June 03, 2008 - is actually used a lot because it allows the exchange to
share general health information and the community … been established in which AHIC—instead
of AHIC priorities, the AHIC—the American Health Information Community … Does that include the health plans and the providers within the Medicaid community?
January 01, 2014 - Scope: The study was performed at a tertiary health system and involved several OB Gyn community
based … This included the implementation of an ambulatory EHR in community based and
hospital based OB Gyn … Information flowed bi-
-‐directionally from the ambulatory EHR in the OB--‐Gyn community based practices
July 01, 2010 - clinical workflow21 in a way that supports the workflow among organizations
(e.g., between a clinic and community … #3
We have a community-wide
electronic record. … However, until
community health
care and political
leaders agree on a
blueprint for the
future, … not only agree to adopt technology but to also use it in meaningful ways, support from the physician community … • Information flow between the practice or clinic and external healthcare organizations
(e.g., community
January 01, 2010 - , Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Department of Family & Community … health
care system, 34 PCPs (family medicine physicians) provided care to nearly 50,000 patients in 4
June 09, 2020 - decision-making at this
visit, or tests or treatments are needed that cannot be delivered in the home or home community … decision-making at this visit, or tests or treatments are needed that cannot be delivered in the home or home community
January 01, 2011 - The targeted service area of this project incorporates communities that include a
disproportionate share … The Delta Health Alliance – Eliminating Health Disparities by Incorporating
HIT into rural communities
July 10, 2008 - Agencies
Case managers and independent living
counselors recruited from selected agencies:
January 31, 2011 - • Develop an approach to open the KM Portal environment to wider community
of publishers, reviewers
December 01, 2012 - Jessica Taha
into tools, resources, and training events to help
implement evidenced-based practices in community
August 18, 2004 - adoption (interviews of governing board and ED staff)
Evaluated in year 5
August 18, 2004 - adoption (interviews of governing board and ED staff)
Evaluated in year 5
January 01, 2023 - emergency medicine across diverse healthcare environments, including rural, inner-city, teaching, and community
January 01, 2023 - and West regions are each comprised of smaller hospitals (two and four, respectively) in suburban
communities … on intensive telephone outreach to promote remote cPRO completion and have informed
current use of community … Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology. 2015;13(12):423-8.
16. … Responsiveness of 8
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measures in a large,
January 01, 2017 - Kaiser
Permanente Washington had a slightly higher proportion of women (53%) than the regional community … Kaiser Permanente Washington’s members are also older (46% ≥45
years) than the regional community (38%
January 01, 2020 - Aim 4: Disseminate results to health information technology (IT) developers and the
general academic community … Implications
Key implications from this research grant are geared towards the both health IT vendors
January 01, 2018 - diverse settings (e.g., academic vs. community … project website (http://tjrapp.wpi.edu/): We have set up this website to introduce our
project to communities
January 03, 2011 - units, but not more structured
facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living communities … internet speeds) < Surveys
< Review of services and infrastructure available in the community
November 09, 2011 - controlled trial using a diabetes registry with 5,457 adults with
diabetes at eight federally-qualified community … care providers regarding the quality of care they are providing to
their diabetic patients in eight community … The interventions took place over 13 months at eight federally qualified community health
care centers … As part of the usual process of diabetes care, providers at all eight community health clinics
receive … The groups differed significantly in race/ethnicity, as expected given the different
neighborhoods served
December 01, 2017 - Urgent action is required at the Federal, State, community, organizational, and
individual level to … As
fatal opioid overdose rates continued to climb, the medical community recognized that treating
pain … behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and relaxation/meditation), and
social/environmental interventions (such as community … seamless flow of information,
whether for a broken arm or life-
altering illness
-Coordinates with community … four or five of these options will be an important factor in its growth and acceptance within
the community
December 01, 2004 - These clinics in-
cluded hospital-based practices, off-site community
practices, and neighborhood health … Impact
of an electronic medical record system on community-based
primary care practices. … The Regenstrief Medical Record System: 20 years� experience
in hospital outpatient clinics and neighborhood