July 01, 2023 - Checklists are cognitive aids that—
Reduce slips that occur due to lapses in concentration, distractions … Use of cognitive aids, such as checklists.
Communication with rapid responders. … Use of cognitive aids.
Communication with rapid responders. … Cognitive aids such as checklists, algorithms, or protocols, may improve team response to cord prolapse … Use of cognitive aids.
Communication with rapid responders.
May 01, 2017 - Cognitive psychology classifies tasks as either
involving schematic behavior or attentional
behavior … Checklists
are cognitive aids that have numerous
practical benefits, including reducing slips that … • Cognitive aids such as checklists,
algorithms, or protocols may improve
clinical team response … • To reiterate, cognitive aids support
standardization and a shared mental
model. … Staff can increase situational awareness by
using cognitive aids, such as checklists, of
maternal and
January 01, 2016 - Informed by these findings, the team then drafted questions and conducted two rounds of cognitive interviews … The purpose of the cognitive interviews was to ensure that
the questions were comprehensible and consistently
July 23, 2020 - The report highlights the
need for policies that will reduce cognitive overload for clinicians, which … Key reflections centered on cognitive
burden for clinicians, health information technology, and teamwork
August 01, 2022 - Distributed Cognition and the Role of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety in the Emergency Department
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Distributed Cognition and the Role of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety in the Emergency Department
The Theory of Distributed Cognition
Nurses' Role in Diagnosis, Thro…
August 01, 2022 - Distributed Cognition and the Role of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety in the Emergency Department
Nurses' Role in Diagnosis, Through the Lens of Distributed Cognition
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Distributed Cognition and the Role of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety in the Emergency Department
August 01, 2018 - However, research shows that these are very onerous cognitive tasks at which human beings are not very … Reduce the cognitive burden by summarizing, interpreting, highlighting meaning, and narrowing options … Labeling performance as "excellent" or "good" does some of the cognitive work for viewers by telling … Reduce the cognitive burden by helping to bring the information together into a choice
Many of the … What cognitive science tells us about the design of reports for consumers.
January 01, 2012 - Review
Existing Item Classification, New Item Creation, and Item Writing
Item Pool Version 1.0
Cognitive … Items were pruned based on qualitative (cognitive
interviews with children) and quantitative (factor … – Rarely –
Sometimes – Often -
Child Report
Details of the cognitive
January 01, 2024 - NP-only or PCMD-only models for primary care were characterized and compared in terms of functional, cognitive … This study examined the relation of change in theory-relevant cognitive variables to depressive symptom … change over the course of cognitive therapy, as well as the specificity of change mechanisms to cognitive … Its results provide support for the compensatory skills model of cognitive therapy within a community … Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder in the community mental health
October 01, 2021 - Ph.D., Columbia University New York Morningside
Project Title: Using eHealth To Expand Access to Cognitive … Summary: This project aims to increase access to the recommended first-line treatment of insomnia, cognitive
July 01, 2023 - Demonstrate the efficient use of checklists, protocols, or similar cognitive aids for evaluation and … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids.
… Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids.
March 27, 2008 - record (discoverable
following an unintended outcome), or are handoff forms and checklists merely cognitive … This also undermines workers’ macro-
cognitive functions (i.e., problem recognition, analysis, sensemaking … The use
of written and electronic cognitive artifacts has shown benefit within specific clinical care … Joint cognitive systems:
Patterns in cognitive systems engineering. … How unexpected events
produce an escalation of cognitive and coordinative
February 01, 2018 - Cognitive testing. Two rounds of cognitive testing were conducted in English and Spanish.
June 01, 2021 - route
• Right site
• Right documentation
Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive … change in routines, and
unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive … Dementia and other cognitive conditions can also cause fear or anxiety
in relation to any medical procedure
November 01, 2023 - Cognitive testing. … The team completed multiple rounds of cognitive testing and revised the questionnaire in light of their
January 01, 2025 - and ego, as
well as institutional culture as influences on DEOD.15
• Study 5: Physicians perceived cognitive … can be applied across acute care areas.16
• Study 6: ICU operational conditions may contribute to cognitive … Physicians perceived cognitive factors to contribute to DEOD more frequently
compared to those in other … Investigating the cognitive capacity
constraints of an ICU care team using a systems engineering approach … Investigating the cognitive capacity
constraints of an ICU care team using a systems engineering approach
September 04, 2020 - In this brief, we will focus on checklists used for cognitive support (i.e., those that remind clinicians … that aims to reduce errors that occur due to shortcuts in the diagnostic reasoning
process (i.e., cognitive … laura
A recent study by O’Sullivan and Shofield evaluated the use of a cognitive forcing … Sibbald, et al.,
ECG interpretation
checklist (content
specific) compared with
a cognitive … A cognitive forcing tool to mitigate cognitive bias – a randomised
control trial.
May 01, 2017 - Demonstrate the efficient use of checklists, protocols, or similar cognitive aids for responding to an … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids.
May 01, 2017 - Demonstrate the efficient use of checklists, protocols, or similar cognitive aids for responding to a … During the simulation, participants are encouraged to practice the use of protocols, checklists, or cognitive … Nurse begins appropriate clinical response as per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids. … Team initiates appropriate clinical response as per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids for … Nurse begins appropriate clinical response as per any protocols, checklists, or cognitive aids.
September 01, 2023 - Since the cognitive component of diagnostic reasoning is often invisible or intangible, some may ask