
Total Results: 690 records

Showing results for "consider".

    February 01, 2023 - services interventions in primary care and ambulatory care settings to address substance use disorder that consider … Applicants should consider this SEN active until March 15, 2023.
    June 01, 2019 - Trauma Example Primary Survey Scenario Development Phase 2 Team Performance Observation Tool Consider … present your results Decorative image: Exercise Return to Top   Phase 2 Develop Measures Consider … communicated Uses SBAR, call-outs, check-backs and handoff techniques   Return to Top   ConsiderConsider measuring at multiple levels to identify the weak link.
    January 01, 2012 - Also consider the dose and timing of medications (e.g., avoiding diuretic use close to bedtime). … Consider having clinical champions for delirium assessment who can be called in to evaluate a patient … Consider use of special low bed. … Consider slipper socks in bed for patients at risk of falling at night. … Consider lighting best for patient, e.g., bedside lamp left on overnight, night light in bathroom.
    October 01, 2015 - For users to avoid overload, they need a way to narrow down their options to the ones they want to considerConsider providing more than one search option for users, and test the system yourself to see how it
    March 01, 2024 - Track Your Progress Overview Actions Consider who in the practice will work on assisting patients … Track Your Progress Overview Action Consider whether patients can take fewer or less expensive medicines … Consider language differences. Consider costs when making referrals. … Brown Bag Medicine Reviews: Tool #8 Questions for Address Language Differences: Tool #9 Questions for Consider
  6. Morningbriefing (doc file)
    August 07, 2012 - Specific Things To Consider Problem Identified Person Assigned To Followup Action Taken Patient
    March 10, 2006 - Take about 10 minutes to consider and answer the following four questions. … And there really are two types of team leaders that we need to consider. … Consider your answers to those questions, and then select the Forward arrow to continue. 14 Slide 8 … For the purpose of this course, take five minutes now to consider your responses and write them down. … After viewing this video, take a few minutes and consider the following two questions.
    July 01, 2023 - These key safety elements provide a starting point for each unit to consider as it establishes processes … , sample checklists, and externally referenced checklists provide a starting point for each unit to considerConsider using CUSP strategies to gain consensus on a standard approach that yields the most standardization … Consider any existing hospital procedures, policies, processes related to these four situations. … Factors to consider— Unit and malpractice claims data suggesting adverse events or near misses related
    June 01, 2021 - • Midstream clean catch is preferred method o Always clean urethral meatus prior to collection o Consider
    May 01, 2017 - Consider any existing facility policies, processes, or checklists related to cesarean section. … Consider using preprinted checklists, laminated operating room posters, customized electronic health … ___________________________ Antibiotics infused within 60 minutes of incision time (Yes/No) If No, consider … ___________________________ Antibiotics infused within 60 minutes of incision time (Yes/No) If No, consider … __________________ Antibiotics infused within 60 minutes of incision time: |_| Yes |_| No If no, consider
    January 01, 2013 - Consider holding staff in-service sessions to review those PowerPoint slides and the Fact Sheet (Appendix … Consider using a quiz to test the providers’ knowledge after the in-service and requiring providers … Consider implementing a 2-week observation-only phase during which nursing staff observe physicians … default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/education/curriculum-tools/cusptoolkit/toolkit/dailygoals.docx 6 Consider … You may also consider using advanced technology (i.e., Biopatch®, chlorhexidine-impregnated occlusive
    November 20, 2014 - Using inadequate documentation forms Lacking ways to empower staff to report abnormal skin findings: Consider … to be used in conjunction with a review of other risk factors and clinical judgment More factors to consider
    May 01, 2023 - To expand your understanding of assistance, consider the following scenario: Two members of the gastrointestinal … As you consider the importance of task assistance for the teams you are part of, ask yourself these questions
    March 21, 2014 - Exercise Sizing Up the Culture Exercise Sheet INSTRUCTIONS: As you answer the questions below, consider
    May 16, 2023 - Applicants should consider whether reviewers will be able to easily find the information required for … Do you consider a research clinic to be eligible for funding? … AHRQ does not consider Early-Stage Investigator status in application scoring or funding. … AHRQ will not consider requests above the total cost limits described in the RFA ($1,000,000 in any … Application Review Information, AHRQ will consider overall programmatic and geographic balance of the
    May 01, 2017 - These key safety elements provide a starting point for each unit to consider as it establishes processes … sample checklists, and externally referenced checklists provide a starting point for each unit to consider … o Consider using CUSP strategies to gain consensus on a standard approach that yields the most standardization … • Consider any existing hospital procedures, policies, processes related to these four situations … Factors to consider— o Unit and malpractice claims data suggesting adverse events or near misses
    January 01, 2023 - If prompted to consider quality, some will be intrigued enough to follow the link. … Consider negotiating similar agreements for the distribution of print reports and promotional materials
    July 01, 2021 - Require researchers to consider implementation issues earlier in the study development and proposal process … breakthroughs in health care system design and change, we recommend that individual funding agencies consider … Require researchers to consider implementation issues earlier in the study development and proposal process … We recommend that HHS and VHA departmental leadership consider the following action steps. … Thus, we recommend that HHS and VHA departmental leadership consider authorizing an effort to: Establish
    May 01, 2019 - Consider the implications of your evaluation for each aspect you were able to assess.
    March 01, 2021 - In addition, primary care teams should consider individual patients’ risk factors for developing postdischarge … Consider using a pharmacist for complex medication regimens or high-risk patients.

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