
Total Results: 769 records

Showing results for "consequences".

    January 01, 2024 - Studies did not collect information on harms, adverse events, or unintended consequences of TIC. … Studies did not report harms, adverse events, or unintended consequences of TIC. … Physical Health Consequences of Interpersonal Trauma: A Systematic Review of the Role of Psychological … No organizational outcomes, adverse events, or unintended consequences were collected for the study. … No organizational outcomes, adverse events, or unintended consequences were collected.
    June 01, 2012 - Potential adverse consequences of testing. … What are possible adverse consequences of testing? … Outcome Adverse Events of Test Procedure Adverse Events of Treatment/ Other Tests Other patient consequences … Represent potential outcome consequences of altered clinical decisions due to test results. … To understand potential adverse consequences of testing. All of the above.
    June 01, 2012 - Potential adverse consequences of testing. … What are possible adverse consequences of testing? … Outcome Adverse Events of Test Procedure Adverse Events of Treatment/ Other Tests Other patient consequences … Represent potential outcome consequences of altered clinical decisions due to test results. … To understand potential adverse consequences of testing. All of the above.
    April 01, 2011 - for both recovering from the depression itself and adapting to the physical, social, and emotional consequences … The need for systematic evaluation of the prevalence and consequences of depression following TBI is … .8 Because TBI is common, serious, and has high personal and economic costs, understanding potential consequences … Neuropsychiatric consequences of traumatic brain injury: a comparison between two age groups. … Study of psychiatric consequences of closed head injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
    July 10, 2012 - Problem use is use with consequences that do not meet criteria for a disorder (you might also add that … We would prefer to describe people who drink risky amounts and have had consequences, as just that- … --risky drinkers who have had consequences. … There is a very detailed listing of all sorts of health consequences in the analysis in that paper. … It has real consequences for patients and the public because the term is used to mean different things
    May 18, 2011 - that is, false-positive or false-negative results Negative psychological, ethical, legal, or social consequences … ., false-positive or false-negative results), and negative psychological, ethical, legal, or social consequences … Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and the Consequences to the Public (congressional testimony).
    May 18, 2011 - is, false-positive or false–negative results 2) Negative psychological, ethical, legal, or social consequences … false-positive or false–negative results), and negative psychological, ethical, legal, or social consequences … Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and the Consequences to the Public (congressional testimony).
    February 01, 2012 - • What are long-term consequences of HSCT, such as overall survival; functional measures; quality … • What are long-term consequences of HSCT (overall survival, functional measures, quality of life, and … The gaps are: • Long-term consequences of HSCT, measured by overall survival, functional measures, … Each score may only be used once. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Long term consequences of HSCT, measured by overall … Long term consequences of HSCT, measured by overall survival, functional measures, quality of life,
    May 13, 2014 - What are the consequences to the meta-analysis if researchers have not appropriately presented their … Long-term outcomes involves medical consequences, events that may take years of chronic drinking before … The outcomes in clinical trials involved primarily short-term consequences. … Several epidemiologicql studies have correlated chronic drinking levels with various medical consequences … A new publication will be coming out soon correlating reduction of heavy drinking versus consequences
    July 01, 2016 - regarding the comparative accuracy (the balance of sensitivity and specificity) and possible adverse consequences … because of symptoms. �� Evidence was also insufficient to determine the impact of indirect adverse consequences
    January 01, 2013 - of patients treated), health (e.g., decreased infection rate), or other outcomes (e.g., unintended consequences
  12. Kravitz_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - . • Awareness of emotions can mitigate destructive consequences.
    November 23, 2010 - Research is needed to explore the unintended consequences of involuntary treatment.
    January 17, 2012 - Current Page Topic Timeline Oct. 28, 2011 Topic Initiated Jan. 17, 2012 Research Protocol Apr. 22, 2013 Systematic Review Aug. 9, 2013 Disposition of Comments Report Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People With Serious Mental Illness: A Comparative Effectiveness Review Research Protocol Archive…
    April 18, 2012 - Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol 1 Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People With Serious Mental Illness: A Comparative Effectiveness Review Amendment Date(s): Amendment 1 – January 20, 20…
    June 01, 2012 - Assess probability of desirable/undesirable consequences. … immediate or future response to treatment, or to assess the probability of desirable or undesirable consequencesConsequences result from the less direct relationship between medical tests and patient outcomes. … There are consequences that result from this less direct relationship between medical tests and patient
    June 01, 2012 - Assess probability of desirable/undesirable consequences. … immediate or future response to treatment, or to assess the probability of desirable or undesirable consequencesConsequences result from the less direct relationship between medical tests and patient outcomes. … There are consequences that result from this less direct relationship between medical tests and patient
    February 15, 2017 - Have telehealth consultations resulted in harms, adverse events, or negative unintended consequences … between in-person and telehealth consultations • Key Question 3: Adverse effects or unintended consequences … see Key Question 1), intermediate outcomes (see Key Question 2), and adverse effects or unintended consequences … Adverse effects or unintended consequences, such as loss of privacy, breech of data security, misdiagnosis
    July 01, 2012 - • Include a systematic approach to the study of harms/ unintended consequences. … Rigorous studies that focus on perverse incentives and unintended consequences are needed.
    July 01, 2023 - prescribing and clinical outcomes (e.g., opioid dosage, opioid prescriptions, and overdose), and unintended consequences … on emergency department use and hospitalizations for adverse events) o Overdose rates o Adverse consequences

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