
Total Results: 769 records

Showing results for "consequences".

    April 06, 2016 - a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence regarding the effectiveness and adverse consequences … The systematic review summarized herein assesses the effectiveness and adverse consequences of possible … Overview of Research Evidence The effectiveness and adverse consequences of several interventions … No evidence was found regarding the effect of the combination on adverse consequences. … — No evidence regarding adverse consequences — [evidence insufficient] Rapid viral point-of-care
    March 01, 2016 - is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence regarding the effectiveness and adverse consequences … The systematic review summarized herein assesses the effectiveness and adverse consequences of possible … No evidence was found regarding the effect of the combination on adverse consequences. … — No evidence regarding adverse consequences — ��� Rapid viral point-of-care testing (multi-viral PCR … — No evidence regarding adverse consequences — ��� CRP point-of-care testing vs. usual care Overall
    January 01, 2009 -  about  short,  intermediate   and  long-­‐term  outcomes  which  have  relevant  consequences …  about  short,  intermediate  and   long-­‐term  outcomes  which  have  relevant  consequences … Slide  24:  Consequences   • Behaviour  support  interventions  are  different  …   … Slide  25:  Consequences   • IPDAS  Collaboration:  will  need  to  accommodate  assessment …  against  amniocentesis  from   an  unidentified  Web  page     Slide  28:  Consequences
    December 01, 2023 - ¬0.41; CI -0.55 0.55; RR 1.05; CI 0.11, 9.93) Moderate for benefit Psychotherapy Unintended consequences … intervention (RR 0.21; CI 0.07, 0.60; 1 study, n=198) Low for benefit Pharmacotherapy Unintended consequences … Loneliness; suicide outcomes; adverse health behaviors N/A Insufficient Peer Support Unintended consequences … grief disorder criteria, quality of life, loneliness, suicide outcomes, substance use, or unintended consequences … and depression symptoms, more evidence is needed to quantify the presence and absence of unintended consequences
    October 29, 2012 - comparative effectiveness of HSCT and conventional chemotherapy regarding overall survival, long-term consequences … therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction with iminosugars regarding overall survival, cure, long-term consequences … HSCT, ERT, and substrate reduction with iminosugars regarding adverse effects of treatment, long-term consequences … targeted biologic therapies, and lowdose chemotherapy regarding adverse effects of treatment, long-term consequences … therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction with iminosugars regarding overall survival, cure, long-term consequences
    January 01, 2016 - Although no study examined all possible adverse consequences, we considered evidence suggesting no … adverse consequences (equal or lower hospitalization, equal or lower return visits, equal or higher … Evidence of Improved or Reduced Antibiotic Prescribing and No Increase in Adverse Consequences Table … , had insufficient evidence on such outcomes, or had mixed evidence on adverse consequences (i.e., … Other interventions had evidence of improved prescribing, but evidence on adverse consequences was
    January 01, 2013 - Objective 4 - Expected consequences of testing for CD (Celiac 4) a. … What are the expected consequences of testing for CD in the following populations: i. … “Consequences” include: i.
  8. Hi Les, (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - • Other consequences of the test results, such as additional clinical information about prognosis … • Other consequences of clinical decisions, such as increased adherence to treatment or adoption … Finally, what are the consequences of false positive findings? … The immediate consequences, such as unnecessary needle biopsies, surgery, or other interventions and … of extra true positives against the rates and consequences of extra false positive findings (Table
    January 07, 2013 - Ineffective transition planning can have significant negative consequences on children with special health … Ineffective transition planning can have significant negative consequences on the children with special … Ineffective transition planning can have significant negative consequences on the children with special
    July 01, 2012 - Correspondingly, the potential legal consequences of a false negative test are substantial, as a false … The primary studies of the medical test may have assessed behaviors and consequences after a normal … Therefore, systematic reviews will ideally include primary literature that tests the clinical consequences … In addition to consideration of the consequences of testing, we suggest that reviewers also consider … The results of testing could indeed have emotional or behavioral consequences.
    February 01, 2012 - comparative effectiveness of HSCT and conventional chemotherapy regarding overall survival, long-term consequences … therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction with iminosugars regarding overall survival, cure, long-term consequences … , ERT, and substrate reduction with iminosugars regarding adverse effects of treatment, long-term consequences … infection) • Specific organ injury Final health outcomes • Overall survival • Long-term consequences … Practitioner review: long-term consequences of childhood cancer.
    December 26, 2022 - requested additional information on whether the studies have addressed potential harms or unintended consequences … The reader does not have a good feel for patient safety/unintended consequences during the studies. … Many studies did not explicitly define, and then measure potential harms or unintended negative consequences
    January 15, 2015 - What are the adverse effects, consequences, or harms of testing? … What are the adverse effects, consequences or harms of testing? c. … What are the adverse effects, consequences or harms of testing? c. … What are the adverse effects, consequences or harms of testing? c. … of testing (e.g., radiation exposure, psychological consequences, consequences of additional testing
    March 01, 2020 - Potential Benefits and Unintended Consequences of Requiring CHW Certification Potential Benefits Potential … Unintended Consequences CHW Integration Into Care Teams and Patient Care Other health professionals
    January 13, 2014 - of reporting costs on healthcare decisions is not known, and there is some possibility of unintended consequences … What are the intended and unintended consequences of consumers’ use of public-reported cost data? … What are the potential unintended consequences of public reporting of cost measures? … the targeted literature review, which is primarily targeted at assessing the intended and unintended consequences … What are the intended and unintended consequences emerging about consumers’ use of publicly reported
    January 01, 2008 - An Institute of Medicine report from 2007 titled Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention
  17. Decision Modeling (ppt file)
    June 01, 2012 - Use a framework to identify test consequences and management strategies for each test result. … Second, use a framework to identify test consequences and management strategies for each test result. … Decision Modeling Step 2: Use a Framework To Identify Consequences and Management Strategies (1 of 2) … Decision Modeling Step 2: Use a Framework To Identify Consequences and Management Strategies (2 of 2) … This framework can be used to create a decision tree that illustrates test consequences and management
  18. Decision Modeling (ppt file)
    June 01, 2012 - Use a framework to identify test consequences and management strategies for each test result. … Second, use a framework to identify test consequences and management strategies for each test result. … Decision Modeling Step 2: Use a Framework To Identify Consequences and Management Strategies (1 of 2) … Decision Modeling Step 2: Use a Framework To Identify Consequences and Management Strategies (2 of 2) … This framework can be used to create a decision tree that illustrates test consequences and management
    July 17, 2020 - These delays have several unintended consequences including a) poorer outcomes for patients subject to
    April 28, 2015 - Structured Abstract Objective We conducted a systematic review to examine the long-term consequences

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