
Total Results: 974 records

Showing results for "consequences".

    November 01, 2019 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    December 01, 2019 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    April 10, 2017 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … No. 22 Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
    November 01, 2017 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    November 01, 2017 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … No. 21 Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    March 01, 2016 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    March 01, 2016 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    July 01, 2016 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    January 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of inappropriate prescribing practices are serious and have become a major public
    January 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of inappropriate prescribing practices are serious and have become a major public
    December 01, 2017 - Falls often have serious consequences, especially in frail older residents. … Adverse consequences of falls for residents are listed in Figure 1 . Figure 1. … Adverse consequences of falls for residents Reduced quality of life. … Potential consequences for facilities are listed in Figure 2 . Figure 2. … Adverse consequences of falls for nursing facilities Increased paperwork for staff.
    March 01, 2024 - people will experience at least one diagnostic error in their lifetime, sometimes with devastating consequences … have published essential insights into areas such as diagnostic error detection, the frequency and consequences
    March 01, 2024 - other studies suggest that 10 percent or more of the U.S. population may experience the post-infection consequences … These lingering consequences impact people of all ages and backgrounds, and today, it is one of the Nation
    March 01, 2017 - communication/management of test results on behalf of the provider can have serious patient safety consequences … other medication overuse Definition: The overuse of antibiotics and opioids can pose long-term safety consequences
    May 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of inappropriate prescribing practices are serious and have become a major
    May 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of inappropriate prescribing practices are serious and have become a major
    January 01, 2007 - Responses were coded by type of incident, consequences for the patient, responsible party, process-of-care … Were there any consequences for the patient? … Responses were coded by the type of incident, consequences for the patient, responsible party, process-of-care … The majority of AEs were judged to have significant consequences but a high degree of preventability … Events characterized as “none of the above” usually involved administrative issues with no clinical consequences
    October 01, 2016 - Recognize the consequences of overuse of antibiotics. 2. … Home Antimicrobial Stewardship Guide Determine Whether To Treat Toolkit 1/Tool 4 2 Lesson Plan #1: ConsequencesConsequences of Overuse of Antibiotics in Nursing Homes • Question for discussion: What are some of … Objectives for Training Target Audience What You Need for These Training Sessions Lesson Plan #1: Consequences … of Overuse of Antibiotics Antibiotic Use in Nursing Homes Consequences of Overuse of Antibiotics in
    March 01, 2019 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of
    May 01, 2018 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … No. 20 Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at this level of

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