May 01, 2009 - You also need to consider the type of
medication order placed (routine versus stat
versus recurring … If you choose to do manual chart and
medication record reviews, you may have to
consider a sample of … To achieve valid,
robust results, consider planning your analysis
with the input of a trained statistician
November 14, 2014 - To begin developing a set of
evaluation objectives that assess goal attainment, consider the following … A key lesson learned is the need to consider
and communicate in advance with key stakeholders about … A key lesson learned is the need to consider
and communicate in advance with key stakeholders about … Another approach to determining the importance of measures is to consider any requirements
that your … For a quantitative study, you might consider
what comparison group you will use.
May 25, 2010 - Nhan Tran asked the members of the End-of-Life Experience breakout group to consider
what might be achieved … We might consider an electronic chip
that stays with the patient during the steps of end-of-life care
October 21, 2011 - in terms of personnel and planning costs that provider practices and health
care organizations must consider … Provider practices and health care organizations must consider
many hidden resources and staff time costs … It revealed many hidden costs
that provider practices and health care organizations must consider when
January 01, 2023 - What must I consider when I think about workflow?
January 01, 2023 - CONSIDER CURRENT SOLUTIONS by investigating new possibilites or alternative solutions to existing problems
January 01, 2023 - Does not consider context.
Is mostly limited to the HCI domain.
Is time consuming.
January 01, 2023 - With many options to consider when treating a patient with chronic pain, primary care providers would … greatly benefit from tools to facilitate decision making around appropriate treatment plans that consider
January 01, 2023 - Document Type: Journal Publication , Editorial Technology: Patient Portal
Issues and questions to consider … Issues and questions to consider in implementing secure electronic patient-provider web portal communications
February 01, 2012 - B-3
❍❍ For each “3”, consider developing a plan for moving the item’s score to a “4” or “5”
● Finally … , consider diverting some resources from items rated as “5” to items rated “3” or lower.
September 30, 2023 - During the meeting, attendees will develop research and policy agendas and consider dissemination strategies
August 26, 2014 - prescribing
Sanchez et al., BMC Health Serv Res 2014; 14 (1):290. 82
Additional Activities to Consider … • Consider hospital readmissions, outpatient visits,
and morbidity
• Include a control group and … information in med
Lehnbom et al., Ann Pharmacother 2014. 83
Additional Activities to Consider … Metrics
Survey of Providers
Example of a New Design
Planning Med Recon
Additional Activities to Consider … Additional Activities to Consider
Patient-Reported Med Histories
EHR Versus No EHR
Med Recon Can
February 01, 2015 - The Stage 3 MU language should ideally consider the evolving approaches
to this topic. … health
care organizations to
increase internal value
SGRP 204B • Menu: Eligible Professionals • Consider … One
member of the Industry Panel raised an example of a patient who may consider the physician at
their … Health care
organizations will need to consider policies on proxy access for family members and other … Consider a centralized national provider directory, potentially through a third-party vendor, with
Consider how the “CDS Five Rights” apply to improving processes related to medication use and outcomes
August 30, 2012 - The new report provides context for others to consider in responding to the AHRQ-sponsored non-regulatory
February 01, 2024 - It is these stakeholders who
will need to intentionally consider the Framework domains and subdomains … SCOPE
The Framework is designed as a tool to help users and other stakeholders intentionally consider … This systematic approach is
essential to achieve digital healthcare equity and to consider the unique … Clarify the proposed domains/subdomains
II Consider including additional domains/subdomains
III. … Panelists advised that researchers consider how health information exchange affects
health equity in
January 01, 2007 - registry population management (RPM)] application, the RPM application itself, and a list of points to consider
January 01, 2022 - In
addition, the team met regularly to consider, select, develop, test, and implement ideas to
maintain … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/factors-consider-managing-chronic-pain-pain-management-summary … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/factors-consider-managing-chronic-pain-pain-management-summary … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/factors-consider-managing-chronic-pain-pain-management-summary … In the next project year, the team will consider the options to formally engage with the
college and
July 01, 2002 - Costs: o The author argued that calculating costs of an AEHR system should consider costs of hardware
January 01, 2018 - Valdez recommends that providers and healthcare administrators consider the patient’s limitations when