January 01, 2011 - Promoting Use of an Integrated Personal Health Record for Prevention
1 | Promoting Use of an integrated Personal HealtH record for Prevention
Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE HEaltH CarE QualIty
tHrouGH HEaltH InformatIon tECHnoloGy (It) (r21)
Promoting Use of an Integrated Personal Health Record
January 01, 2010 - postal surveys to measure
increase in preventive care delivery
Preventive Services Addressed
Colon … cancer
Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Chlamydia screening
January 01, 2015 - physically active makes you less likely to have medical problems
such as:
Diabetes Heart disease Colon … Cancer High blood pressure
Physical activity can also improve your mood an increase the amount of energy … active makes you less likely to have medical problems such as:
Diabetes Heart disease Colon … Cancer High blood pressure
Physical activity can also improve your mood an increase the amount of energy … physically active makes you less likely to have medical
problems such as:
Diabetes Heart disease Colon
January 01, 2016 - sex, marital status, BMI, smoking s tatus, comorbidity score, being at high risk for developing colon … cancer, breast
cancer, diabetes or CHD, pre-visit survey modality.
July 01, 2021 - AHRQ National Web Conference - Slide
AHRQ National Web Conference
on Opportunities for Digital Healthcare:
Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Moderated by:
Arlene Bierman, MD, MS
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Presented by:
Jerry Osheroff, MD
Alex Krist, MD, MPH
Robert S. Rudin, PhD
July 1,…
August 01, 2006 - Colon cancer screening
What resources do you have?
Don’t bit off more than what you can chew.
January 01, 2017 - NLP-enabled decision support for cervical cancer screening and surveillance
NLP-enabled decision support for cervical cancer screening and
Principal Investigator and Team Members:
1. Rajeev Chaudhry MBBS, MPH1. PI
2. Kathy L. MacLaughlin MD1. Co-Investigator
3. Ravikumar Komandur Elayavilli1. P…
January 01, 2012 - all
services, and three individual services had greater increases for IPHR-users than non-users
(colon … cancer screening, breast cancer screening, and cervical cancer screening). … 72,539):
Mo 1
Mo 3
Mo 6 p value
Colon … cancer screening 63.1% 67.3% 69.0% 70.0% 47.5% 50.2% 51.2% 53.6% 0.21
Cervical cancer screening* 43.9%
January 01, 2011 - screen/treat
Aspirin primary prevention
• Preventive care
Cervical cancer screen
Colon … cancer screen
Pneumonia vaccine ≥65 y
Osteoporosis screen/treat
Best Practice Alert
January 01, 2012 - Implementing a Low-Literacy, Multimedia IT System to Enhance Patient-Centered Cancer Care - Final Report
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: R18HS017300
Implementing a low-literacy, multimedia IT system to
enhance patient-centered cancer care
Inclusive Dates: 09/30/07 –09/29/12
Principal Investi…
January 01, 2020 - Semi-Automated Identification of Biomedical Literature - Final Report
Title of Project: Semi-Automated Identification of Biomedical Literature
Principal Investigator: Thomas Trikalinos
Team Members: Haris Papageorgiou, Dimitris Pappas, Evangelos Evangelou, Gaelen P. Adam
October 01, 2007 - Accessible Health Information Technology (IT) for Populations with Limited Literacy: A Guide for Developers and Purchasers of Health IT
Accessible Health Information Technology (IT)
for Populations with Limited Literacy:
A Guide for Developers and Purchasers of
Health IT
Prepared for:
National Resource Cen…
October 01, 2007 - Accessible Health Information Technology (IT) for Populations with Limited Literacy: A Guide for Developers and Purchasers of Health IT
Accessible Health Information Technology (IT) for Populations with Limited Literacy:
A Guide for Developers and Purchasers of Health IT
Prepared for:
National Resour…
September 01, 2011 - Colon cancer screening. JAMA 2006;295(10):1208.
January 01, 2011 - measures (e.g., aspirin being prescribed for primary prevention for
patients with diabetes; completion of colon … cancer screening) and documentation of exceptions
(e.g., medical or patient exception for anticoagulation
June 01, 2012 - ● Increase in colon cancer screening from 53 percent to 72 percent. … referral for a service (e.g., mammogram).
❍❍ Call the patient to discuss screening options (e.g., colon … cancer screening method, breast
cancer screening interval) and implement decision.
❍❍ Arrange for
January 01, 2008 - Preventive measures (breast cancer screen; colon cancer
screening; cervical cancer screening) were reviewed
February 20, 2014 - Findings and Lessons From the Improving Management of Individuals With Complex Health Care Needs Through Health IT Grant Initiative
AHRQ Health Information Technology Ambulatory Safety and Quality | MCPi
AHRQ Health Information Technology
Ambulatory Safety and Quality
Findings and Lessons From
the Improving Manage…
January 01, 2018 - Mailed fecal immunochemical tests plus educational materials to improve
colon cancer screening rates
January 01, 2009 - Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult, and Team (Project CONNECT)
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1UC1HS016147
Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult,
and Team (Project CONNECT)
Inclusive Dates: 10/01/05 - 09/30/09
Principal Investigator:
Valerie Rachal, RN, PhD