August 25, 2014 - Current Page Topic Timeline Dec. 3, 2013 Topic Suggestion Aug. 25, 2014 Research Protocol Aug. 10, 2015 Technical Brief Dec. 1, 2015 Disposition of Comments Report Environmental Cleaning for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)
Research Protocol Archived August 25, 2014 Download Main Document P…
September 01, 2010 - inflammation that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but most often affects small bowel and colon … extra-intestinal problems such as inflammatory arthritis, rashes, mouth ulcers, and increased risk of colon … College of Gastroenterology, the American Gastroenterological Association, and the American Society of Colon … Dis Colon Rectum 2007; 50(11):1735-46.
Doherty G, Bennett G, Patil S, Cheifetz A, Moss AC.
January 01, 2014 - ECRI_Penn EPC FINAL Environ Cleaning Protocol 08_21_14 CC[1]
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published online: August 25. 2014
Evidence-based Practice Center
Technical Brief Protocol
Project Title: Environmental Cleaning for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated
Infections (HAI)
I. Background …
December 10, 2021 - Appedixes A-D
Appendix A. Methods Appendix
Search Strategies for Published Literature
Table A-1. PubMed Search Strategy
# Term
1 “emergency medical services”[tiab] OR EMS[tiab] OR (“emergency medical services”[mh] NOT
(“emergency service, hospital”[mh] OR “advanced trauma life support care”[mh] OR “poiso…
May 26, 2016 - However, it is in this section where I started to notice the overuse of
the semi-colon.
January 01, 2011 - • Qualitative study of 13 pts with metastatic colon and pancreas cancer
• “Treatment”
September 18, 2023 - Cancers with gold standard and routine screening modalities (i.e., breast, cervical, and
colon cancers
January 01, 2011 - fairly certain
• Raising a child
• Relieving chronic pain; third-‐line chemotherapy for colon
July 01, 2016 - Treatments for Fecal Incontinence: Current State of the Evidence
Treatments for Fecal Incontinence: Current State
of the Evidence
Focus of This Summary
This is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence regarding the potential benefits and adverse effects of
surgical and nonsurgical treatments for f…
November 19, 2009 - The MISCAN-COLON microsimulation
model16,20 has been used to contrast (among others) screening at different … For example, in colon cancer diagnosis, both capsule endoscopy (index test)
and colonoscopy (reference … The MISCAN-COLON simulation
model for the evaluation of colorectal
cancer screening.
February 01, 2018 - focusing on genetic mutations associated with thoracic aortic
aneurysms.25,26 Another example is the Colon … (CCFR), an international
consortium developed to facilitate studies of the genetic epidemiology of colon … and respiratory system cancers, 91.7 percent matched for breast cancer, and
89.5 percent matched for colon … Colon Cancer Family Registry: an
international resource for studies of the
genetic epidemiology of … colon cancer.
February 01, 2018 - focusing on genetic mutations associated with thoracic aortic
aneurysms.25,26 Another example is the Colon … (CCFR), an international
consortium developed to facilitate studies of the genetic epidemiology of colon … and respiratory system cancers, 91.7 percent matched for breast cancer, and
89.5 percent matched for colon … Colon Cancer Family Registry: an
international resource for studies of the
genetic epidemiology of … colon cancer.
January 01, 2022 - AHRQ's Evidence-based Practice Center Division Annual Report 2022: Solving the Puzzle for Evidence-Based Decision Making
AHRQ’s Evidence-based
Practice Center Divison
Annual Report 2022
Solving the Puzzle for Evidence-
Based Decision Making
Solving the Puzzle for Evidence-Based
Decision Making
January 01, 2009 - chronic heart disease with
history of coronary artery stent
• Now presents with diagnosis of colon
September 01, 2010 - inflammation that can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but most often affects small
bowel and colon … extra-intestinal problems such as inflammatory arthritis, rashes, mouth
ulcers, and increased risk of colon … College of Gastroenterology, the American Gastroenterological
Association, and the American Society of Colon … Dis Colon Rectum 2007; 50(11):1735-46.
23. Doherty G, Bennett G, Patil S, Cheifetz A, Moss AC.
January 01, 2020 - Screening for
cancer (cervical, breast, colon) and cardiovascular risk varies by poverty level and insurance … and 29
32 30 or 31
33 23 and 32
34 32 not 24
35 33 or 34
Focused search: colon … exp oceania/
25 exp Colorectal Neoplasms/pc [Prevention & Control]
26 (((colon … aspirin or cardiovascular or heart or coronary or "myocardial
infarction" or stroke or colorectal or colon … aspirin or cardiovascular or heart or coronary or "myocardial
infarction" or stroke or colorectal or colon
October 01, 2021 - stroke, type 2 diabetes,
dementia, depression, falls with injuries among the elderly, and breast, colon
December 26, 2012 - NCI CCRAT
textual and
visual risk for developing
March 10, 2022 - Infection Prevention and Control for the Emergency Medical Services/911 Workforce
Draft Technical Brief
Number xx
Infection Prevention and Control for the Emergency
Medical Services/911 Workforce
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fis…