January 01, 2010 - consist of 5 internal medicine and 1
family medicine practices staffed by Penn faculty, and about 30 community … about 60 ambulatory sites, including all
6 of the faculty-based primary care practices and two of the community … These 8 primary care ambulatory sites, 5 serving an urban, poor community and 3
suburban sites, and
January 01, 2018 - Six of the primary care providers (10
patient encounters) were from a community-based outpatient clinic … current designs of the exam rooms across the approximately 150 VA Medical Centers and
associated Community-Based … One community-based
outpatient clinic (CBOC) had recently implemented the new exam room design standard
January 01, 2013 - (OCHIN) is a non-profit collaboration of public and private community clinics. … mission is to meet the data management needs of Federally Qualified Health Centers
(FQHCs) and other community … Automating a severity score guideline for community-
acquired pneumonia employing medical language
January 01, 2011 - recommended services, patient advice,
evidence-based resource libraries and decision aids, relevant community … tailored prevention
recommendations, provides individually selected links to online educational and community … Direct observation of rates of preventive
service delivery in community family practice.
November 02, 2007 - Kate is an Associate Professor of Medical Science in the
Department of Community Health within the Brown … doctors based
on what percentage of patients they had whose zip codes were in predominantly black neighborhoods … were in this category, where they had more than ten percent of patients in these
predominantly black neighborhoods … In summary, e-prescribing with advanced transactional capabilities can be rapidly adopted by small,
July 01, 2015 - ) hospitals; expanded the
scope of providers participating including long-term care, community … Regenstrief Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine, the two Indiana
medical societies, one community … percent growth) hospitals; expanded the scope of providers participating including long-term care, community … Regenstrief Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine, the two Indiana medical societies, one community
July 30, 2007 - lessons learned for CDS implementation relevant to the health information
technology (IT) vendor community … (Partners), an integrated health care system that includes primary care and
specialty clinicians, community … challenging, as the collaborators represent a range of institutions (e.g.,
academic medical centers, community … either to adapt these rules or create new ones, while many physician
practices and small to midsized community
December 15, 2011 - worked with the Collaborative for 6 years,
providing a variety of consulting services to practice, and community
January 01, 2008 - SPL labels still cover only 23% of RxNorm clinical
drugs, they were found to describe 77% of actual community
January 25, 2018 - We do off-course share learnings
and findings with them and the scientific community via public channels
October 01, 2012 - 49
Background – Our Solution
• How do we build a program that
• Respects individual community
January 01, 2010 - counseling
Leveraging Health IT:
Web Portal
Lab results
Link Med. diet
Link community
January 01, 2024 - community health centers, critical access hospitals), which already lag in their informatics capabilities
January 01, 2018 - work in internal medicine and its subspecialties, pediatrics and its subspecialties, and family and
community … subspecialists at the Centura site to reach 150 so this
site filled in this deficit with family and community
January 01, 2005 - A randomized trial of the use of patient self-assessment
data to improve community practices. . … Community Dent
Oral Epidemiol 2005;33(1):74-80.
61. data N. Prevalence of Diabetes.
January 01, 2024 - the critical information needed for
implementation, address those gaps with the relevant standards community … freely available web-based platform sponsored by AHRQ that enables the
clinical decision support (CDS) community
January 01, 2018 - Kaiser Permanente Washington has a
slightly higher proportion of women (53%) than the regional community … Kaiser Permanente Washington members are also older (46% ≥45 years) than the regional community
January 01, 2020 - Access log files were obtained from the Indiana Network for Patient Care (INPC), a mature statewide
community … the
clinicians who regularly used HIE, they suggested a proper benchmark would be somewhere in the
December 01, 2019 - One design participant reported: “Epic has tools available for use and community forums to
crowdsource … Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults
Site 4 was a community, urban, walk-in hospital where CAP was an especially … better identified as dissemination for the purpose of career development and service to the clinical
community … Promote connections to the larger community of CDS teams.
a. … Shareable CDS platforms can provide a valuable service to the CDS community by providing:
(1) a venue
January 01, 2008 - settings of this study were Children’s two inpatient facilities: one academic (Egleston),
the other community-based … general peds area of the academic hospital (Hospital A) during T1 (post-pharmacy system) and
the community-based … There was a spike in the overall ADE rates during T3 & T4 in the general care unit of the