December 01, 2019 - Biases Affecting Medical Test Studies
Before considering risk of systematic bias, it is useful to consider … Interpreters may consider test results to be positive more frequently in settings with higher disease … Reviewers must also carefully consider how to handle inadequate reporting. … We consider the whole sample to be ALL relatives for which the proband or informant provided information … As such, we consider partial verification bias to be present in the following situations:
July 26, 2012 - Consider refocusing? … Peer Reviewer 6 Methods In the quality review criteria, why did you not consider sample size? … 3) line 45-47: consider change working to “designs prevented determining
if…” rather than “impossible … First author – consider having
consistency of details throughout report. … The
commenter should consider proposing additional
topics he believes merit further study to AHRQ
January 12, 2017 - I would ask the
reviewers in this project to consider these issues and
consider at least making a statement … Consider maybe providing two different
summaries – one directed to clinicians and
administrators – … Consider using the term(s): EMS personnel or EMS
clinicians. … Consider moving some text
elsewhere or re-arranging. … TEP Reviewer #4 Clarity and
Figure 2 Literature Flow Diagram, perhaps consider
June 21, 2021 - concerning rise in incidence of
IPV against women and girls.33-37 Intervention efforts for IPV must consider … equitable future use of telehealth as a supplement or replacement for some
in-person care needs to consider … We will consider telephone
conversations, e-mail, and short message service (SMS) texts to be telehealth … We will consider contraceptive care that can be delivered via telehealth by a broad
range of health … To determine whether
meta-analysis could be meaningfully performed, we will consider the risk of bias
April 20, 2015 - Conflicts will be resolved through
consensus or third-party adjudication
We will consider the five … Assessing Applicability: We will consider elements of the PICOTS framework when
evaluating the applicability … We will consider how
important population characteristics (e.g. gender, race, ethnicity), comorbidities
October 31, 2011 - It also discusses the types of stakeholders that investigators should consider involving. … opportunity serves a unique purpose
In order to ensure valuable and constructive knowledge exchange, consider … Because each point of involvement serves a unique purpose, investigators should consider the most appropriate
January 01, 2011 - d)
• V/P
with patients who could benefit from…
as they
consider … decision aid
o First provides clinical information re. decision.
o Then
encourages pt. to consider … Slide
18: IMPLICIT APPROACHES: Several Ways to Encourage
Pt to Consider Personal
August 23, 2010 - www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/�
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: August 23, 2010
consider … Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the
early detection … Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the
early detection
January 01, 2013 - TND-612-09-03-2013
Topic Number(s): 0520
Document Completion Date: 02-06-2013
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
The topic, Interventions to Transition Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) from Pediatric
to Adult Care, is not feasible for a full systematic review due…
January 01, 2009 - Elwyn_Presentation_REVISED_FINAL
January 01, 2023 - concerning rise in incidence of IPV against women and girls. 33-37 Intervention efforts for IPV must consider … equitable future use of telehealth as a supplement or replacement for some in-person care needs to consider … We will consider telephone conversations, e-mail, and short message service (SMS) texts to be telehealth … We will consider contraceptive care that can be delivered via telehealth by a broad range of health care … To determine whether meta-analysis could be meaningfully performed, we will consider the risk of bias
June 12, 2014 - celiac-disease-protocol-140612
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Diagnosis of Celiac Disease
I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
December 01, 2019 - Lack of evidence on long-term effectiveness 9 and serious safety concerns 10 speak to the need to consider … its synthesis include: (1) the most appropriate outcomes to assess, their diversity, and the need to consider … details regarding the provision and components of the control treatments and where commonality exists, consider
December 01, 2019 - Integration with ClinicalTrials.gov—a stated objective of the project is to consider a solution that … The design and implementation of the RoPR should consider how best to minimize ongoing maintenance and … support costs, and consider technology selections that would allow for a smooth transition to a future
April 01, 2018 - TEP
Reviewer #4
Methods I strongly encourage you to consider including under and over-triage
rates … I would consider excluding ref 37 in executive summary and
129 in main references. … I would consider reporting under and over triage rates as defined in
the MMWR on field triage. … You could
consider publishing the Executive Summary separately as well as
the entire report. … We have revised
the summary to be clearer and we
will consider other formats for
October 01, 2007 - Next, we consider whether we
should define subgroups before constructing inverse proba-
bility-weighted … Consider the effect of era in the use of
drug-eluting stents for the treatment of coronary artery ste … Consider, for example, the source and extent of cen-
soring in an analysis of Medicare claims data. … Although one can account for this noncontinuous follow-up,
in most cases it is reasonable to consider … If that is not the case, then the analyst should
consider trimming extreme weights.
July 01, 2012 - Biases Affecting Medical Test Studies
Before considering risk of systematic bias, it is useful to consider … Interpreters may consider test results to be
positive more frequently in settings with higher disease … Reviewers must also carefully consider how to handle inadequate reporting. … We consider the whole sample to be ALL relatives for which the proband or informant
provided information … As such, we consider
partial verification bias to be present in the following situations:
May 26, 2015 - Nonetheless, we will consider performing meta-analyses
where we have at least three unique studies of … If clinical heterogeneity can
be narrowed down to a small number of promising factors, we will consider
December 01, 2019 - focus of the brief will be on those modalities currently in use and/or FDA approved or cleared, we will consider … Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the early detection … Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the early detection
April 01, 2012 - We
did not consider portability nor did we consider the type of
personnel administering the examination … The
authors should consider extracting data on the relevant
devices from these articles. a. … We did not consider portability nor did we
consider the type of personnel administering the
examination … Consider the EMGT as a RCT evaluating the
outcomes of a screening program. … We will consider this further.