January 01, 2018 - identify inappropriate medication
use, which is a major patient safety concern and has significant consequences
March 01, 1998 - Chartbook #1: Children's Health 1996: Health Insurance, Access to Care, and Health Status
Margaret E.Weigers, Ph.D.
Robin M.Weinick, Ph.D.
Joel W. Cohen, Ph.D.
Health Insurance Access to Care Health Status
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
May 01, 2005 - ordinary
childhood conditions, such as sore throats, ear infections, and
asthma, which have severe consequences
January 01, 2000 - Statistical Brief #15: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Small Employers in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
Statistical Brief #15
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Small Employers
in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
by John Sommers, PHD
October 01, 2007 - Working Paper #7001: A Methodological Comparison of Ambulatory Health Care Data Collected in Two National Surveys
A Methodological Comparison of Ambulatory Health Care Data Collected in Two National Surveys
Steven R. Machlin and Marc W. Zodet
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Working Paper No. 07001
August 01, 2009 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #256:
Trends in Health Care Expenditures for the Elderly Age 65 and over: 2006 versus 1996
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
August 01, 2009 - Statistical Brief #256: Trends in Health Care Expenditures for the Elderly Age 65 and over: 2006 versus 1996
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality
August 2009
Trends in Health Care Expenditures
for the Elderly Age 65 a…
August 01, 2009 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #256:
Trends in Health Care Expenditures for the Elderly Age 65 and over: 2006 versus 1996
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
May 01, 2005 - ordinary childhood conditions, such as sore throats, ear infections, and asthma, which have severe consequences
May 01, 2005 - ordinary childhood conditions, such as sore throats, ear infections, and asthma, which have severe consequences
May 01, 2005 - ordinary childhood conditions, such as sore throats, ear infections, and asthma, which have severe consequences
October 01, 2010 - 2
An Estimation Methodology to Permit Longitudinal Cohort Analyses Based on the
National Health Interview Survey and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Steven B. Cohen
In addition to serving as the sampling frame for AHRQ’s Medical Expenditure Panel
Survey (MEPS), the surve…
October 01, 2010 - Working Paper# 11002: An Estimation Methodology to Permit Longitudinal Cohort Analyses Based on the National Health Interview Survey and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
An Estimation Methodology to Permit Longitudinal Cohort Analyses Based on the National Health
Interview Survey and Medical Expenditure Panel Surv…
October 01, 2004 - Examination of Skewed Health Expenditure Data from the Medical Expenditure Panel
Survey (MEPS)
William W. Yu and Steve Machlin
October 2004
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC) is designed
to provide nationally representative annual estimates of health care use, ex…
October 01, 2004 - Working Paper #4002: Examination of Skewed Health Expenditure Data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys (MEPS)
Examination of Skewed Health Expenditure Data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
William W. Yu and Steven Machlin
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Working Paper No. 04002
March 01, 2008 - Working Paper #8004: Validating the Collection of Separately Billed Doctor Expenditures for Hospital Services: Results from the Medicare-MEPS Validation Study
Validating the Collection of Separately Billed Doctor Expenditures for Hospital Services: Results
from the Medicare-MEPS Validation Study
Samuel Zuvekas an…
January 01, 2003 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #16:
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Large Employers in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
January 01, 2000 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #15
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Small Employers in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
by John Sommers, PhD
Briefly Stated
In 2000, 67.8 percent of employees of small private sector employers worked where health insurance was offered.
In 20…
January 01, 2000 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #16
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Large Employers in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
by John Sommers, PHD
Briefly Stated
In 2000, 64.6 percent of private sector employees enrolled in health insurance plans that were offered by their large empl…
January 01, 2003 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #16:
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance for Large Employers in the Private Sector, by Industry Classification: 2000
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An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services