January 01, 2014 - Four core conceptual categories emerged: value, reengineering, facilitators, and
unexpected consequences … Most of the
coded nodes were focused on unexpected consequences and reengineering to accommodate these … In addition to adaptation in data entry, many unexpected consequences
resulted from issues involved … Structural adaptations will occur, with some
unexpected consequences, especially for coordination. … The Consequences of Electronic Health Record Adoption for
Physician Productivity and Birth Outcomes
January 01, 2018 - suggests that the introduction of health IT can also potentially cause new errors and have the unintended consequences
January 01, 2020 - ISTA has been applied to understand why and how unintended consequences of health information technology … Guided by the ISTA
framework, unintended consequences related to more/new work, the organizational culture … Consequences following implementation included inaccurate medication lists, ambiguity regarding whether … The fact that these consequences were
not identified and addressed prior to CancelRx implementation … Unintended consequences of information technologies in health
care--an interactive sociotechnical analysis
January 01, 2023 - , but event trees are also useful for analyzing possible actions in a scenario and their associated consequences
January 01, 2018 - Childhood obesity has significant short- and long-term health consequences.
January 01, 2023 - It's like sending a message in a bottle: A qualitative study of the consequences of one-way communication … It's like sending a message in a bottle: A qualitative study of the consequences of one-way communication
January 01, 2023 - Results also show that introducing videoconferencing in health care has consequences for clinical workflow
January 01, 2023 - When working on a project with a critical schedule, where finishing late results in serious consequences
January 01, 2023 - Cause-and-effect diagrams provide a visual means of conveying all suspected and possible causes and consequences
January 01, 2018 - Managing user stress,
fatigue, and other unintended consequences are going to be essential as HICT becomes … (outcomes) of HICT use (especially ergonomic consequences)
4) Recommended organizational changes
5 … The consequences of technostress
for end users in organizations: conceptual development and empirical … (outcomes) of HICT use
(especially ergonomic
organizational changes … How much of the following consequences have you experienced from your EHR?
January 01, 2020 - Development of an Instrument to
Measure the Unintended Consequences of EHRs. … A Systematic Review of Nurses' Experiences with
Unintended Consequences When Using the Electronic Health … Validity and Reliability of a New
Measure of Nursing Experience with Unintended Consequences of Electronic … Nurses' Use of Positive Deviance
When Encountering Electronic Health Records-Related Unintended Consequences … Neonatal Nurses Experience Unintended
Consequences and Risks to Patient Safety with Electronic Health
January 01, 2010 - Project 3: Unintended Consequences of ePrescribing. … and character of errors and develop recommendations for preventing these errors and other unintended consequences
January 01, 2020 - is that we will see a significant decrease in medication-related problems, and also the downstream consequences
January 01, 2010 - used to better understand others’ experiences with the health IT
system or vendor and the impact or consequences
January 01, 2023 - Electronic Health Record/Electronic Medical Record Population: Adults
The intended and unintended consequences … The intended and unintended consequences of quality improvement interventions for small practices in
January 01, 2023 - Unintended Consequences of Electronic Prescribing. … This project examined the consequences of electronic prescribing (e-Prescribing) in the community setting … Prescribing , Health Information Exchange , Voice Recognition
Unrealized potential and residual consequences … Unrealized potential and residual consequences of electronic prescribing on pharmacy workflow in the
August 01, 2011 - Project 3: Unintended Consequences of ePrescribing. … and
character of errors and develop recommendations for preventing these errors and other unintended consequences
January 01, 2010 - specifically address the “business case” for adopting the PCMH model as well as the clinical and cost consequences
January 01, 2010 - clinician acceptance of the quality initiative; and to look for effects on workflow and any unintended consequences … acceptance of the individual Excellence Report and effects on workflow, and identify any unintended consequences
January 01, 2023 - Disclaimer
Disclaimer details
The intended and unintended consequences … The intended and unintended consequences of quality improvement interventions for small practices in