June 01, 2023 - mnemonic tool that is used extensively to help elicit and share key information about activities and their consequences
July 01, 2023 - situation (D), expressing concerns about the events (E), suggesting alternative actions (S), stating consequences
August 01, 2022 - What were the consequences of the patient safety event?
September 01, 2021 - SMM) is defined as an unintended outcome of birth that results in significant short-term or long-term consequences
February 09, 2006 - For example, in health care environment, one team member's work overload may result in fatal consequences … decreased effectiveness, and a chance of overlooking or missing process errors, which can have negative consequences … C, consequences should be stated. Ultimately, consensus should be reached.
Let’s “DESC It!” … Consequences. … And then C, stating the consequences.
March 01, 2024 - Skip to main content
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January 31, 2006 - Sell the need for change … describe the consequences of not changing
Immerse people in information about
February 03, 2006 - achievement
Recognizes successful performance
Identifies potential challenges, pitfalls, and unforeseen consequences
January 31, 2006 - Sell the need for change … describe the consequences of not changing
Immerse people in information about
December 01, 2017 - Consequences of Falls
Reduced quality of life
Decreased ability to function
Serious injury
January 01, 2021 - of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the incident and after any attempts to minimize
adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the incident and after
any attempts to minimize adverse consequences
March 01, 2006 - Falls are a high-volume, high-cost problem in health care with severe personal and health
consequences … for the elderly, and they result in significant consequences that add to the burden
of care for elders … falls, little progress has been made to significantly
decrease falls and their potentially devastating consequences … Teams examining cases of falls with serious consequences can use the
toolkit to analyze the data collected
December 01, 2017 - With each
proposed workflow adjustment, a thorough analysis of the consequences of the adjustment is … Conduct walkthroughs of the new workflows to assess feasibility and to look for barriers and
unintended consequences
January 01, 2004 - Other outcomes include
prescriber, pharmacist, and patient satisfaction; measures of unintended
consequences … reporting on efficacy or effectiveness, it is necessary to document the
possible negative or unintended consequences … showed that an improvement in medication prescribing was accompanied by some
unintended negative consequences … Advances in Patient Safety: Vol. 2
pharmacist, and patient satisfaction; measures of unintended consequences
December 01, 2003 - open culture, where employees feel able to
report patient safety incidents without undue fear of the consequences … Advances in Patient Safety: Vol. 4
under extreme pressure and had little time to think through the consequences … found to help users focus on the employee’s
motivation and circumstances rather than on the potential consequences
May 27, 2008 - has been almost entirely on
problems related to the human-computer interface20, 22 and unintended consequences … largely autonomous,
software-intensive systems were built, in which accidents would have catastrophic consequences … Trapped in the net: The unanticipated
consequences of computerization.
July 11, 2017 - • Sell the need for change … describe the
consequences of not changing
• Immerse people in information
February 03, 2006 - achievement
Recognizes successful performance
Identifies potential challenges, pitfalls, and unforeseen consequences
January 20, 2006 - Sell the need for change … describe the consequences of not changing
Immerse people in information about
May 01, 2023 - Keep conflict healthy through use of tools such as DESC: Describe, Express, Suggest, Consequences (see