October 24, 2018 - Although health information technology was implemented to improve safety, it has resulted in unintended
consequences … A PSNet interview discussed potential consequences of the digitization of health care.
February 18, 2011 - computerized-provider-order-entry-adoption-implications-clinical-workflow
Prior studies have demonstrated unintended consequences … computerized-provider-order-entry-adoption-implications-clinical-workflow
November 09, 2016 - news article reports how installation of sinks to enable more frequent handwashing has
had unintended consequences … physical-environment-often-unconsidered-patient-safety-tool
January 17, 2018 - psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/what-computer-needs-physician-humanism-and-artificial-intelligence
The unintended consequences … what-computer-needs-physician-humanism-and-artificial-intelligence
January 19, 2011 - Equipment-related incidents in the operating room: an
analysis of occurrence, underlying causes and
consequences … Equipment-related incidents in the operating room: an
analysis of occurrence, underlying causes and consequences
August 16, 2017 - approaches for improving the early recognition and management of sepsis and highlights the
unintended consequences … sepsis-early-recognition-and-response-initiative-serri
September 20, 2023 - The unintended clinical consequences of abortion restrictions are beginning to emerge. … February 22, 2023
Abortion bans have consequences for wanted pregnancies, too.
July 02, 2019 - of health information technology has improved safety, it has also been
associated with unintended consequences … digital-doctor-hope-hype-and-harm-dawn-medicines-computer-age
September 07, 2019 - CPOE has benefited clinicians and patients, but it also vividly illustrates the risks and unintended consequences … A great deal of research has characterized the types of unintended consequences and disruptions to … Unintended consequences of CPOE Various unintended consequences of CPOE implementation have been characterized … Types of Unintended Consequences of Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems More or new work for clinicians … Types of unintended consequences related to computerized provider order entry.
June 13, 2011 - evaluating-medication-process-context-cpoe-use-significance-working-around-
This qualitative study identified workarounds and unintended consequences … evaluating-medication-process-context-cpoe-use-significance-working-around-system
October 06, 2011 - due to
misregistration of CT attenuation and emission PET
images: a definitive analysis of causes, consequences … due to misregistration of CT
attenuation and emission PET images: a definitive analysis of causes, consequences
June 21, 2017 - Day passes for vulnerable patients of psychiatric
hospitals can have dangerous, even fatal consequences … This news article reports on unintended
consequences associated with a strategy to help patients adapt
November 15, 2023 - Auditory warnings to flag patients at risk for sepsis can have unintended consequences, such as alert … September 1, 2016
A clinical case of electronic health record drug alert fatigue: consequences
June 11, 2008 - Study
Testing process errors and their harms and consequences reported from family … Testing process errors and their harms and consequences reported from family medicine practices: a study … Testing process errors and their harms and consequences reported from family medicine practices: a study
December 04, 2016 - Study
Errors in palliative care: kinds, causes, and consequences: a pilot survey … Errors in palliative care: kinds, causes, and consequences: a pilot survey of experiences and attitudes … Errors in palliative care: kinds, causes, and consequences: a pilot survey of experiences and attitudes
April 21, 2015 - Study
How not to waste a crisis: a qualitative study of problem definition and its consequences … How not to waste a crisis: a qualitative study of problem definition and its consequences in three hospitals … How not to waste a crisis: a qualitative study of problem definition and its consequences in three hospitals
July 30, 2014 - This newspaper article examines some of the unintended consequences of implementing electronic
systems … achieving-meaningful-use-health-information-technology-guide-physicians-ehr-incentive
November 14, 2007 - outpatient surgery preoperative
process: facilitators and obstacles to information flow
and their consequences … outpatient surgery preoperative process:
facilitators and obstacles to information flow and their consequences
March 14, 2018 - https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/our-other-prescription-drug-problem
Unintended consequences can emerge … psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/our-other-prescription-drug-problem
April 03, 2019 - Patients, clinicians , and organizations can experience negative consequences after medical errors. … December 18, 2017
The consequences of whistle-blowing: an integrative review.