January 01, 2017 - Sharing patient lifelog data with the primary care team for two patient populations: preventative care & chronic disease management - Final Report
Sharing patient lifelog data with the primary care team for
two patient populations: preventative care & chronic
disease management
Principal Investigator: Sean Mun…
September 01, 2011 - Evaluations of the implementation process can help to identify emerging problems or
unanticipated consequences
October 01, 2017 - population vs. the effort required to identify
that population, as well as the potential unintended consequences
January 11, 2007 - Characteristics and consequences of drug allergy alert overrides in a computerized physician order
June 12, 2013 - project to fine-tune your approach to data exchange, and may even allow
you to elucidate the unintended consequences … who are using data exchange about what has gone well, what has gone
poorly, and what the unexpected consequences
October 24, 2012 - project to fine-tune your approach to data exchange, and may even allow
you to elucidate the unintended consequences … who are using data exchange about what has gone well, what has gone
poorly, and what the unexpected consequences
September 01, 2010 - To be deemed appropriate for the project, the condition must: (1) be
common, (2) have serious consequences