January 01, 2020 - of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the
incident and after any attempts to minimize adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the incident and after any attempts to minimize
adverse consequences … of harm to the patient after discovery of the incident and after
any attempts to minimize adverse consequences
January 30, 2017 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
June 01, 2021 - to measure and share outcomes of stewardship interventions in long-term care
Slide 2
Overuse and Consequences … The use of antibiotics is not without consequences. … Antibiotic stewardship can help prevent some of these consequences and protect the residents in your
March 01, 2020 - types of preventable adverse events across all
healthcare settings.7
Importance of Harm Area
Common consequences … instances identified in their study population was €263 per patient per year.8
9.3.4 Unintended Consequences … Deprescribing: Negative Unintended Consequences
Deprescribing interventions do not always … With the exception of longer lengths of stay found in one study,6 no other unintended negative
consequences … No unintended positive consequences were reported in our review of the studies that examined the use
December 01, 2004 - that encompasses care that is not
Advances in Patient Safety: Vol. 2
only free of unwanted consequences … error may or
may not result in an adverse event, which is an instance of a patient suffering the
consequences … , filing, implementing medication orders, and responding to
abnormal test results.29 They reported consequences … of those errors such as health
outcomes (e.g., pain, worsening of condition), care consequences (e.g … Consequences of medical errors observed by family
January 01, 2004 - · Failure to adjust drug dosages for the lower weights of children can have adverse consequences.
October 01, 2016 - The
adverse consequences of unnecessary antibiotic use include adverse drug reactions or
January 01, 2017 - The negative consequences of unrelieved pain in ICU patients are significant and long lasting. … Sedatives are commonly administered to ICU patients to treat agitation and its negative consequences.
June 01, 2017 - clear understanding of how to prevent the problem from recurring and there is no risk of unintended consequences … If your understanding is a little fuzzy or you’re concerned about unintended consequences, jump to box
October 01, 2014 - with or without developmental disabilities or underlying conditions that predispose to OME and its consequences
March 01, 2014 - Each of the four films address a different aspect of the obesity epidemic:
Consequences—reviews the
February 28, 2022 - mnemonic tool that is used extensively to elicit and share key information about activities and their consequences
February 28, 2022 - Consequences should be stated in terms of impact on the patient and established team goals; strive for
December 01, 2017 - Skip to main content
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April 01, 2016 - What are the potential consequences?
February 26, 2008 - settings has been treated as an issue of clinical risk
management, the aim of which was to deal with the consequences … That alarms are used unproductively in ICUs is widely appreciated, yet very few
data exist about the consequences
July 01, 2023 - Describe the specific situation
Express your concerns about the action
Suggest alternatives
Consequences … It can be used in minor disagreements
as well as in situations involving greater conflict or consequences … E – Expressing your concerns about the action
• S – Suggesting other alternatives
• C – stating Consequences … Failing to do so can have severe
consequences for you, your teammates, and the patient. … stroke or seizures she needs to know what treatment
options are available to prevent such adverse consequences
November 01, 2023 - In addition, unhealthy alcohol use has detrimental socioeconomic consequences, with an estimated annual
June 01, 2023 - Think, Act Review) can be used to elicit and share important information about activities and their consequences
June 01, 2023 - learning from patients and families about diagnostic mishaps—their origins, impact, and longer term consequences—to