January 01, 2012 - Submit
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Study Title and Description
Routine screening for colon … cancer after conservative treatment of diverticulitis. … incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … cancer after conservative treatment of diverticulitis.
January 01, 2017 - Title and Description
An 18-Year Nationwide Cohort Study on The Association Between Diverticulitis and Colon … Cancer. … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … Cancer. … cancer before their first diagnosis of diverticulitis and the 39911 patients in otherwise.
January 01, 2014 - Your Feedback:
Study Preview
Study Title and Description
Risk of colon … cancer after computed tomography-diagnosed acute diverticulitis: is routine colonoscopy necessary? … incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … cancer after computed tomography-diagnosed acute diverticulitis: is routine colonoscopy necessary?
January 01, 2013 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … The odds of a diagnosis of colon cancer in women increased more than 2.5- fold in comparison
January 01, 2014 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2007 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … obviously, patients with free perforation; patients with a lesion seen on CT scan that was suspicious of colonic … cancer; patients who had undergone a colonoscopy within the year prior to the current episode of acute
January 01, 2019 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2019 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2019 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2018 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2018 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2016 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2018 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2017 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2020 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2019 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2014 - cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening? … Tursi A., Brandimarte G., Giorgetti GM., Elisei W., Aiello F.
Routine screening for colon cancer … cancer after computed tomography-diagnosed acute diverticulitis: is routine colonoscopy necessary? … , Abbas MA.
An 18-Year Nationwide Cohort Study on The Association Between Diverticulitis and Colon … Cancer.
January 01, 2020 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2011 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?
January 01, 2015 - incidence of malignant and premalignant colon tumors found by colonoscopy, and what is the incidence of colon … cancer mortality among patients undergoing screening?