January 01, 2011 - Developing a Guide to Identifying and Remediating Unintended Consequences of Implementing Health Information Technology
1 | Developing a guiDe to iDentifying anD RemeDiating unintenDeD ConsequenCes
of implementing HealtH infoRmation teCHnology
AccelerAting chAnge And trAnsformAtion in orgAnizAtions And
January 01, 2006 - Improving the Safety of Medication Use in the Long-term Care Setting: Potential Impact of Computerized Clinical Decision Support
Improving the Safety of
Medication Use in the Long-term
Care Setting:
Potential Impact of Computerized
Clinical Decision Support
Terry Field, James Judg…
January 12, 2007 - Program
Page 27
© FCG 2006 | Slide 27 November 2006 © FCMeGe ti2ng0 F0in7a l
Key questions to consider
January 01, 2005 - Because of its size and its data
exchange capabilities, many consider INHS to be one of very few existing
October 01, 2010 - To understand what outcomes stakeholders would consider worth their
investment in HIE, some … The SRDs also suggest that HIOs consider using the standards and recommendations of the
Health IT Standards … The SRDs emphasized the need to consider a wide range and
large number of organizations as potential … There are multiple factors to
consider when establishing an HIO, including the business, market, and … Appendix B provides a list of policies to consider.
January 01, 2010 - Self Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated PHR - 2010
Project Name
Self Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated Personal Health Record
Principal Investigator
Roberts, Mark Stenius
University of P…
January 01, 2010 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Health Care Quality in Primary Care Practices and in Transitions between Care Settings - 2010
Project Name
Using Health Information Technology to Improve Health Care Quality in Primary Care Practices and in Transitions between Care Settings
January 01, 2010 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts - 2010
Project Name
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
Principal Investigator
Zhou, Li
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Funding Me…
January 01, 2010 - Automating Assessment of Obesity Care Quality - 2010
Project Name
Automating Assessment of Obesity Care Quality
Principal Investigator
Hazlehurst, Brian L.
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Funding Mechanism
PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health IT to Impr…
January 01, 2004 - Delpierre C et al. 2004 "A systematic review of computer-based patient record systems and quality of care: more randomized clinical trials or a broader approach?"
Delpierre C, Cuzin L, Fillaux J, et al. A systematic review of computer-based patient record systems and quality of care: more ra…
January 01, 1997 - Miyasaka K et al. 1997 "Interactive communication in high-technology home care: videophones for pediatric ventilatory care."
Miyasaka K, Suzuki Y, Sakai H, et al. Interactive communication in high-technology home care: videophones for pediatric ventilatory care. Pediatrics 1997;99(1):E11-E16…
November 01, 2009 - Another consideration his project may consider is
looking at medications associated with symptomatic … The second measure that
we will consider is time until a
medication is discontinued, where
discontinuation … the Integrated
Medication Manager, to facilitate
improved decisionmaking by
helping clinicians to consider
November 01, 2009 - Another consideration his project may consider is
looking at medications associated with symptomatic … The second measure that
we will consider is time until a
medication is discontinued, where
discontinuation … the Integrated
Medication Manager, to facilitate
improved decisionmaking by
helping clinicians to consider
January 22, 2006 - investment
— Develop a multi-year investment
strategy and secure a 5-year upfront
— Consider … the cost of inaction
— Consider the long-range implications
of the EHR system and associated
changes … Hundreds of vendors
make products that can be called EHRs or
EHR systems, but preferably consider only … Consider engaging the board of trustees in
vendor demonstrations or more innovative
ideas, such as … Clinicians
may consider various teamwork and
communication tools to ensure that
patient safety and
January 01, 2010 - Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex Hospitalized Patients' Care
Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex
Hospitalized Patients’ Care
Principal Investigator: Smith, Kenneth J., M.D., M.S.
Organization: University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health Infor…
January 01, 2010 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
1 | ImprovIng outpatIent medIcatIon LIsts usIng
temporaL reasonIng and cLInIcaL texts
2010 Grant Summary
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using
Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
Principal Investigator: Zhou, Li, M.D., …
January 01, 2009 - Value of Imaging-Related Information Technology
Project Title: Value of Imaging-Related Information Technology
Principal Investigator: Gazelle, G. Scott, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.…
January 01, 2010 - Automating Assessment of Obesity Care Quality
Principal Investigator: Hazlehurst, Brian L., M.A., Ph.D.
Organization: Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health IT to Improve Health Care
Quality Grant (R18)
Grant Number: R18 HS 018157
Project Period: December 2…
December 31, 2010 - Toolkit Available for Assessing the Impact of Health InformationTechnology on Workflow in Provider Offices
Toolkit Available for Assessing the Impact of Health Information
Technology on Workflow in Provider Offices
Health IT systems
can impact workflow
by changing how,
when, and from
whom a patient
January 01, 2010 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study - 2010
Project Name
The Give Teens Vaccines Study
Principal Investigator
Fiks, Alexander
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium
Contract Number
Project Period
September …