November 01, 2019 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
May 01, 2022 - module provides an overview of injection safety, along with a review of recommended practices and the consequences
December 01, 2017 - Studies both intended and unintended consequences. … How can undesirable unintended consequences of external incentive programs be minimized?
November 01, 2015 - Consequences of withdrawal from the research and procedures for termination. … Any consequences of refusing to sign the authorization.
June 01, 2020 - Policy
Organization of Care
Unintended consequences
More research is needed on the unintended … consequences of policy changes on the health care system.
April 02, 2018 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
May 01, 2018 - No.
Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
June 01, 2018 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
December 29, 2022 - Interruptions in diagnostic decision-making are no excep-
tion and can have negative consequences on … interrupted.3 Interruptions
during diagnostic decision-making are also inevitable and
can have negative consequences … � Would no interruption zones for clinicians
cause negative, unintended consequences? … is interrupted while administering
medication and where an incorrect dose could have devastat-
ing consequences … Unintended consequences of EHR systems:
a narrative review.
July 25, 2018 - And we know there can be
unintended consequences. … Other unintended consequences are the fact that we have medication lists and problem lists
now very … Gandhi, Slide 24
There's been quite a bit of study about unintended consequences and particularly around … Gandhi, Slide 25
This, I think, is one of the unintended consequences that perhaps we didn't really … Some of those unintended consequences? Is
there feedback about safety issues?
April 01, 2019 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
January 01, 2019 - No.
Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
December 01, 2019 - in light of later ones and try to balance the need for certain decisions in one area against their consequences
February 01, 2015 - definite role to play when
tasks are infrequent and complex, relatively new and evolving, and when
consequences … definite
role to play when tasks are
infrequent and complex,
relatively new and evolving,
and when consequences … Providing valuable feedback
The receipt of feedback and learning about the consequences of
one’s decisions … With Ebola
unfortunately, the unintended
consequences of breaches
in protocols can be further
contamination … market with certain improvements and efficiencies, but also
introduce new forms of error as unintended consequences
March 30, 2008 - applications over time to meet the specific needs of their institutions.6, 7
Recently, the unintended consequences … shortcomings of CPOE identified in this
publication were not intrinsic to CPOE, but rather, they were consequences … individual components of the chemotherapy ordering process could fail, how likely failure was,
and the consequences … Types of
unintended consequences related to computerized
provider order entry. … The extent and
importance of unintended consequences related to
computerized provider order entry.
January 28, 2013 - Staff education materials, including:
Hospital policies and procedures
Fall risk factors and consequences
The consequences of emotionally evocative patient behaviors on emergency nurses' patient assessments
September 01, 2020 - recommended as a tool to reduce diagnostic errors. 3 Diagnostic errors are frequent and often have severe consequences
January 01, 2020 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … No.
Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of
August 07, 2018 - Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of … Unintended consequences: What are the potential unintended consequences of reporting at
this level of