October 01, 2022 - These data are collected from community hospitals in participating States. … The SID include all or nearly all community hospitals in each participating State. … Together the SID encompass about 97 percent of all U.S. community hospital discharges. … In contrast, the SID captures all discharges from community hospitals in each State. … HCUP data only include non-federal community hospitals.
December 01, 2020 - This analysis is limited to discharges for patients treated in
community, nonrehabilitation hospitals … Quartile is based on the
national distribution of community-level income. … This analysis is
limited to patients treated in community, nonrehabilitation hospitals in 13 States … The
inpatient data encompass more than 95 percent of all U.S. community hospital discharges. … Community-level income
Community-level income is based on the median household income of the patient
February 09, 2022 - diabetes
(32.0 percent) or type 2 diabetes (32.9 percent) were among individuals from the lowest
income communities … 20.2 percent of stays for patients without diabetes were among
individuals from the highest income communities … Introduction to HCUP
HCUP Data Come Mostly
From Community Hospitals
American Hospital Association … Hospitals in the United States
• 84 percent of U.S. hospitals are community hospitals
• 15 percent are … discharges aged ≤20 years
from all SID and community hospitals*
October 01, 2013 - private insurance, live in a large metropolitan area with more than 1 million residents, and live in communities … Census Bureau, American Community Survey. … Census Bureau, American Community Survey. … Types of hospitals included in HCUP
HCUP is based on data from community hospitals, which are defined … Median community-level income
Median community-level income is the median household income of the patient's
January 01, 2007 - Community hospitals
HCUP is based on data from community hospitals, defined as short-term, non-Federal … Community hospitals (and HCUP data) include OB-GYN, ENT, orthopedic, cancer, pediatric, public, and academic … alcoholism and chemical dependency treatment, although discharges from these types of units that are part of community
August 01, 2014 - systems and increase the availability of accurate and complete health status data for Northwest tribal communities … Northwest, and local-level reports will be generated allowing Tribes to better assess the health of their communities … Our THRIVE program is a suicide prevention program focusing on training community members and building … to respond to requests from the Tribes, and findings from this study have already been requested for community
September 01, 2022 - By community-level income, hospitalizations decreased evenly across the three categories. … In-
hospital deaths increased across all categories, the most for the lowest community-level income … quartile (46.4 percent) and the least for the highest community-level income quartile (23.0 percent). … non-Hispanic patients (1.8 to 2.9 percent,
a 61.1 percent change), and patients residing in the lowest income communities … Together, the SID encompass more than 95 percent of all U.S. community hospital discharges.
April 01, 2009 - In 2006, the delivery of infants was the most
common reason for hospitalization in U.S. community hospitals … presents data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) on childbirths
occurring in U.S. community … Findings
In 2006, women experienced 4.3 million childbirths in U.S. community hospitals, making the … and cost information for maternal hospitalizations
associated with the delivery of infants in U.S. community … Types of hospitals included in HCUP
HCUP is based on data from community hospitals, defined as shortterm
January 01, 2008 - Community Hospitals (PDF)
Characteristics of U.S. … Community Hospitals, 1997 and 2008
Discharges … The percent of community hospital discharges has changed little in terms of metropolitan location
January 01, 2009 - Community Hospitals (PDF)
Characteristics of U.S. … Community Hospitals, 1997 and 2009
Total … The percent of community hospital stays changed little in terms of metropolitan location , teaching
June 01, 2016 - within each state while accounting for the clustering of patients within hospitals and hospitals within communities … Sixth, community hospital care was studied here, and because hospitals are the appropriate source of … This may increase access to community services for people with addictions and may lessen the demand for … as self-assessment of symptoms, individual situational and psychosocial factors, insurance coverage, living … arrangements, a family member's threshold of concern, and the ability of caregivers to accommodate a
June 10, 2011 - within each state while
accounting for the clustering of patients within hospitals and hospitals within communities … Sixth, community hospital care was studied here, and because hospitals are the appropriate
source of … This may increase access to community services for people with addictions
and may lessen the demand … self-assessment of symptoms, individual
situational and psychosocial factors, insurance coverage, living … arrangements, a family
member’s threshold of concern, and the ability of caregivers to accommodate
January 01, 2025 - HCUP databases, tools, and software inform decision making at the national, State, and community levels
November 01, 1998 - community hospitals. … community hospitals. The analysis is based on data from the 1992 NIS.
November 01, 1998 - community hospitals and contains records for all stays in the sampled hospitals. … information on the
most frequent diagnoses and procedures for the top 50 diagnosis-related groups
in U.S. community
January 01, 2003 - Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … The target universe includes all acute care discharges from
non-rehabilitation, community hospitals … Therefore, when two
or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Similarly, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all
newly-created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a given year were included
in the hospital universe,
January 01, 2004 - Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … The target universe includes all acute care
discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals … Therefore, when two
or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Similarly, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all
newly-created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a given year were included in
the hospital universe,
January 01, 2005 - Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … The target universe includes
all acute care discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals … Therefore, when two
or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Similarly, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all
newly-created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a given year were included in
the hospital universe,
April 01, 2020 - http://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
What Are Community Hospitals? … • HCUP generally does not receive data from non-community hospitals,
such as Psychiatric facilities … hospitals that are rehabilitation or long-
term, acute-care facilities; KID and NEDS exclude community … hospitals*
KID: Sample inpatient discharges aged <= 20 years
old from all SID and community hospitals … What Are Community Hospitals?
What Are Community Hospitals?
August 23, 2021 - This analysis is limited to discharges for pediatric patients treated
in community, nonrehabilitation … Quartile is based on the national distribution of community-level income. … This analysis is
limited to patients treated in community, nonrehabilitation hospitals in 13 States … The
inpatient data encompass more than 95 percent of all U.S. community hospital discharges. … Community-level income
Community-level income is based on the median household income of the patient