January 01, 2011 - Statistical Brief #310: Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders … Average annual expenditures for those reporting and not reporting one or
more cognitive disorders by … Cognitive disorders are conditions that hinder a person's cognitive functioning
including reasoning … Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders, 2007. … disorder Those without a reported cognitive disorder
Figure 6.
January 01, 2011 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #310:
Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders … Average annual expenditures for those reporting and not reporting one or more cognitive disorders by … Cognitive disorders are conditions that hinder a person's cognitive functioning including reasoning and … Many cognitive disorders result in impairment of a person's ability to carry out everyday activities … Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders, 2007 .
January 01, 2011 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #310:
Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders … Average annual expenditures for those reporting and not reporting one or more cognitive disorders by … Cognitive disorders are conditions that hinder a person's cognitive functioning including reasoning and … Many cognitive disorders result in impairment of a person's ability to carry out everyday activities … Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive Disorders, 2007 .
January 12, 2011 - XL
Publication Details
Person Characteristics of the Elderly Reporting One or More Cognitive … percent of the 38.7 million persons age 65 and older (elderly persons) reported having one or more cognitive … Cognitive disorders are conditions that hinder a person's cognitive functioning including reasoning and … Many cognitive disorders result in impairment of a person's ability to carry out everyday activities
January 01, 2011 - The SAQ was put through a cognitive testing process and here are the results of that cognitive testing … Round 1 Cognitive Testing of the MEPS Cancer SAQ (HTML)
Round 2 Cognitive Testing of the MEPS Cancer … SAQ (HTML)
Cognitive Testing of the Spanish Translation of the MEPS Cancer SAQ (HTML)
Your Experiences
January 01, 2011 - Summary of Recommendations from Round 1 Cognitive Testing of the MEPS Cancer SAQ … As part of the development process, Westat plans to
conduct 2 Rounds of cognitive testing to assess … Round 1 cognitive interviews with
24 English speaking respondents were conducted between June 7 and … Conducting Cognitive Interviews
Respondents participated in a one-hour in-person
interview either … A respondent described some of her cognitive deficits related to "chemo
January 01, 2011 - Summary of Recommendations from Round 2 Cognitive Testing of the MEPS Cancer SAQ … As part of the development process, Westat conducted
two rounds of cognitive testing to assess how … Round 2 cognitive interviews with
20 English-speaking respondents were conducted from August 23 to … Training
The cognitive interviews were conducted by the same
team of interviewers as in Round 1. … Across
both rounds of cognitive testing, it appears to meet those objectives fairly
January 01, 2011 - Summary of Recommendations from Cognitive Testing of the Spanish Translation of the MEPS Cancer SAQ … As part of the development process, Westat conducted
two rounds of cognitive testing in English and … The
cognitive interviews in Spanish were conducted from November 30th to December
8th and included … Conducting Cognitive Interviews
Respondents participated in a one-hour in-person
interview either … After introducing
the study, its purpose and the cognitive testing procedures, interviewers asked
January 01, 1999 - activities such as walking; limitations in the ability to work, go to school, or do housework; and cognitive … Having cognitive limitations, such as
confusion or memory loss. … Like ADLs and IADLs, cognitive limitations
were less frequently reported for the … Across the three racial/ethnic groups, cognitive
limitations among the elderly were … Cognitive Limitations
Limitations in
mental or cognitive functioning are assessed
December 01, 2008 - Cognitive limitation
refers to people who experienced confusion or memory loss, had problems making … significant at the .10 level for four other variables, age 65-74, age 75-84, 100-
199 percent of FPL, and cognitive … Status
Excellent 0.17 0.010
Very good 0.26 0.012
Good 0.29 0.011
Fair 0.19 0.009
Poor 0.09 0.007
Cognitive … 0.021
Good health -0.70 0.38 * -0.036
Fair health -0.57 0.40 -0.030
Poor health -0.24 0.64 -0.012
Cognitive … 0.78 0.29 *** 0.10 0.98 0.30 *** 0.11 0.87
Poor health 0.81 0.37 ** 0.11 1.11 0.38 *** 0.13 0.73
October 01, 1999 - activities such
as walking; limitations in the ability to work, go to
school, or do housework; and cognitive … • Having cognitive limitations, such as confusion or
memory loss. … Like ADLs and IADLs, cognitive limitations were
less frequently reported for the Hispanic population … Across the three racial/ethnic
groups, cognitive limitations among the elderly were not
strikingly different … Limitations
Limitations in mental or cognitive functioning are
assessed through a series of three
September 30, 1997 - COGNITIVE PATTERNS
The next series of questions deal with {SP}’s memory … PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.}
The next series of questions deal with … (HS15PRE)
On or around {REF DATE}, was {SP}’s short-term … MEMORY/COGNITIVE SKILLS
Was {SP} able to recall {VARIABLE PART OF QUESTION}
December 01, 2004 - existed among nursing home residents, but they were not
as common as the cognitive … Health conditions are active diagnoses
that have a relationship to current ADL status, cognitive … Behavior problems
were present in a smaller proportion of residents than cognitive … active diagnoses that have a relationship to current ADL
status, cognitive
December 01, 2004 - existed among nursing home residents, but they were not
as common as the cognitive … Health conditions are active diagnoses
that have a relationship to current ADL status, cognitive … Behavior problems
were present in a smaller proportion of residents than cognitive … active diagnoses that have a relationship to current ADL
status, cognitive
April 22, 2019 - payment on an individual resident level; and resident characteristics, including functional limitation, cognitive
April 22, 2019 - payment on an individual resident level; and resident characteristics, including functional limitation, cognitive
January 01, 2001 - Results of Rounds 3 and 4 of managed care cognitive
interviews for the household … HMO Enrollment Status
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
used cognitive … Further details of the cognitive testing are described
in Kerwin, Cantor, and Sheridan … Cognitive pretesting
confirmed that household survey respondents were often unable … As
a result of the cognitive pretesting, the MEPS HC includes a series
November 01, 2001 - In addition, it includes social role
limitations and cognitive limitations … In addition, it includes social role
limitations and cognitive limitations … It also included
other limitations in social role behavior and cognitive limitations … In addition, it includes
social role limitations and cognitive limitations … In addition, it includes
social role limitations and cognitive limitations
November 01, 2001 - In addition, it includes social role limitations and cognitive limitations not reported here. … In addition, it includes social role limitations and cognitive limitations not reported here. … In addition, it includes social role limitations and cognitive limitations not reported
here. … In addition, it includes social role limitations and cognitive limitations not reported here. … In addition, it includes social role limitations and cognitive limitations not reported here.
January 01, 2001 - Results of Rounds
3 and 4 of managed care cognitive interviews for the
household portion of NMES. … HMO Enrollment Status
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
used cognitive interviewing methods … Further details of the cognitive testing are
described in Kerwin, Cantor, and Sheridan (1995). … Cognitive pretesting confirmed that household
survey respondents were often unable to identify their … As a result of the
cognitive pretesting, the MEPS HC includes a series of
questions on HMO status and