January 01, 2014 - for some of my patients
O This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients
O This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients
O This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients
O This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients
O This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients
January 01, 2014 - for some of my patients........................... 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences … for some of my patients........................... 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences … for some of my patients........................... 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences … for some of my patients........................... 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences … for some of my patients........................... 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences
January 01, 2014 - for some of my patients ...…. 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients ...…. 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients ...…. 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients ...…. 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients … for some of my patients ...…. 4
This new guideline will have negative consequences for all of my patients
August 01, 2017 - a potential ADE could result from each medication discrepancy and subsequently rated the potential consequences … , abnormal laboratory data or vital signs in 47 percent of the cases, and no subsequent health care consequences … No likely subsequent health consequences were evaluated for 23 (4 percent) potential ADEs. … Study Identified Potential Health Consequences of Potential Adverse Drug Events by Rated Severity
Potential … Health Consequence Category
Number (%) * of Potential Health Consequences Identified by Rated Severity
January 01, 2019 - does not enumerate the most frequently reported problems or the ones
associated with the most severe consequences—although … Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Records
https://www.healthit.gov/unintended-consequences … /
The Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Records is an online
resource … https://www.healthit.gov/unintended-consequences/#sidebar
https://www.healthit.gov/topic/health-it-resources … Solutions for Making EHRs Usable
Five Ways To Make Your EMR More User-Friendly
Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences
May 17, 2021 - Balancing Measures check for negative
consequences of the change. … These answer the
question: "Are there any negative consequences as
a result of the change?"
May 01, 2017 - Latent conditions result from the delayed consequences of technical and organizational actions and decisions … addition to CUSP tools, Sensemaking tools such as root cause analysis will help providers understand the consequences … The consequent event is described in terms of the event’s consequences:
Harm that did happen
Harm that
May 01, 2017 - Latent conditions result from the delayed
consequences of technical and organizational
actions and … addition to CUSP tools, Sensemaking tools
such as root cause analysis will help providers
understand the consequences … The consequent event is described in terms of
the event’s consequences:
• Harm that did happen
January 01, 2014 - of my
Will have
no impact
for my
Will have
consequences … for some of my
Will have
for all of my
27. … of my
Will have
no impact
for my
Will have
consequences … for some of my
Will have
for all of my
July 01, 2023 - Latent conditions result from the delayed consequences of technical and organizational actions and decisions … addition to CUSP tools, Sensemaking tools such as root cause analysis will help providers understand the consequences … The consequent event is described in terms of the event's consequences:
Harm that did happen.
February 16, 2011 - research (2)
focuses on areas emphasized by the health reform law
studies both intended and unintended consequences … methods on quality, costs, and the demography of the delivery system
how can undesirable unintended consequences
December 01, 2017 - Falls often have serious consequences, especially in frail older residents. … Adverse consequences of falls for residents are listed in Figure 1 .
Figure 1. … Adverse consequences of falls for residents
Reduced quality of life. … Potential consequences for facilities are listed in Figure 2 .
Figure 2. … Adverse consequences of falls for nursing facilities
Increased paperwork for staff.
May 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of
inappropriate prescribing practices are serious and have become a major
March 01, 2024 - other studies suggest that 10 percent or more of the U.S. population may experience the post-infection consequences … These lingering consequences impact people of all ages and backgrounds, and today, it is one of the Nation
March 01, 2024 - people will experience at least one diagnostic error in their lifetime, sometimes with devastating consequences … have published essential insights into areas such as diagnostic error detection, the frequency and consequences
June 01, 2019 - Many decisions you make and actions you take early in your reporting project have significant consequences
December 01, 2017 - and Assessment of Harm
Believe that failure to follow guidelines may cause harm
Built in alerts
Consequences … Urinary Catheters
Seat Belt
Believe in it
Built in safety alerts
Consequences … Built in safety alerts
March 01, 2013 - Some patient safety practices
(PSPs) have resulted in unintended consequences, whereas
others have … Accordingly, this report emphasizes matters
of context and generalizability, as well as unintended
consequences … Evidence on potential for harmful unintended
consequences. … Strength of
Evidence for
of the PSPs
or Potential
for Harmful
Consequences … Evidence or potential for harmful unintended consequences: negligible, low, moderate, or high.
December 01, 2017 - Studies both intended and unintended consequences. … How can undesirable unintended consequences of external incentive programs be minimized?
December 29, 2022 - Interruptions in diagnostic decision-making are no excep-
tion and can have negative consequences on … interrupted.3 Interruptions
during diagnostic decision-making are also inevitable and
can have negative consequences … � Would no interruption zones for clinicians
cause negative, unintended consequences? … is interrupted while administering
medication and where an incorrect dose could have devastat-
ing consequences … Unintended consequences of EHR systems:
a narrative review.