January 01, 2023 - The researchers advocate that health systems consider implementing indication alerts while weighing the
January 01, 2011 - When planning for adoption, implementers should also consider incentives,
feedback loops, site-based
September 14, 2016 - Massachusetts Survey of Physicians and Computer Technology
Massachusetts Survey of Physicians and Computer Technology
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MA
This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by physicians in an ambulatory setting.
The tool includes questions to assess user's perceptions of electron…
January 02, 2025 - NCPDP Formulary and Benefits 1.0
enables the prescriber to consider this
information at the point of … Two commenters requested that we
consider contingency plans if the
industry is unable to meet the 1 … We encouraged States to
consider the impact on Federal
e-prescribing standards of laws that
could … Regular Cycle of Rulemaking
Comment: Two commenters suggested
that CMS consider creating a regular … One
commenter suggested that CMS consider
scaling the savings to be realized
through e-prescribing
April 01, 2014 - Key Findings from this project to consider as
development of PCC–ED HIE moves forward include:
• Collaboration
May 27, 2015 - Other stakeholders to consider include:
· Medical assistant
· Medical records lead
· Billing office representatives
January 01, 2020 - An Etiology for Medication Ordering Errors in CPOE Systems - Final Report
Title: An Etiology for Medication Ordering Errors in CPOE Systems
Principal Investigator: Joanna Abraham, PhD
Key Team Members: Anthony Faiola, PhD; William Gal…
April 28, 2010 - you phone screen team
– Monitor recruitment efforts
– Try more than 1 strategy at a time
– Consider … practice vs. selected physicians
Technology-oriented patients vs. not
Small incentives may help
January 01, 2010 - Schilling at The Children’s Hospital, primary care
physicians were much more likely (20 percent) to consider
January 01, 2003 - .
• Good responses are common
• Problems of sample
• Consider differences between PHR users
and non-users
January 01, 2003 - Larger spacing, larger fonts
Lesson 4: Branding and Design
• Know your limitations
• Always consider
June 01, 2006 - needs, and
Excellence in
Health Care
1000 people
800 have symptoms
327 consider
January 01, 1990 - Treatment of chronic heart failure: an expert system advisor for general practitioners
Authors: Perlini S, Piepoli M, Marti G, Rabino A, Rota P, Compagnoni F, Moroni V, Ponzini D, Pugni M, Bernardi L Journal: Acta Cardiol Publication Date: 1990 Volume: 45 Issue: 5 Pages: 365-78 HIT Description: Compu…
July 12, 2011 - opportunity for an organization to provide
you with a grant
• In the future when starting a project, consider … www.digitalhealthconference.com
• Create videos of your research project for posting on your organization’s
web site
• Consider … Approaches to Dissemination
• When publishing your research results in the following journals, consider
January 01, 2011 - system has a degree of degeneracy, with multiple codings
possible for what clinicians would reasonably consider
January 01, 2018 - Health IT-based, electronic health record reminders will be more effective at prompting
physicians to consider
June 12, 2009 - Slide 1
Includes suggested
state structure, general
guidelines considered in
Memphis, and
guidelines adopted by
Memphis leadership
• Cross Region Issue Resolution
• Decision Making
• Communication
National Technology
Advisory Panel – AHRQ
Requirement Governor’s Health Informa…
March 01, 2007 - Evaluation of nurse interaction with bar code medication administration technology in the work environment
Authors: Carayon, Wetterneck, T.B., Schoofs-Hundt, A. Journal: Journal of Patient Safety Publication Date: March 2007 Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Pages: 34-42 HIT Description: Barcoding More info... Pu…
September 01, 2022 - Going forward, MITRE invites AHRQ to consider the
following concepts:
• Communications about CEDAR … Consider the development of an easy pathway
to self-integration for external repositories that
want … Consider concurrently the installation
of a gateway or checkpoint to integration to
address any potential … Can
consider adding additional information to API
documentation to alert users there may be a
January 01, 2019 - perceived barrier to prophylaxis is clinician’s concerns
about bleeding, and the third lack of time to consider … Physicians (9%) consider increased bleeding risk as the largest barrier (19% of pharmacists and
5% of … In-person AND electronic communication
Consider use of chemical and/or mechanical
prophylaxis. … Standard order sets -- automatically
generated when corresponding order
Role clarity Consider … Checklists, EHR reminders
Consider team size to support decision maker
who may not have another