January 01, 2009 - Participants were also asked to consider the extent to which currently available tools meet
consumer … To ensure broad access to these solutions, developers will also need to consider the particular needs
January 01, 2022 - pace of enabling technologies like ChatGPT, even these mechanisms may be too slow, driving funders to consider
April 01, 2023 - To enhance the FAIR assessment of CEDAR, consider expanding
it to include an assessment of TRUST. … o Consider user interface options that allow users to sample the CEDAR data
sets through a trial app … Consider the inclusion of
broader health information resources that are also of interested to clinicians … To enhance the FAIR assessment of CEDAR, consider expanding it to
include an assessment of TRUST. … o Consider user interface options that allow users to sample the CEDAR data sets
through a trial app
January 01, 2023 - The results of the study strongly suggest that the numeracy aspect of health literacy is critical to consider
November 01, 2009 - Severe exacerbations Exacerbation of asthma (disorder) 281239006 D2-00076 Xa1hD
Action Type
Imperative: Consider
January 01, 2023 - Remote Patient Monitoring , Patient Portal , Telehealth/Telemedicine
Issues and questions to consider … Issues and questions to consider in implementing secure electronic patient-provider web portal communications
September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement:
Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
National Webinar
September 13, 2013
Moderator and Presenter
Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H.
Agency for H…
September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement:
Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
National Webinar
September 13, 2013
Moderator and Presenter
Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H.
Agency for H…
January 01, 2024 - Precision Emergency Medicine: Setting a Research Agenda
Project Final Report ( PDF , 358.63 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ.…
February 23, 2021 - Consider results listed in each line individually.
February 24, 2015 - .
► Consider hybrid (semi-automated) solutions until
information partners’ capabilities and HIE
infrastructure … • Consider centralized national provider
directory. … visual cues to mitigate alert fatigue for the
presentation of critical information within the EHR.
► Consider
January 01, 2011 - In developing the list of proposed data elements, the project team had to consider data availability
January 01, 2011 - complexities of nursing workflow, sociotechnical context issues that influence adoption, and factors to consider
April 18, 2005 - If so, consider a primary question and secondary question to narrow the list of primary vs. secondary … practices wards)
Contamination across randomization units
If risk of contamination is significant, consider … the non-technical pieces as well, e.g. process re-engineering (a big driver in PACS implementations)
January 01, 2023 - Colorado Associated Community Health Information Exchange (CACHIE)
Project Final Report ( PDF , 644.33 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the v…
June 03, 2010 - Controlled natural language
Offers verb choices based on action-type
Traps and disallows use of “consider
May 14, 2013 - no different than a tongue depressor or an otoscope
Identifying healthcare problems allows one to consider
January 01, 2011 - $1,196,703
Summary: Depression is the most common mental health cause for disability, and treatment should
January 01, 2023 - Providers also voiced concern about the length of the SCARED tool, but said it was a useful reminder to consider
January 01, 2023 - Usability
When implementing electronic health records (EHRs), healthcare systems have failed to consider