October 20, 2009 - A specific population of interest for this state is the Native American community, although this nomination
September 02, 2013 - not include optimal medical therapy; unclear how the benefits and harms would compare in a smaller community
September 02, 2013 - not include optimal medical therapy; unclear how the benefits and harms would compare in a smaller community
July 01, 2012 - Federal and State government agencies, community quality
collaboratives, and other organizations are … The CVEs, also known as community
quality collaboratives, are committed to public reporting
and transparency … Experts in public
reporting and decisionmaking and individuals representing
stakeholder and user communities
March 31, 2010 - However, the effectiveness of H-ISDN in a community sample of African-Americans and other racial/ethnic … >12 months following diagnosis and either time to death or first HF hospitalization:
H0(1): In a community-based … no association between exposure to H-ISDN and either time to death or first HF hospitalization in a community-based
May 26, 2015 - inactivity, and poor diet are leading causes of
morbidity and mortality in the United States.4 The Community … work organization (e.g., shift work);
and social or economic factors (e.g., income or availability of community … Community Preventive Services Task Force.
January 01, 2012 - Wheeled mobility used outside of routine activities around home and community (i.e.,
sports chairs, … Satisfaction related to wheelchair use in
older adults in both nursing homes and
community dwelling … Community-dwelling,
cognitively intact
patients prescribed a
standard manual
wheelchair. … Ambulatory
adults without cardiac
disease and stable
rheumatic disease. … Participants from VA
affiliated nursing
homes, private nursing
homes, and
community dwelling.
November 01, 2013 - KQ5: Adults in community settings with no disease specified for the study. … KQ5: Primary care (i.e., community or family practice or equivalent). … Key Question 5: Is BNP or NT-proBNP measured in the
community setting an independent predictor of mor … The diagnostic accuracy
and utility of a B-type natriuretic peptide test in a community
population … Prognostic value of
biomarkers in heart failure: application of novel methods in the
June 17, 2014 - health care transition planning involves the following: a) service referral and
coordination with community … job development and vocational training programs;
postsecondary institutions (university, college, community … The transition experience in
the school, work and community setting is
outside of the project scope … The perspective of providers in community based
pediatric and adult primary care and adult specialty … Our Key
Informants included an adult provider and
a community-based pediatric provider.
January 01, 2009 - Standards
o Possible
May 01, 2013 - percent in people without diabetes, who
may have idiopathic gastroparesis or
other etiologies.2 A 2007 community … Clinicians most frequently performed
gastric scintigraphy using the consensus protocol.8 The
community … Studies often reported the reference standard
as community-based gastric scintigraphy testing
performed … The non-reference standard test was often a
community-based ROM study of varying protocol. … Prevalence of hidden
gastroparesis in the community: the gastroparesis “iceberg”.
July 01, 2010 - to be extracted into evidence table
Differences between patients in the study and the community … Eligibility criteria, demographics
Events rates markedly different than in the community
July 01, 2012 - www.ebscohost.com/cinahl Nursing and allied health
CommunityWISE http://www.oxmill.com/communitywise/ Community … issues,
including community
EMBASE http://www.embase.com Biomedical, with and
emphases on