
Total Results: 511 records

Showing results for "cognitive".

    December 21, 2023 - Bowel, urinary, and sexual dysfunction; psychological effects (e.g., mental status, depression, and cognitive
    August 30, 2018 - use in young persons Counseling interventions can vary in their approach (e.g., 12-step programs, cognitive
    November 18, 2016 - blood lead levels in asymptomatic children 5 years and younger im- proves health outcomes (ie, reduced cognitive … lead levels in asymptomatic children age 5 years and younger improves health outcomes (ie, reduced cognitive … for elevated blood lead levels in asymptomatic pregnant women improves health outcomes (ie, reduced cognitive … There were no statistically significant effects on any other cognitive, neuropsychiatric, or behavioral … for elevated blood lead levels in asymptomatic pregnant women improves health outcomes (ie, reduced cognitive
    August 15, 2012 - they may have difficulty recognizing or reporting hearing loss owing to comorbid conditions, such as cognitive … were also observed in the hearing aid group, but baseline scores indicated only mild depression or cognitive … † Such as emotional and social function, communication, and cognitive function. … Cognition/ cognitive function$.ti,ab. … and population Adults ≥50 y without diagnosed hearing loss; comorbid conditions of depression and cognitive
    August 15, 2012 - they may have difficulty recognizing or reporting hearing loss owing to comorbid conditions, such as cognitive … were also observed in the hearing aid group, but baseline scores indicated only mild depression or cognitive … † Such as emotional and social function, communication, and cognitive function. … Cognition/ cognitive function$.ti,ab. … and population Adults ≥50 y without diagnosed hearing loss; comorbid conditions of depression and cognitive
    April 17, 2018 - the initial assessment and could include group or individual exercise, psychological interven- tions (cognitive … Effects of a multicomponent cognitive behavioral group intervention on fear of falling and activity avoidance
    January 15, 2004 - long-term use of suppressive doses of levothyroxine, subclinical hyperthyroidism has been associated with cognitive … As judged by subjective improvement and cognitive measures, 4 (24 percent) of the 19 patients who received … Questions Jaeschke et al., 1996 74 Chronic Thyroid Questionnaire, Cooper Questionnaire, SIP, cognitive … Pollock et al., 2001 77 SF-36 plus validated cognitive/memory testing Among symptomatic patients … = 22), there were no important differences between LT4 and placebo groups in any SF-36,  memory, or cognitive
    February 08, 2016 - Psychotherapy Two studies evaluated the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) compared with … Fluoxetine, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and their combination for adolescents with depression: Treatment … Cognitive-behavioral treatment of adolescent depression: efficacy of acute group treatment and booster
    March 08, 2004 - abuse of older adults include increasing age, non-white race, low income status, functional impairment, cognitive … Co-victimization of African-American children who witness violence: effects on cognitive, emotional and
    June 30, 2022 - following, alone or in combination: Behavioral-based interventions (e.g., behavior modification, cognitive
    June 30, 2022 - following, alone or in combination: Behavioral-based interventions (e.g., behavior modification, cognitive
    May 23, 2023 - evidence evaluating the effects of interventions on nonoral health outcomes such as cardiovascular or cognitive … settings and their effects on potentially associated adverse health outcomes such as tooth loss or cognitive
    January 01, 2017 - associ-ated with an increased risk of many adverse healthoutcomes, including motor vehicle crashes,7-9 cognitive … decline,143 and cognitive impair- ment or dementia.146 Nine of 11 were conducted in the United States … impair- ment or dementia,146 and cognitive decline143 (eFigure 30 in the Supplement). … Associations between sleep-disordered breathing, nocturnal hypoxemia, and subsequent cognitive decline … Sleep-disordered breathing, hypoxia, and risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older women
    May 27, 2021 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print Final Research Plan Hormone Therapy in Postmenopausal Persons: Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions May 27, 2021 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of t…
    April 19, 2022 - Estrogen plus progestin and the incidence of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in postmenopausal … Conjugated equine estrogens and incidence of probable dementia and mild cognitive impairment in postmenopausal
    January 01, 2004 - long-term use of suppressive doses of levothyroxine, subclinical hyperthyroidism has been associated with cognitive … Were at 6 mos SIP, cognitive (mean difference of group patients who had a history tests 0.58 on z-score … biochemical cognitive/ patients (n = general health and except for patients, LT4 Placebo effect, adverse … between LT4 and asymptomatic subjects and placebo deserve more study groups in any SF-36, memory, or cognitive … As judged by subjective improvement and cognitive measures, 4 (24%) of the 19 patients who received levothyroxine
    May 15, 2013 - limited to: individual-, family-, couple-, or group-based counseling (e.g., motivational interviewing, cognitive
    April 28, 2016 - bowel, urinary, and sexual dysfunction; psychological effects (e.g., mental status, depression, and cognitive
    October 26, 2021 - occur in more advanced stages of the condition, progress slowly over time, or occur in persons with cognitive
    March 08, 2004 - abuse of older adults include increasing age, non-white race, low income status, functional impairment, cognitive … Co-victimization of African-American children who witness violence: effects on cognitive, emotional and

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