March 01, 2012 - In addition,
individuals living in the lowest income communities were more likely to visit the ED for … influenza
compared to individuals living in higher income communities (224.7 visits per 100,000 population … virus with other manifestations
Types of hospitals included in HCUP
HCUP is based on data from community … long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or
chemical dependency conditions in a community … Median community-level income
Median community-level income is the median household income of the patient
January 01, 1998 - The target universe includes all acute-care discharges from all community hospitals in the United States … Therefore, if two or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a year were included as long as they were in operation … If an AHA community hospital could not be matched to the discharge data provided by the data source,
January 01, 2005 - Diabetes
Diabetes-related hospitalizations occurred at a higher rate in lower income communities … (with incomes of $1–36,999) than in the highest income communities (with incomes of $61,000 and above … Individuals residing in the lowest median income communities were more likely to be hospitalized for … compared with the highest income communities. … Community hospitals HCUP is based on data from community hospitals, defined as short-term, non-Federal
January 01, 1999 - The target universe includes all acute-care discharges from all community hospitals in the United States … Therefore, if two or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a year were included as long as they were in operation … If an AHA community hospital could not be matched to the discharge data provided by the data source,
January 01, 2000 - The target universe includes all discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals in the
United … Hospital Sample Design
The sampling frame of hospitals was composed of all AHA community hospitals … Therefore, if two or more community
hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise,
if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly created community hospitals … If an AHA community
hospital could not be matched to the discharge data provided by the data source,
January 01, 2000 - The target universe includes all discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals in the United … Hospital Sample Design
The sampling frame of hospitals was composed of all AHA community hospitals … Therefore, if two or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly created community hospitals … The list of the entire frame of hospitals was composed of all AHA community hospitals in each of the
January 01, 2001 - The target universe includes all acute-care discharges from non-rehabilitation,
community hospitals … Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … Therefore, when two or
more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all
newly created community hospitals … If an AHA
community hospital could not be matched to the discharge data provided by the data source,
June 01, 2012 - systems and increase the availability
of accurate and complete health status data for Northwest tribal communities … Northwest, and local-level reports will be generated allowing Tribes to better assess the health of their
communities … Our THRIVE program is a suicide prevention program focusing on training community members and
building … respond to requests from the Tribes, and findings from this
study have already been requested for community
July 01, 2017 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #226
January 01, 2016 - Community nonrehabilitation
general acute care hospitals were classified as health system
affiliated … Only health systems
with at least one community nonrehabilitation general acute care
hospital in the … Only health systems with at least one
community nonrehabilitation general acute care hospital and that … 40 percent of health systems across 47 States and the District of Columbia consisted
of only one community … Together, the SID encompass more than 95 percent of all U.S. community hospital discharges.
December 01, 2024 - The target universe includes pediatric discharges from community, non-rehabilitation
hospitals in the … The KID target universe includes pediatric discharges from community, non-rehabilitation
hospitals in … Therefore,
when two or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Similarly, if a community hospital split, the original
hospital and all newly-created community hospitals … For 1997, the hospital universe included community hospitals, including rehabilitation hospitals.
November 01, 2011 - better data sources or better race/ethnicity data; and the importance of research partnerships and community … The meeting reinforced that disparities reduction activities need to be driven by states and communities … area of using data and making data analysis relevant to users/decision makers, including how to get communities … These include changes to federal grant applications to require documentation of community partners and … Other resources identified include CDC's community data initiative/dashboard and new survey data from
September 23, 2011 - better data sources or better race/ethnicity data; and the importance of research
partnerships and community … The meeting reinforced that disparities reduction activities need to be driven by states and
communities … area of using data and
making data analysis relevant to users/decision makers, including how to get
communities … These include changes to federal grant
applications to require documentation of community partners and … Other resources identified include CDC’s community data initiative/dashboard
and new survey data from
January 01, 2003 - Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … The target universe includes all acute care discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals in … Therefore, when two or more community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly-created community hospitals … Finally, community hospitals that closed during a given year were included in the hospital universe,
January 01, 2002 - This figure approximates a 20% stratified sample of U.S. non-rehabilitation, community
hospitals. … The target universe includes all acute care
discharges from non-rehabilitation, community hospitals … Hospital Sample Design
The NIS sampling frame included all community, non-rehabilitation hospitals … Therefore, when two or more
community hospitals merged to create a new community hospital, the original … Likewise, if a community hospital split, the original hospital and all newly
created community hospitals
January 01, 1999 - The NIS approximates a 20-percent sample of
U.S. community hospitals and collects all inpatient stays … The State Inpatient Database (SID) contains 100 percent of community
hospitals and discharges from … AHCPR supplements the inpatient databases with data on hospitals and local
communities from a variety … "community" hospitals, as defined by the American Hospital
Association (AHA). … community hospitals for 1995 using the HCUP-3 Nationwide Inpatient Sample.
March 10, 2021 - diabetes
(32.0 percent) or type 2 diabetes (32.9 percent) were among individuals from the lowest
income communities … 20.2 percent of stays for patients without diabetes were among
individuals from the highest income communities … Introduction to HCUP
HCUP Data Come Mostly
From Community Hospitals
American Hospital Association … Community Hospitals
Number of Federal
Government Hospitals
Number of Non-Federal
Psychiatric Hospitals … discharges aged ≤20 years
from all SID and community hospitals*
January 01, 2020 - These data are collected from community hospitals in participating States. … Examples of non-Federal community hospitals include (85%):
General multi-specialty community
OB-GYN … The SID include all or nearly all community hospitals in each participating State. … In contrast, the SID captures all discharges from community hospitals in each State. … HCUP data only include non-federal community hospitals.
January 01, 2021 - These data are collected from community hospitals in participating States. … Examples of non-Federal community hospitals include (85%):
General multi-specialty community
OB-GYN … The SID include all or nearly all community hospitals in each participating State. … In contrast, the SID captures all discharges from community hospitals in each State. … HCUP data only include non-federal community hospitals.
December 01, 2016 - Comparisons are provided
for the population rates of hospital stays by age group, sex, and
community-level … In terms of community-level income, the number of stays decreased 12–16 percent
among patients in the … Population rate of inpatient stays by community-level income, 2005 and 2014
Source: Agency for … In 2014, patients from communities with the lowest income levels (quartile 1) had the highest rate of … Median community-level income
Median community-level income is the median household income of the patient