March 01, 2011 - /risks of testing: radiation exposure,
psychological consequences, consequences of
additional testing … What are the adverse effects, consequences, or harms
of testing?
c. … of testing (e.g., radiation exposure,
psychological consequences of diagnosis, incidental
findings … The costs and consequences
depend to some extent on the role a test plays in the
diagnostic workup … Adverse events and consequences of testing are
poorly reported.
October 01, 2012 - significant disability to reach much older ages, and thus
age with a disability.10 While specific consequences … health
conditions.19 The initial motivation for the framework was
to provide a way to classify the consequences … Unintended Consequences of Measurement
How we measure outcomes for research or quality
improvement … can have unintended consequences for people
with disabilities. … Person
Structure AbilitiesFunction Consequences Environment/Personal
July 26, 2016 - regarding the comparative accuracy (the balance of sensitivity and specificity) and possible adverse consequences … Evidence was also insufficient to determine the impact of indirect adverse consequences of diagnostic
December 19, 2018 - 2016 CDC guideline, the availability of new evidence, and
concerns regarding potential unintended consequences … The Unintended Consequences of the CDC Opioid Guideline According to Pain
Management Specialists. … https://www.clinicalpainadvisor.com/opioid-addiction/cdc-guideline-for-opioid-prescribing-
unintended-consequences … https://www.clinicalpainadvisor.com/opioid-addiction/cdc-guideline-for-opioid-prescribing-unintended-consequences … https://www.clinicalpainadvisor.com/opioid-addiction/cdc-guideline-for-opioid-prescribing-unintended-consequences
May 01, 2012 - We review case studies
where investigators have explored the consequences of designing a cohort study … effectiveness.33 Another
advantage of the incident user design is that it can capture the clinical consequences
January 15, 2015 - Also, the statement about “questionable validity because of
unintended consequences of poor implementation … Suicide
death is obviously an important outcome with tragic
consequences for patients, families and … Such a shift in payment systems also has the potential for
negative unintended consequences on care … KI Reviewer #5 Next Steps More discussion on the unintended consequences of
performance measures, especially … This point about unintended consequences is
May 15, 2012 - We review case studies where investigators have explored the consequences of designing a cohort study … effectiveness. 33 Another advantage of the incident user design is that it can capture the clinical consequences
March 07, 2013 - -Medication side effects -Unintended consequences/harms potentially associated with psychosocial, behavioral
January 01, 2011 - benefit, or suggests potential harm,
patient continue to choose palliative chemotherapy
• Consequences
January 01, 2013 - Consequences of Comparator Choice (1 of 2)
Consequences of Comparator Choice (1 of 2)
Confounding … different treatment modalities are used
Assess separately for exposure versus comparison groups
Consequences … of Comparator Choice (2 of 2)
Consequences of Comparator Choice (2 of 2)
In the context of selecting
March 11, 2010 - anti-thyroid antibodies.2 1-2% of individuals with a TSH <0.1 mIU/L
develop overt hyperthyroidism.2
Consequences … association with increased miscarriage and
neuropsychological complications in offspring, the adverse consequences … What are the consequences of untreated subclinical thyroid disease, in particular related
to cardiovascular
March 05, 2015 - reported an
assessment of the consumer-centeredness of the reports, and the intended and
unintended consequences … Reviewer #3 Summary
Page 28, Box 8: consider mentioning the unintended consequences … The key question was to identify intended and unintended consequences of
consumers’ use of publicly … I wondered if the literature review synthesis on intended and unintended
consequences would better fit … research (which could include the point that there
is a scarcity of literature on intended and unintended consequences
January 27, 2016 - shifted emphasis
to the evidence of a
reduction in overall
antibiotic use with little
or no adverse
consequences … Lastly, I thought the phrase
“no important consequences” on line 54 page
v was unclear. … Yes, by ‘no important
consequences’ we meant no
evidence of adverse events
and have rephrased this … evidence of improving
outcomes) and not causing
harm (adverse
consequences … outcomes) and not causing
harm (adverse
consequences), the
inconsistency the reviewer
points out
February 16, 2017 - KQ 3: Have telehealth consultations resulted in harms, adverse events, or negative unintended consequences … agreement between in-person and telehealth consultations
Key Question 3: Adverse effects or unintended consequences … (see Key Question 1), intermediate outcomes (see Key Question 2), and adverse effects or unintended consequences … Adverse effects or unintended consequences, such as loss of privacy, breech of data security, misdiagnosis
December 06, 2011 - What is deliberation
Convening of “mini publics” (Fishkin 2009) …
…“to weigh carefully the consequences … Provides opportunity to weigh the “principles and values involved as well as the
circumstances and consequences … weighing of the sides of an issue, considering the various principles and values
involved along with the consequences … provide insight into how people feel about the issue when
they consider everyone and the possible consequences
December 06, 2011 - What is deliberation
Convening of “mini publics” (Fishkin 2009) …
…“to weigh carefully the consequences … Provides opportunity to weigh the “principles and values involved as well as the
circumstances and consequences … weighing of the sides of an issue, considering the various principles and values
involved along with the consequences … provide insight into how people feel about the issue when
they consider everyone and the possible consequences
July 19, 2009 - the population diagnosed with type 1 diabetes may spend more money in the future due to long-range consequences
June 15, 2012 - that doing so would increase Medicare expenditures to an extent not completely offset by longer term consequences
May 01, 2011 - rehabilitation contributes to avoiding
complications (e.g., mental status changes, cardiopulmonary
January 01, 2010 - Decisions made at the time of quality assessment may have significant consequences for the review, depending … individual studies with a statement of:
Flaws in the design or execution of a study
The potential consequences