Others even consider suicide. For some, the effects of bullying last a lifetime.
First, consider the source. If you use the Web, look for an "about us" page.
January 01, 2015 - Please consider revising to match
Figure 1 of the publication. … Please consider an alternative method in future
reports. … Please consider
revisiting these comparisons. … Consider adding this
reference.Ref Hollander P et al. … Please consider
July 01, 2012 - I have the
following suggestions to consider:
Please identify the patient populations more clearly … In the following, I will address the specific issues for the authors to
consider. … I’d consider dropping this. … Consider rephrasing since this category of studies has the
second highest number.
Thank you. … Please consider the following:
Thank you. This report is intended to summarize
the evidence.
November 01, 2017 - question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider
November 01, 2024 - It will also allow the DRI Committee to consider applying the recently introduced DRI category, chronic … the Strength of Evidence for Each Outcome Following AHRQ Methods guidance, 14 the review team will consider
September 01, 2016 - integration of systematic re-
views includes the consideration of the full body of evidence,3, 4 we may consider … trial completion as search cri-
teria. 6 Based on methods developed by Hartung and colleagues, we will consider … Finally, the full team will consider if the final conclusions are
influenced by any indication of reporting … • Finally, the full team will consider if the final conclusions are influenced by any indica-
July 01, 2012 - • Consider and summarize the applicablity of the body of evidence. … Consider factors that could affect the causal
chain of direct relevance to the key question: for instance … It
is also important to consider applicability factors that could affect a later link in the causal … In pursuing this principle, consider contextual issues that are especially relevant to tests, such
as … In some cases, failing to consider a particular factor may have
been an oversight; in retrospect, the
January 01, 2009 - Consider applicability when determining the scope of the review or when identifying key questions to … How Individual Studies Consider Applicability
Studies often do not report on factors needed to judge … Consider one study conducted entirely in a population of Caucasian males, one mostly with females, and … Judgments about applicability of the evidence should consider the entire body of studies. … Judgments about applicability of the evidence should consider the entire body of studies.
July 29, 2014 - The authors should consider clearly defining what they consider
ACP to be. … Peer Reviewer #4 Background Consider mentioning in the background the Cochrane review of
Decision Aids … The
authors should seriously consider if someone feeling stress while
thinking about the end of their … Anyway, the
authors should seriously consider what a meaningful harm is –
perhaps this section needs … We have added this to the next
step on prognostics as an alternative view to
January 01, 2009 - Consider applicability when determining the scope of the review or when identifying key questions to … How Individual Studies Consider Applicability
CONSORT = Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
How … Consider one study conducted entirely in a population of Caucasian males, one mostly with females, and … Judgments about applicability of the evidence should consider the entire body of studies. … Judgments about applicability of the evidence should consider the entire body of studies.
May 01, 2005 - Anyone who makes decisions concerning
the provision of clinical care should consider this report in … o When selecting risk of bias categories, consider bias arising in the randomization
process or due … Provide enough detail to make the rationale for the
assessment clear
o Consider both the direction … A study can either overestimate or underestimate the true effect, and EPC
reviewers should consider … Specific categories to consider
when assessing risk of bias are noted separately below.
If you may want children later on, you should consider sperm banking before treatment.
Consider using adult day care or respite services.
September 30, 2014 - You may consider it if you
Have a personal or family history of a genetic condition or birth defect
February 29, 2016 - They might consider adding the
number of points on a 0-10 NRS, since
currently these are more commonly … In addition, one could consider
this differently for those with acute and
chronic low back pain. … We also still
think it is appropriate to consider
long-term effects of treatment for
acute low back … Please consider highlighting
that a 1 point reduction is not
measurable or clinically relevant and … Results Public
Andrew Engel
Please consider revising your
February 16, 2016 - Specific items:
Line 41: Would consider being more explicit that “Medicare
home health” in this … Nothing was done to promote or
encourage this planning so we did not
consider this an addition to HBPC … On page 11, in terms of outcomes would consider adding
study of Leff and Kaffenbarger under place of … The authors should consider stratifying the
studies by date. … Further, the
authors should consider that their review will be coming out
probably just ahead of or
January 01, 2015 - We will consider the 911 workforce to be the 911 telecommunicators who are fielding the
calls. … We will
also consider representatives of professional societies in infectious diseases … Using the Effective Public Health
Practice Project tool6 as a reference, we will consider focusing on … We will consider creating an evidence
map with associated data visualization techniques
July 17, 2020 - Anyone who
makes decisions concerning the provision of clinical care should consider this report in
February 01, 2014 - Anyone who makes decisions concerning
the provision of clinical care should consider this report in … We selected the
Gail/NCI approach because it can consider multiple outcomes, it offers a benefit and … It
did not consider additional characteristics such as race, blood
pressure, or cholesterol levels … Systematic reviewers can also consider a quantitative combination of benefits
and harms, such as the … One could
consider more complex approaches like the Gail/NCI approach if there are multiple outcomes