November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
May 01, 2019 - In addition, clinicians must consider the balance of the risks and benefits of antidepressant medications … We may consider study length for subgroup analysis if necessary. … We will consider peer-reviewed literature, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and observational studies … Assessing Applicability— We will consider elements of the PICOTS framework when evaluating the applicability … of evidence to answer our KQs as recommended by the EPC methods guide. 25 We will consider how important
May 31, 2016 - We note that
“frequency of physical activity” is an
included outcome and consider this to
include … Other harms to consider include additional
cost of operating a TWH program (or if an organization could … help either one, that these programs
would be worth pursuing, or some specific things for them to
consider … note the importance of worker participation in designing
and implementing interventions, the need to consider … Other harms to consider include additional cost of operating a TWH program (or if an organization could
January 01, 2013 - Anyone who makes decisions concerning
the provision of clinical care should consider this report in … After identifying these high-priority research needs, the
EPC will consider the feasibility and capacity … initiated,4 in making funding decisions, the National
Institutes of Health and other Federal agencies consider … On the contrary, stakeholders
who will be using the research to make decisions need to consider whether … The EPC will engage the stakeholders to consider which of these future research topic areas
have the
August 01, 2019 - the economic impact of various medication choices at the individual patient level. 19 The authors consider … anything, pharmaceutical companies have previously had a disincentive in a fee-for-service world to consider … current FDA priority to find better ways of detecting adverse effects post marketing, the FDA might consider … Checklist
Key Considerations
Consider the cost related … If considering the cost offset, consider relevant elements
The greater the effect differences between
March 10, 2010 - Consider 20 mg starting dose for
LDL-C > 190 mg/dL and aggressive lipid targets
HoFH: starting dose … Meta-analysts must also
consider the clinical implications of the observed degree of inconsistency … Results Under study design and population characteristics, consider adding? … Consider editing methodology on pg. 188 and 121
as well. … Since number analyzed is
not equal to number randomized, we did not consider it as an ITTA.
December 29, 2020 - ASRA would like the
working group to consider several options we
believe may have been overlooked. … American
Society of
and Pain
General We encourage AHRQ to consider
June 01, 2016 - place, such as on the face, talk
with your child’s health care professional about whether you
should consider
November 19, 2014 - • For KQ2a patient characteristics that will be consider include: reason for HBPC,
type and number … To determine whether meta-analysis could be
meaningfully performed, we will consider the quality of … For this review we will consider if applicability is affected by the characteristics of
the patient
January 15, 2015 - To determine whether meta-analysis could be
meaningfully performed, we will consider the quality of
December 01, 2022 - We will consider the 911 workforce to be the 911 telecommunicators who are fielding the calls. … We will also consider representatives of professional societies in infectious diseases and emergency … Using the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool 6 as a reference, we will consider focusing … We will consider creating an evidence map with associated data visualization techniques to help describe
June 01, 2021 - integration of systematic reviews includes the consideration of the full body of evidence, 3,4 we may consider … trial completion as search criteria. 6 Based on methods developed by Hartung and colleagues, we will consider … Finally, the full team will consider if the final conclusions are influenced by any indication of reporting … Finally, the full team will consider if the final conclusions are influenced by any indication of reporting
November 04, 2020 - This is a good suggestion and one we will
consider if there is future funding for these
efforts. … You also used the
word mixed in fig 7 so consider a different word,
to avoid confusion
This change … Consider defining it—including how it differs from
remission or other measures of recovery. … TEP 7 Introduction It may be useful to consider the purpose of the
annual update. … Consider adding a category of mixed
interpersonal trauma and separating from mixed
December 01, 2019 - Consider and summarize the applicablity of the body of evidence. … Consider factors that could affect the causal chain of direct relevance to the key question: for instance … In pursuing this principle, consider contextual issues that are especially relevant to tests, such as … In some cases, failing to consider a particular factor may have been an oversight; in retrospect, the … Reviewers should carefully consider and document justification for how these factors will be addressed
August 07, 2012 - In the absence of head-to-head trial evidence, we
will consider observational data. … Equivalence-Noninferiority - We will consider the potential equivalence (whether a
new treatment is … In
the absence of head-to
head trial evidence, we will
consider observational
data.” … In the absence of
head-to-head trial
evidence, we will
consider observational
data.” … In the absence of
head-to-head trial
evidence, we will
consider observational
January 01, 2025 - Alternative designs to
consider include NRSIs, but the results of this review underscore the importance … Other
possibilities to consider include the array of pragmatic trials as well as approaches such
March 15, 2016 - The authors should consider changing this assertion
about reduced rejection, or else (or in addition … ) they
can consider a clear statement about how calcineurin
minimization must be considered as a 'bundled … In summary, it may be worthwhile to consider
emphasizing this document reflects one year data and
February 07, 2018 - In addition, clinicians must consider the balance
of the risks and benefits of antidepressant medications … We may consider study length for subgroup analysis if necessary. … We will consider
peer-reviewed literature, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and observational studies … Assessing Applicability – We will consider elements of the PICOTS framework when
evaluating the applicability … of evidence to answer our KQs as recommended by the EPC
methods guide.25 We will consider how important
February 01, 2019 - In such cases we will consider the battlefield settings and/or the emergency department setting where … If needed we will first consider battlefield settings or emergency department settings
All other … If outcomes are rarely reported, we will consider use of appropriate methods depending on factors such … Assessing Applicability— We will consider elements of the PICOTS framework when evaluating the applicability … of evidence to answer our KQs as recommended by the EPC methods guide. 16 We will consider how patient
January 28, 2019 - In such cases we will consider the battlefield settings and/or
the emergency department setting where … If needed we will first
consider battlefield settings or
emergency department settings. … If outcomes are rarely
reported, we will consider use of appropriate methods depending … the
effect estimates and the confidence intervals compare to clinically important differences
and consider … of evidence to answer our KQs as recommended by the EPC
methods guide.16 We will consider how patient