November 01, 2023 - In addition, unhealthy alcohol use has detrimental socioeconomic consequences, with an estimated annual
June 01, 2023 - Think, Act Review) can be used to elicit and share important information about activities and their consequences
June 01, 2023 - mnemonic tool that is used extensively to help elicit and share key information about activities and their consequences
January 20, 2006 - Sell the need for change … describe the consequences of not changing
Immerse people in information about
July 01, 2021 - The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the grave consequences of underinvestment in primary care
July 01, 2023 - of the problem, strength of evidence for effectiveness, evidence on potential for harmful unintended consequences
July 01, 2023 - CUS
CUS is an acronym for three assertive statements:
DESC (Describe, Express, Suggest, Consequences
September 01, 2015 - TeamSTEPPS has evolved from research in these high-risk fields, where the consequences of error are great … health care field, a high-risk, high-stakes environment in which poor performance can lead to serious consequences
September 01, 2020 - encounters over a 7-month period showed that most medical interpretation errors have potential clinical consequences … Those committed by ad hoc interpreters are significantly more likely to have potential clinical consequences … Miscommunication at any of these stages can have serious, if not fatal, consequences.
April 01, 2015 - • It is important to monitor both the intended and unintended consequences of practice redesign.
March 01, 2010 - TeamSTEPPS has evolved from research in these high-risk fields, where the consequences of error are great … healthcare field-- a high-risk, high-stakes environment in which poor performance can lead to serious consequences
April 01, 2021 - alcohol misuse from risky or hazardous drinking to alcohol use disorder, is associated with adverse consequences
August 01, 2022 - Too many Americans have experienced the health-related consequences and anxieties that follow a diagnostic
June 01, 2022 - Pandemics can have long and wide-ranging consequences, as we now see in patients with long COVID.
March 01, 2023 - The result can be missed opportunities that jeopardize care, sometimes with tragic consequences.
January 01, 2018 - Spotlight on Georgia -- National Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
This brief highlights the major strategies, lessons learned,
and outcomes from Georgia’s experience from February
2010 to February 2016 with the quality demonstration
funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
January 01, 2010 - Overweight in
children and adolescents:
consequences, prevention,
and treatment.
June 01, 2023 - For example, in a healthcare environment, one team member's work overload may have fatal consequences
February 01, 2021 - Diagnostic errors are frequent and often have severe consequences but have received little attention
November 01, 2018 - Sadly, not everyone is doing a great job, and there are potentially serious consequences when people