January 13, 2014 - reporting costs on healthcare decisions is not known, and
there is some possibility of unintended consequences … What are the intended and unintended consequences of consumers’ use of
public-reported cost data? … What are the potential unintended consequences of public reporting of cost
d. … 3: What are the intended and unintended consequences emerging about consumers’
use of publicly reported … Identifying intended and unintended consequences
7. Methods for data abstraction and synthesis
March 29, 2013 - surveillance; (3) interventions for illnesses secondary to cancer and their treatment (including physical consequences … Length of followup
Cost and resource utilization
Outcomes measured
Adverse events and unintended consequences … Outcomes attributable to the cancer treatment (except for adverse events and other long-term consequences … a second [primary] cancer; assessment of medical and psychosocial late effects
Intervention for consequences … of cancer and its treatment, for example: physical consequences such as medical problems or symptoms
July 01, 2012 - Is implementation of comprehensive PCMH
associated with unintended consequences
(e.g., decrease in … Unintended consequences or other harms
KQ 2: PCMH components as listed in the Interventions
section … on unintended consequences or other harms are uncertain. … Other gaps in evidence include the absence of
data on staff retention and unintended consequences. … The
potential for unanticipated consequences has not received
much attention in the literature and
January 01, 2009 - resources, length of stay, or satisfaction, or they
concentrate on the results of testing, ignoring the consequences … will
influence their emotional, social, and behavioral response to it, which may have downstream
consequences … Patient cognitions include perceptions about the risk of disease, as well as its severity,
cause, consequences … unhelpful illness belief
structures and negative behavior patterns, as well as lead to unintended consequences … screening and diagnosis of
congenital toxoplasmosis: a review of
safety issues and psychological
January 01, 2009 - resources, length of stay, or satisfaction, or they
concentrate on the results of testing, ignoring the consequences … will
influence their emotional, social, and behavioral response to it, which may have downstream
consequences … Patient cognitions include perceptions about the risk of disease, as well as its severity,
cause, consequences … unhelpful illness belief
structures and negative behavior patterns, as well as lead to unintended consequences … screening and diagnosis of
congenital toxoplasmosis: a review of
safety issues and psychological
January 01, 2011 - Forum Community Forum
Convening of “mini publics” (Fishkin 2009) …
…“to weigh carefully the consequences … Provides opportunity to weigh the “principles and values
involved as well as the circumstances and consequences
June 01, 2011 - Risk-based follow-up care, which focuses services on patients at elevated risk of negative health consequences … recurrence, or second cancers; assessment of medical and psychosocial late effects;
Intervention for consequences
October 01, 2021 - Understanding downstream
consequences of malnutrition screening is extremely important as US hospitals … Understanding downstream consequences of
malnutrition screening, including subsequent diagnostic assessment
January 01, 2022 - Institute of Medicine Committee for the Study of Health Consequences of the Stress of
Bereavement. … Bereavement:
Reactions, Consequences, and Care.
October 01, 2021 - Understanding downstream
consequences of malnutrition screening is extremely important as US hospitals … Understanding downstream consequences of
malnutrition screening, including subsequent diagnostic assessment
March 27, 2013 - surveillance; (3) interventions for illnesses secondary to cancer and
their treatment (including physical consequences … detection, surveillance, or treatment services.6 This fragmentation of care may have
significant adverse consequences … • Adverse events and unintended consequences … • Outcomes attributable to the cancer
treatment (except for adverse
events and other long-term
consequences … of cancer and its treatment, for example: physical
consequences such as medical problems or symptoms
January 01, 2023 - & severity]
rationale for PSP
evidence on whether PSP can improve outcomes
potential for unintended consequences … opioids…” through “maximizing clinical benefits for patients and the wider society and minimizing adverse consequences … settings
Opioid Stewardship Outcomes
Healthcare utilization
Overdose rates
Adverse consequences … prescribing without harming clinical outcomes
Interventions to reduce opioid use should monitor unintended consequences … hospitalizations/readmissions, ED visits, and exacerbations of health conditions in addition to other consequences
March 01, 2018 - of the psychotropic medications, clinical management must incorporate an appraisal of the clinical consequences
January 01, 2011 - What are the natural history and consequences of urinary retention?
January 01, 2013 - quality
Topic = Outcome
Patient-centered outcomes
Unintended consequences … An understanding of the benefits and harms, as well as unintended consequences and
potential contextual … The extent of unanticipated consequences of implementation is not known. … Potential unintended consequences of bundled payment programs remain unexplored. … Unintended consequences should be assessed.
November 01, 2010 - comparative effectiveness of HSCT and conventional chemotherapy regarding overall
survival, long-term consequences … substrate
reduction with iminosugars, and chaperones regarding overall survival, cure, long-term
consequences … stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
C: Conventional chemotherapy
O: Overall survival (OS); long-term consequences … )
(KQ 1)
(KQ 2)
(KQ 1)
Final health outcomes
Overall survival
Long term
consequences … KQ 6)
(KQ 5)
Final health outcomes
Overall survival
Long term
December 01, 2022 - diagnostic errors are preventable and
attempting to prevent some errors may lead to undesirable, unintended consequences … needed on the
burden of diagnostic errors and harms related to diseases with less immediate and severe
consequences … This should also include study of
potential unintended consequences of solutions designed to
October 05, 2012 - Outcomes of high interest for future research are the consequences of reduction in antibiotic use for
August 31, 2016 - They often overreact to situations in extreme ways and do not think about consequences. … to do something
Make sure your instructions are clear and right for your child's age
Explain the consequences … The therapist can help you learn how to:
Be more involved with your teen
Set clear rules and consequences
August 01, 2016 - They often
overreact to situations in extreme ways and do not think about
consequences. … do something
� Make sure your instructions are clear and right for your child’s age
� Explain the consequences … The therapist can help you learn how to:
� Be more involved with your teen
� Set clear rules and consequences