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Showing results for "consider".

    May 26, 2016 - revised the text in the Methods section based on the recommendations of an editor who we asked to consider … The authors may want to consider moving any new lit search terms mentioned in this paragraph to the … Comment Response Peer Reviewer #4 Background Interventions for the Elderly – page 30, line 42; consider
    February 01, 2013 - Anyone who makes decisions concerning the provision of clinical care should consider this report in … Elements to consider include whether effect sizes vary widely, if the range of effect sizes is wide, … We did not consider analysis of correlation between the reviewers as necessary or appropriate as we … Put another way, consider what would be needed to allow for conclusions to be made. … In other words, consider what would be needed to allow for conclusions to be made.
    May 26, 2016 - TEP Reviewer #2 Methods Did the authors consider scientific meeting abstracts as a source of fugitive … Consider highlighting that the 0.2 mg tamsulosin dose is below the generally recommended starting dose … Affiliation Section Comment Response TEP Reviewer #2 Results I was curious why the authors didn't consider … If it's not too much work, the authors might consider looking at related outcomes.
    May 04, 2017 - I suspect readers will consider "beneficial" to imply clinically meaningful. … We have clarified that although the distinction was made in the original report, we consider only … Although we did not consider imaging or other non-clinical outcomes, we have added a suggestion to … My main suggestion in this regard is to consider adding summary tables to the body of report from … TEP Reviewer #4 Clarity and Usability I would consider including a table of MCIDs in the main
    June 20, 2024 - pointed to the need to clarify relevant patient populations for specific key questions and procedures, consider … Special populations and factors for all Key Questions: Consider patient and clinical characteristics … confounding, we will assess risk of bias using instruments tailored to observational studies43 that consider … We will consider classifying the magnitude of effects for continuous measures of pain and function using … If there are two to five clinically and methodologically comparable studies50,51 we will consider pooling
    December 01, 2021 - Therefore, it was necessary to also consider evidence on masks and risk of other respiratory infections … Anyone who makes decisions concerning the provision of clinical care should consider this report in
    January 01, 2020 - Please consider adding this to the paper Thank you. … TEP Reviewer 3 Introduction Consider modelling your introduction after the Surgeon General's 2014 Call … Peer Reviewer 2 Methods However I would urge the writing group to consider an updated search now that … (also something to consider for the discussion of limitations/bias. … Page 2, line 17-consider rewording as "maternal risk of cancer (breast and ovarian)..."
    July 01, 2009 - A determination of which outcomes and comparisons the EPCs consider important enough to warrant formal … Thus, the final assessment of directness requires EPCs to consider the strength of evidence for each … EPCs should consider and report on publication bias insofar as it appears to influence scores for either … GRADE uses an algorithm to help reviewers to be clear about how they consider domains to produce the … In considering the risk-of-bias domain, EPCs should consider which study design is most appropriate
    October 01, 2013 - Public commenters suggested that we consider addressing the value of stopping medications known to … cited a specific article for inclusion under Key Question 1b,32 and Key Question 1c.33, 34 We will consider … We will not include observational studies with high osmolar contrast media, and we will not consider … Interpretation of Q statistic will consider the limitations of the test that it has low power when the … We will use the grading scheme recommended in the Methods Guide.38 We will consider all domains: study
    December 01, 2019 - To determine whether meta-analysis could be meaningfully performed, we will consider the quality of the
    January 01, 2019 - examples of their stakeholders, definitions of innovation, examples of practices they have used and consider … our review, we identify five priority methods that researchers working with stakeholders may wish to consider
    August 01, 2012 - potential areas for future research in greater detail in the full report but highlight some here that we consider
    November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
    November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
    November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
    November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
    September 03, 2019 - However, the authors should consider integrating the content from Table 4 into the Outcomes section … Not sure you can get around it, except to consider moving the characteristics of the studies to the … Perhaps consider that as a second technical report or as a supplement, and focus this one strictly … This review does not consider the effect of different rates or dilutions when giving ketamine. … There are a couple items to consider when evaluating this research.
    December 01, 2011 - Consider the following when answering this question: a. … Consider the following when answering this question: a. … If yes, consider question 3. 3. … If yes, consider question 4. 4. … In thinking about this, consider the following: a.
    May 04, 2017 - I suspect readers will consider "beneficial" to imply clinically meaningful. … We have clarified that although the distinction was made in the original report, we consider only … Although we did not consider imaging or other non-clinical outcomes, we have added a suggestion to … My main suggestion in this regard is to consider adding summary tables to the body of report from … TEP Reviewer #4 Clarity and Usability I would consider including a table of MCIDs in the main
    November 01, 2010 - In addition, this review will consider the impact on clinical outcomes in CKD patients of treatment … In addition to overall evaluation of this population, we will consider separate evaluations by CKD … In addition to overall evaluation of this population, we will consider separate evaluations by CKD … If no or few RCTs or CCTs are identified, we will consider including large observational studies. … If no RCTs or CCTs are identified, we will consider including large observational studies.

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