019 - will-human-factors-restore-faith-gmc
Investigations into medical mistakes that result in patient harm should be fair, complete, and consider
November 13, 2024 - The authors consider inequalities
that affect access and timeliness of medication therapy for pain management
June 05, 2024 - observed a plateau at which individuals
cease to learn from their own failures, underscoring the need to consider
September 06, 2023 - preoperative anemia,
failure to obtain informed consent regarding perioperative blood management, failure to consider
March 25, 2015 - brief introductions to specific patient safety concerns or incidents and includes
recommendations to consider
August 19, 2020 - Letter to the Editor, the authors suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic presents a unique opportunity
to consider
April 17, 2019 - assessment-impact-just-culture-quality-and-safety-us-hospitals
January 13, 2021 - expanding and its value is built on local, real-time approaches that involve services designed
to consider
February 05, 2020 - individual-level factors
contributing to diagnostic error was atypical patient presentations (83%), failure to consider
April 10, 2019 - The authors call for institutions to
consider standardizing their paging communication.
April 01, 2008 - Key Factors to Consider in Managing Periprocedural Anticoagulation. … • Consider the consequences of thromboembolism or bleeding if it should occur. … • Consider the efficacy of therapeutic anticoagulation in preventing thromboembolism. … • Consider the patient's preference, particularly when the benefits and risk are equivocal … Strongly consider prophylaxis-dose anticoagulation postoperatively for patients anticoagulated for prior
April 30, 2014 - Some classifications consider the terms “missed diagnosis” or “delayed diagnosis” as merely adverse events … of the processes—not the outcomes—of care.( 8 ) Issue #2 Overcalling error due to failure to consider … In addition to the failure to consider the spectrum of disease presentations, another reason for mislabeling … is the failure to consider the consequences of competing diseases as the cause of a patient’s complaints … the spectrum of clinical presentations Failure to consider competing diagnoses Figure
June 01, 2004 - doctor was responsible.( 15 ) However, we make errors as health care teams and therefore, we should consider … Ideally, organizations would have a neutral third party (such as an ethics committee) consider cases … Hospitals should consider instituting disclosure policies and utilizing a neutral third party such as … • Anticipate the patient's emotional response and plan how you will respond empathically • Consider … rehearsing the discussion with a disclosure coach, if available • Consider including one or more
December 18, 2024 - commentary recommends several actions to reduce physician burnout while still maintaining
patient safety: consider
June 30, 2019 - a physician, both as a
clinician and as a new mother, when health care staff failed to effectively consider
September 05, 2018 - https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/preventing-medication-errors-information-age
Failure to consider implementation
December 21, 2018 - This commentary describes factors clinicians should consider as artificial
intelligence becomes more