May 01, 2015 - Next, consider the grade level score for your report. … Circle the long words and consider whether they are likely to be familiar to your readers. … Circle the lengthy sentences and consider whether they are likely to be hard for your readers to understand
January 01, 2013 - You will need to consider not only what individual responsibilities are, but also how the roles interact … First, consider how information about fall risks is conveyed in handing off patients to other units or … To guide the changes that will be needed, you should consider four questions:
How do you manage the … Consider reviewing this list and updating it if needed.. … If so, it is still important to consider a trial period where you get feedback and allow for program
September 01, 2022 - Improving Teamwork and Communication
While developing practicewide management strategies, consider … Further, some ambulatory practices may be logistically challenged to consider all areas of patient contact … Let’s consider an example. … If the second clinician remains dismissive, the first clinician could consider discussing his or her
November 01, 2019 - If antibiotics are given for uncomplicated diverticulitis,
consider amoxicillin/clavulanic acid or an … For patients with complicated diverticulitis associated
with sepsis, consider broader coverage for … For patients with severe penicillin allergies, consider
fluoroquinolone or aztreonam-based regimens, … Slide 13
The Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision
The last moment to consider … When the patient stabilizes, oral regimens to consider
include the following: (1) oral cephalosporins
March 01, 2016 - Once again, you have to decide whether you will only consider the performance within your own community … , or also consider performance from entities in other parts of the State or Nation.
September 01, 2022 - The practice should consider displaying commitment posters that indicate that clinicians in the practice … Consider adding photographs of members of the practice and including their signatures on the posters. … Consider determining if automated reports can be developed for the stewardship team to access when needed … Consider providing options for patients with severe penicillin allergies. … Consider other activities and interventions that may enhance stewardship efforts, such as prompts in
July 01, 2023 - Tip: Consider when staff members are most likely to be available.
April 01, 2018 - If this is the first project that includes patients, consider including just a few (e.g., less than five … Sufficient time, up to 1 week, should be allowed for patients to consider the opportunity to participate … Go to Tables 2 and 3 for barriers that meeting planners should consider and actions that can be taken … Consider any special needs council members have. … If there are political or community issues that could influence the council, consider a neutral location
November 01, 2019 - agent will be an
aminoglycoside given increasing rates of resistance
among fluoroquinolones; thus, consider … plausible alternative explanation for the
signs and symptoms the patient presented with,
then strongly consider … If the patient remains ill and you have no culture
data to work with, consider further evaluation to … Slide 27
PCT-Guided Antibiotic De-escalation
Next let’s consider use of procalcitonin … Acute Care
Slide Title and Commentary Slide Number and Slide
Duration of Therapy
Let’s consider
September 01, 2022 - Antibiotic-Associated Adverse Events
Every time an antibiotic is being considered, it is important to consider … Slide 5
Clinical Case
Consider the following case to underscore why optimizing antibiotic prescribing … Slide 11
Another Case
Consider another case.
January 12, 2017 - Consider providing a bag (e.g., a ziplock-type bag or a brown bag) to patients to encourage
and facilitate … Consider:
■ Challenges in how the patient is taking the medication. … For medications that are expired or prescriptions that have no refills remaining, consider
whether a
May 22, 2014 - We expect to consider several options for obesity surgery, including laparoscopic
gastric bypass, gastric … We (CMS)
consider you disabled under Social Security rules if: You cannot do work that you did before … The final protocol should consider looking for and reporting on outcomes based on
intervention and … board agreed a few years ago that 18 months was the
minimum amount of follow-up that they require to consider … Regarding the BMI threshold for obesity, the team should consider using a threshold of 27
instead of
October 01, 2014 - In addition to the medical record, consider keeping a separate unit log that summarizes the results … Also consider if the individual is receiving epidural/spinal pain medication. … Always consider the length of time that the patient may need to stay in one position. … (Consider the time in the holding and recovery rooms when assessing the time). … Consider innovative approaches to conveying level of risk.
November 01, 2018 - the ethnic and racial groups in your intended audience, try to identify their information needs and consider … Those with lower incomes, for instance, may feel unable to consider factors beyond the costs of coverage
September 01, 2019 - When planning a printed report card, it is critical to consider the information needs and capabilities … Depending on your audience's needs, you can also consider producing a supplemental report that has the
April 21, 2014 - Your First Checklist Meeting Guide
The following document is a sample agenda and topics you should consider
June 01, 2023 - To make this process more concrete, consider a scenario in which one team member witnesses another team … As another example, consider a scenario in which a medical floor nurse is assigned to a patient after
September 01, 2022 - viewing or presenting this presentation, viewers will be able to—
Describe communication strategies to consider
December 01, 2022 - Conversations must also consider long-term care in homes; however ‘homes’ is defined. … Consider the development of resident and family advisory councils, already popular in hospitals, for
December 01, 2022 - Identify the Audience for Your Healthcare Quality Report
Before doing anything else, you need to consider … Consider this natural constraint on the need for and interest in your information when developing your