October 01, 2006 - coordination; prevention and treatment of leading causes of morbidity and mortality; health and well-being of communities … coordination; prevention and treatment of leading causes of morbidity and mortality; health and well-being of communities
January 01, 2004 - Since 2004, AHRQ has invested more than $260 million in contracts and grants to over 150 communities, … continuum of care for patients as they are discharged from intensive care and when they return to the community
January 01, 2015 - What are home and community-based services? … Home and community-based services (HCBS) are long-term care services provided in a noninstitutional setting … LTC services may be delivered in an individual's home, a community-based setting, an alternative residential … What are Community-Based Patient Safety Advisory Councils? … For more information, go to the Guide for Developing a Community-Based Patient Safety Advisory Council
the Common Formats are available for three settings of care: acute care hospitals, nursing homes, and community … contained area of a facility that has only licensed nursing home beds and is not an assisted living, community … It was not designed for use in assisted living facilities, community care facilities, or independent … Community Pharmacy .
Ambulatory Surgery Center . … To request the tool for the hospital, medical office, nursing home, community pharmacy, or ambulatory
Community Pharmacy .
Ambulatory Surgery Center . … speaking participants in the United States to ensure that the items are understood in the Spanish speaking community
HCUPnet's easy step-by-step query system, you can generate tables and graphs on national, regional, and community … Groups (DRGs), and Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs) by patient characteristics (age, sex, payer, community
October 01, 2020 - sustained practice transformation—not only in the hospital or ambulatory treatment facility, but also with community-based … This would apply as well to the medical office, nursing home, community pharmacy, and ambulatory surgery
MEPS is designed to provide this information to the public, the health care community, and leaders in
to the primary care of patients, and affiliated in their mission to investigate questions related to community-based