December 01, 2009 - methodology made during the meeting, and the identification of a preliminary group of measures to further consider … Importance was added as a third domain to consider when evaluating potential measures in addition to … or outside of the Medicaid and CHIP programs) should be used to identify a larger set of measures to consider … By mid-September 2009, the SNAC had 121 measures to consider during a second modified Delphi process. … core set of measures near the SNAC's target number of 25, the initial plan was to only discuss and consider
September 01, 2022 - Consider taking minutes and distributing them after the meeting to remind everyone present (and those
September 01, 2022 - Consider taking minutes and distributing them after the meeting to remind everyone present (and those
June 01, 2021 - If the poster is being displayed in a general area of the facility, consider having executive leadership
July 01, 2018 - If comprehensive measurement is of chief interest, consider the Family-Centered Care Self-Assessment … If consistency with the pediatric patient/family perspective measure is desirable, consider the Primary … Recommendations for Final Measure Set:
If validity or reliability is of chief interest, consider the … If feasibility is of chief interest, consider the Medical Home Index (MHI) , which is limited to 25 … Recommendations for Final Measure Set:
If focus on care coordination is of chief interest: consider
August 01, 2018 - Consider including appropriateness determination: Some literature suggests that use of bundled payments … To address this possibility, consider use of appropriateness criteria and/or encourage provider use of … Find mutually acceptable methods for managing risk: Consider use of alternative strategies for reducing
April 01, 2018 - strengths and limitations of the current study and discuss some recommendations and next steps for AHRQ to consider … The value of ST-PRA lies in the capacity to consider both individual contributors of risk, as well as … AHRQ should consider the following suggestions for next steps to continue this work, including developing
March 01, 2014 - Consider including team process, team outcome, and clinical outcome aims.
… Consider Kirkpatrick's taxonomy when selecting measures.
Who is responsible? … What are the logistics to consider?
December 01, 2017 - Once your team has a few wins, consider participating in surgical conferences. … If your team has lost momentum, consider revisiting your meeting schedule. … Say:
Next, consider the defects that your team has addressed in the last 6 months.
June 01, 2023 - · If your ISCR team has implemented process and you have data to share, consider sharing some of the … ISCR at [Hospital Name] Results
If your ISCR team has implemented process and you have data to share, consider
June 28, 2023 - Consider content of recap video and small group discussion key takeaways during
June 28, 2023 - Consider content of recap video and small group discussion key takeaways during
June 01, 2021 - • Midstream clean catch is preferred method
o Always clean urethral meatus prior to collection
o Consider
September 08, 2015 - Consider the audiences for these products and activities, such as
pediatricians and family physicians … However, you also may
consider making another organization your institutional home, as doing
so can … – Consider diversifying your funding sources early on. … • To whom are you accountable, and what outcomes would they consider
a success? … • Consider developing a marketing communications plan for the group’s
April 01, 2022 - AHRQ Safety Program for ICUs: Preventing CLABSI and CAUTI
IUC Alternatives ׀ 3
Consider … Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) team or equivalent to help communicate expectations
July 01, 2023 - Consider any existing facility policies or processes related to obstetric hemorrhage. … Consider using standing orders, preprinted checklists or algorithms, and staff simulation training to … Consider using CUSP strategies to gain consensus on a standard approach that yields the most standardization … Some consider early cord clamping to also be part of active management, but available evidence does not … Thus, providers and women may consider using if these outcomes are considered important. 12
The evidence
September 01, 2022 - If a child is not improving after 48–72 hours of amoxicillin, consider switching to oral amoxicillin-clavulanate
July 28, 2016 - Consider
starting with 5
interviews; many
teams later review
ALL readmissions
when the patient is … Days between Discharge and Readmission (adult, non‐OB)
100% of discharge.
90% Consider: Does your … Are there any high risk diagnoses to consider? … Consider whether anything is missing.
3. … Consider who the primary audience is and what the desired use of the document is.
Step 2.
January 07, 2022 - Consider laminating the job aid. … PF: "What will you consider when you’re making your decision?
June 01, 2021 - When this happens, consider using DESC to help resolve conflicts with residents and families.