January 01, 2011 - technology (IT) to identify patients for whom the diagnosis of specific cancers (prostate, lung, or colon … An abstract based on preliminary findings of the colon and prostate cancer triggers at the VA site was … Target Population: Adults, Cancer: Colon, Lung, and Prostate, Veterans
Strategic Goal: Develop and
January 01, 2012 - technology (IT) to identify patients for whom the diagnosis of specific cancers (prostate, lung, or colon … Target Population: Adults, Cancer: Colon, Lung, and Prostate, Veterans
Strategic Goal: Develop and
January 01, 2011 - technology (IT) to
identify patients for whom the diagnosis of specific cancers (prostate, lung, or colon … An abstract
based on preliminary findings of the colon and prostate cancer triggers at the VA site was … Target Population: Adults, Cancer: Colon, Lung, and Prostate, Veterans
Strategic Goal: Develop and
January 01, 2012 - technology (IT) to identify
patients for whom the diagnosis of specific cancers (prostate, lung, or colon … Target Population: Adults, Cancer: Colon, Lung, and Prostate, Veterans
Strategic Goal: Develop and
January 01, 2005 - feedback on information: 89 percent said the information presented to them increased their knowledge of colon … cancer, 78 percent said the information helped their decision about colon cancer screening, and 90 percent
June 01, 2006 - interaction screening software in community and hospital pharmacies
Authors: Abarca, J., Colon
January 01, 2013 - If cancers are diagnosed when they are small and when
they have not spread outside the colon, most of … If the cancer is diagnoses when it is
large or has spread beyond the colon, most of them will be fatal … Once colon cancer has been diagnosed and treated (usually with surgery, and possibly with
chemotherapy … Coach: You had surgery for colon cancer 3 years ago. Does that sound right to you?
IX. Mr. … Johnson: I had colon cancer. But I was told it was cured.
X. Coach: That’s right.
January 01, 2023 - used health information technology to identify patients for whom a diagnosis of prostate, lung, or colon
January 01, 2023 - used health information technology to identify patients for whom a diagnosis of prostate, lung, or colon
April 09, 2009 - • If the colon is not intact, document this on the History screen. … • If the colon is not intact, document this on the History screen. … the time interval may not be appropriate, be sure to document
if the patient does not have an intact colon … • The recommended interval must be documented on the Treatment Plan screen (“Colon screen
every … • The recommended surveillance interval is documented on the Treatment plan screen ("Colon
September 14, 2016 - I can find screening test results easily; such as mammography, pap smear, prostate, and colon
January 01, 2012 - the project team plans to use stakeholder input to develop a second metric for surveillance following colon
January 01, 2012 - project team plans to use stakeholder input to develop a second metric for surveillance
following colon
December 12, 2008 - Quality Measures for Colonoscopy
12/12/2008 Logan_QMforColonoscopy_Fields_v4.doc 1
Quality Measures for Colonoscopy, CORI v4
Report total # colonoscopies in the defined period, the average age of patients undergoing
those procedures, and the proportion of patients of each gender (including Unspecified).
In a…
July 01, 2011 - agencies
and national organizations; providing decision aids for prostate, breast, and colon … increases were observed for many individual preventive services (e.g. 12.3%,
p=0.008, increase in colon
January 01, 2023 - Users versus non-users of the IPHR had a statistically greater amount of colon and cervical cancer screenings
January 01, 2012 - services by more than 5 percent, and by more than 10 percent for some specific individual services such as colon