March 01, 2013 - The Medical Home: What Do We Know, What Do We Need to Know? A Review of the Earliest Evidence on the Effectiveness of the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model March 2013 AHRQ Publication No. 12(14)-0020-1-EF Prepared For: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 540 …
November 01, 2018 - Practices should train staff in these skills and consider periodic refreshers.
December 01, 2012 - As organizations look to spread improvements, they need to consider the variability within the hospital … Variability does not consider staff preferences. … As you develop the spread plan, consider the following:
Similar patient populations.
May 01, 2017 - These key safety elements provide a starting point for each unit to consider as it establishes processes … Consider using preprinted orders, standing orders, and staff simulation training to support implementation … Consider these factors:
· Unit data suggesting adverse events or near misses related to oxytocin, magnesium
March 01, 2019 - considerate to show that this is an abnormal situation and one the intern had not yet been trained to consider … Say:
There are some crucial things to consider when using the DESC script:
Time the discussion. … Answer the questions related to Mutual Support as you consider your own teamwork issue. … on their issue as it relates to Mutual Support and which TeamSTEPPS tools or strategies they might consider
July 01, 2023 - The key safety elements provide a comprehensive starting point for each unit to consider as it establishes … Consider these factors:
Unit data suggesting adverse events or near misses that may have been minimized
July 01, 2011 - Criteria for Selecting Partners
Consider these criteria to help select partners who will contribute
May 01, 2023 - To further your understanding of the Two-Challenge Rule, consider the situation described below:
September 01, 2023 - Program
Who Should
Consider Applying
Doctoral Degree Requirement
AHRQ Mentored Clinical Scientist
September 01, 2020 - "Here are some choices we can consider." … Check to see if your patient needs more time to consider the options or discuss them with others. … In the past few months, she has been experiencing more OA pain, and she now wants to consider a modality … "Here are some choices we can consider."
"Let's go over your options." … "This is a big decision and it's important for you to consider which treatment option you prefer."
April 01, 2015 - Develop risk-based
approaches to identify
patients most in need of
care management (CM)
• Consider … Consider, for example, a population of patients who have not yet developed one
or more chronic diseases … identifying populations with modifiable risks, their work could be
supported by health policies that consider … Both public and private payors might also consider deploying additional financial
incentives with respect
December 01, 2022 - Also consider that some people have limitations in color perception.
May 01, 2017 - • The key safety elements provide a
comprehensive starting point for each
unit to consider as it establishes … To engage patients and family in a rapid
response system, units may consider including
patient and … Consider these
o Unit data suggesting adverse events or
near misses that may have been
November 01, 2023 - SHARE:
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May 01, 2022 - But to be successful, we must consider the roles of all who participate in today’s healthcare—not only
October 01, 2023 - It had been too overwhelming to consider.
May 01, 2016 - Weissberg encouraged the center to consider the “green button” search-and-management technology developed … We must ask how information connects to the medical record—and consider measurement. Dr. … Haley agreed on a need to consider overdiagnosis and overtesting.
July 01, 2019 - It will consider strategies for coordination and consolidation of research agendas. … He asked NAC members to consider whether AHRQ’s goals are on track and whether the areas for investing … He further asked them to consider the following questions:
How do you see this vision addressing the
April 01, 2018 - In addition, consider identifying a patient champion. … If you have a Patient and Family Advisory
Committee (PFAC), consider engaging the PFAC to participate … When
planning the implementation, you may want to consider including posters
where they will be most … Consider whether you will need English and other language versions of the
patient poster. … Consider whether you will need English and other language versions of the
patient poster.
October 01, 2017 - The key safety elements provide a comprehensive starting point for each unit to consider as it establishes … Consider these factors:
Unit data suggesting adverse events or near misses that may have been minimized