May 09, 2019 - Poorly controlled postoperative pain: prevalence, consequences, and
February 23, 2012 - Harms, such as negative unintended consequences,
misallocation of effort, and decreased patient satisfaction9 … The unintended consequences of qua
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online … The unintended consequences of measuring quality on the quality of medical care.
August 18, 2011 - not use their medications as recommended by health care providers. 3,5,8-10 Although the specific consequences … Question 5
What unintended consequences are associated with interventions to improve medication adherence … proposed by de Bruin and colleagues47): Knowledge-based (general information about behavior-related health consequences … These interventions may have unanticipated consequences (KQ 5).
June 10, 2013 - Potential harms or unintended consequences of
interventions do not appear to have been widely considered … worse mental and physical health outcomes in caregivers.36-41 In addition, there
may be unintended consequences … day readmission rates, a review is
needed that focuses specifically on the efficacy and unintended consequences … the Technical Expert Panel (TEP) was important in helping to frame
potential “harms” or unintended consequences
January 27, 2012 - recommended daily, weekly, or per-occasion amounts.b Consumption
levels that increase the risk for health consequences … interpersonal problems
caused or exacerbated by the effects of alcohol (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences … Insufficient
ACA = acamprosate; CI = confidence interval; DD = drinking day; DrInC = Drinker Inventory of Consequences … than those receiving placebo
at 24 weeks (8.2 vs. 6.2; p=0.044).47 One study measured alcohol-related consequences … These could
include large prospective studies to evaluate harm and health
consequences with various
September 19, 2023 - adverse events related to clinical
deterioration such as unanticipated ICU
• Unintended consequences … harms, measures of harm, characteristics of the PSP,
rationale for the PSP, outcomes, unintended consequences
July 01, 2023 - adverse events related to clinical
deterioration such as unanticipated ICU
• Unintended consequences … harms, measures of harm, characteristics of the PSP,
rationale for the PSP, outcomes, unintended consequences
October 01, 2011 - Specifically, what are the
consequences of overtreatment, including effects on bone
mineral density and … Specifically, what are the
consequences of overtreatment, including effects on
bone mineral density and
August 18, 2011 - not use their medications as recommended by health care providers.
Although the
specific consequences … Question 5
What unintended consequences are associated with interventions to improve medication adherence … Knowledge-based (general information about behavior-related health consequences,
use of individualized … These interventions may have unanticipated consequences (KQ
IV. Methods
May 12, 2015 - TND-0775-150722
Treatments for Adults with Schizophrenia
Nomination Summary Document
Results of Topic Selection Process & Next Steps
§ This topic will go forw…
April 22, 2011 - What is the natural history and consequences of urinary retention?
January 01, 2009 - the American College of Radiology (ACR) had tried to deal with the problems of evaluating the
health consequences … patient outcomes if
there is a well-defined target condition linked to effective downstream management
January 01, 2009 - the American College of Radiology (ACR) had tried to deal with the problems of evaluating the
health consequences … patient outcomes if
there is a well-defined target condition linked to effective downstream management
January 01, 2011 - 21
The choice of study design often has profound consequences for the causal interpretation … The choice of study design often has profound
consequences for the causal interpretation of study
results … bias, it should be the default design for CER
studies; deviations should be argued for and their
April 01, 2019 - Do telehealth consultations result in harms,
adverse events, or negative unintended
consequences? … Adverse effects: None of the included studies
specifically addressed potential harms or
unintended consequences … Potential harms or unintended consequences were
rarely addressed and future research should address
August 05, 2010 - impact on clinical and functional outcomes
vii Adverse events, harms and safety issues: all unintended consequences
August 17, 2011 - All these factors have potentially serious consequences for patients and their families, including higher … reported improvements in specific health services, while other studies have documented unintended negative consequences
July 01, 2023 - Making Healthcare Safer IV: Fatigue and Sleepiness of Clinicians Due to Hours of Service
Evidence-based Practice Center Rapid Response Protocol
Project Title: Making Healthcare Safer IV: Fatigue and
Sleepiness of Clinicians Due to Hours of Service
Review Questions
1. What is the frequency and s…
March 29, 2011 - Harms are defined by the Evidence-based Practice Center Program as all possible adverse consequences … are defined by the Evidence-based Practice Center Program as the totality of all possible adverse consequences … Harms are defined by the Evidence-based Practice Center Program as the totality of all possible adverse consequences