October 01, 2022 - treating seizures may
have adverse effects that could also contribute to delayed development or reduced cognitive
June 05, 2014 - but not limited to goal setting, problem solving, motivational interviewing, coping skills training, cognitive … but not limited to: goal setting, problem solving, motivational interviewing, coping skills training, cognitive … Strategies include, but are not limited to, motivational interviewing, coping skills training, cognitive … or/7-8
6 not 9
Behavior Therapy/
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring/
Cognitive Therapy/
Community … (cognitive adj2 therap*).mp.
(communit* adj2 (center* or centre*)).mp.
disease management.mp.
April 01, 2015 - individual’s
internal decision context and process (such as preferences,
values, knowledge, beliefs, and cognitive … and the patient indicate
information shared between the two parties versus
information and other cognitive … Concordant)
Patient Decision
(Not Concordant)
Cognitive … Cognitive deficits
impairing decisional capacity may be overcome with
adequate cuing. … generally silent on
potential benefits of DMT other than ambulation, such
as upper limb function and cognitive
January 30, 2014 - disruptive behaviors.43-51 Other
recent reviews evaluated the effectiveness of parenting programs, cognitive … Cognitive problem-solving skills training and parent
management training in the treatment of antisocial … Cochrane review: behavioural and cognitive-
behavioural group-based parenting programmes for early-onset … therapy"[tiab] OR "cognitive behavior therapy"[tiab] OR
"cognitive behaviour therapy"[tiab] OR "CBT … "[tiab] OR "cognitive behavioral
therapy"[tiab] OR "cognitive behavioural therapy"[tiab] OR "conflict
January 01, 2022 - Deficits Intervention A, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention A, N Analyzed for Cognitive … Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention A, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention B, N of Cognitive Deficits … (Numerator) Intervention B, N Analyzed for Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention B, % With … Cognitive Deficits Intervention C, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention C, N Analyzed for … Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention C, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention D, N of Cognitive
January 01, 2023 - Deficits Intervention A, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention A, N Analyzed for Cognitive … Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention A, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention B, N of Cognitive Deficits … (Numerator) Intervention B, N Analyzed for Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention B, % With … Cognitive Deficits Intervention C, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention C, N Analyzed for … Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention C, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention D, N of Cognitive
January 01, 2023 - Deficits Intervention A, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention A, N Analyzed for Cognitive … Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention A, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention B, N of Cognitive Deficits … (Numerator) Intervention B, N Analyzed for Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention B, % With … Cognitive Deficits Intervention C, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention C, N Analyzed for … Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention C, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention D, N of Cognitive
August 11, 2014 - have in general not found a significant impact of tympanostomy tube insertion on speech language or cognitive
June 01, 2011 - regimen), potential for long-term adverse
effects of cancer treatments, and the psychosocial and cognitive
May 18, 2015 - circumference; neurological development; visual function in the first year of life; and various indices of cognitive … Growth patterns
Neurological development
Visual function
Cognitive development
Learning … /or breastfeeding
Healthy children or children with a family history of a respiratory disorder, a cognitive … evoked potential acuity
Visual acuity testing
Teller's Acuity Card test
Cognitive … For the topics of depression; ADHD; autism; and cognitive, neurological, and visual function development
December 01, 2010 - Current Page Topic Timeline Dec. 16, 2009 Topic Initiated Dec. 1, 2010 Research Protocol Aug. 14, 2012 Systematic Review Mar. 30, 2015 Surveillance Report Comparative Effectiveness of First and Second Generation Antipsychotics in the Adult Population
Research Protocol Archived December 1, 2010 Download Main Docume…
January 08, 2024 - Patient: 1) age ≥21 years; 2) Admitted to the medical
ICU; 3) Severe cognitive impairment; 4) Ability … ICU transfers and severe cognitive impairment Surrogate decisionmaker 55 49 58% 54% Caregivers
August 18, 2023 - Cognitive rehabilitation for long COVID.
2023;6(4):311-9. doi:
10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2022.05.007. … Cognitive symptoms: speech
language pathology;
neuropsychological testing
3. … Cognitive: memory skills
group and speech language
pathology or referral to
2. … Mental health and cognitive
4. Social work needs evaluation
5. … Mental health or cognitive
impairment: rehabilitation
psychology or psychiatry referral
June 19, 2014 - psychological interventions used to treat depressed patients include acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive … therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapies, and other talk … Although small in number, some studies compare exercise with cognitive therapy, medications, and alternative … treatment attempt)
Common depression-focused psychotherapies
Acceptance and commitment therapy
Cognitive … treatment attempt): Common depression-focused psychotherapies
Acceptance and commitment therapy
November 24, 2014 - psychological interventions used to treat depressed patients
include acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive … therapy, cognitive behavioral
therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapies, and other talk … Although small in number, some studies compare exercise with
cognitive therapy, medications, and alternative … treatment attempt):
o Common depression-focused psychotherapies
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Cognitive … treatment attempt):
Common depression-
- Acceptance and
commitment therapy
- Cognitive
June 29, 2016 - treatment strategies for LSS symptoms include medications, supervised exercise or physical therapy, cognitive
August 01, 2012 - epilepsy syndromes and shared the perception that the report did not adequately address concerns
about cognitive … The FDA
warning regarding children exposed to valproate in utero having lower cognitive test scores … conclusions, one
thought the conclusions are still
valid, the other thought there is
data on differential cognitive
August 01, 2012 - epilepsy syndromes and shared the perception that the report did not adequately address concerns
about cognitive … The FDA
warning regarding children exposed to valproate in utero having lower cognitive test scores … conclusions, one
thought the conclusions are still
valid, the other thought there is
data on differential cognitive
March 25, 2024 - Deficits Intervention A, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention A, N Analyzed for Cognitive … Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention A, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention B, N of Cognitive Deficits … (Numerator) Intervention B, N Analyzed for Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention B, % With … Cognitive Deficits Intervention C, N of Cognitive Deficits
(Numerator) Intervention C, N Analyzed for … Cognitive Deficits
(Denominator) Intervention C, % With Cognitive Deficits Intervention D, N of Cognitive
August 23, 2013 - is not one form of treatment-protocol, but can consist of
several different procedures, including cognitive … techniques,
behavioral techniques and any combination of cognitive/behavioral
techniques (e.g., Andersson … The authors describe their novel
intervention as: “specialised care of cognitive
behaviour therapy … A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based
cognitive therapy for treating tinnitus. … Particularly concerning is the definition cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) because that is the one