June 03, 2024 - Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal
maternal depression, anxiety and stress: … Effect of cognitive-behavioral group therapy
on gestational depression: a clinical trial. … Treating Postpartum Depression With 1-Day
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-Based Workshops. … Telephone-based cognitive-behavioral therapy on postnatal depression and quality
of life. … Cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal anxiety:
a randomized controlled trial.
April 01, 2020 - CATD from normal cognition, but
less from mild cognitive impairment … suspected cognitive impairment. … Implications and Conclusions
Cognitive test studies showed that among
individuals with suspected cognitive … So, brief cognitive tests may help identify which
patients with suspected cognitive impairment
are … These brief cognitive test results also may
be sufficient for objectively documenting cognitive
May 20, 2013 - Systematic Review
February 26, 2013
Interventions to Prevent Age-Related Cognitive … Decline, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Clinical Alzheimer's-Type Dementia
Systematic Review … Archived
March 24, 2017
Interventions for Preventing Cognitive Decline, Mild Cognitive
April 01, 2016 - No improvement was associated with TMS with
negative cognitive reactivation. … (SOE Insufficient)
Cognitive functioning. … None of these
studies reported on cognitive functioning. … (SOE
Cognitive functioning. … None of
these studies reported on
cognitive functioning.
May 17, 2018 - Key Messages
Cognitive behavioral exposure therapies and cognitive behavioral therapies with mixed … Cognitive processing therapy, cognitive therapy, and eye movement desensitization reprocessing are most … symptoms and loss of PTSD diagnosis compared with inactive comparators; high SOE supports efficacy of cognitive … behavioral therapy (CBT)-exposure and CBT-mixed treatments, and moderate SOE supports efficacy of cognitive … processing therapy (CPT), cognitive therapy (CT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR
May 21, 2020 - APA Methods Cognitive-behavioral therapy typically includes BOTH cognitive
and behavioral components … and we noticed in the coding book
it appears that some included interventions either have
“cognitive … We were wondering if you
could clarify this further and if the intervention used only
“cognitive” or … We have used a broad definition of
cognitive behavioral therapy that
encompassed cognitive and/or behavioral
January 01, 2009 - The
nominator is interested in children, adolescents, and adults with sustained cognitive,
physical … adolescents, and adults six months post an initial grade I-IV
traumatic brain injury with sustained cognitive … impairments from their injury
Intervention(s): Physical, behavioral, speech, occupational, and/or cognitive … care, or other
Outcome(s): Scores on standardized neuropsychological tests measuring cognitive … rehabilitation to address the long-term outcomes include physical, behavioral, speech, occupational,
and/or cognitive
June 01, 2021 - is insufficient evidence for important outcomes including quality of life,
functional status, and cognitive … hippocampal sparing WBRT on overall survival, disease-free survival, or quality
of life, but time to cognitive … • There is insufficient evidence for important clinical outcomes including cognitive
effects and … Throughout,
data for quality of life, functional status, and cognitive function were often too limited … including disease-free
survival, intracranial progression, quality of life, functional status and cognitive
February 01, 2015 - The unresolved etiology of AD and related progressive cognitive impairment disorders are key
factors … in patients with probable AD or amnestic mild cognitive impairment. … Intranasal insulin
treatment improved patients’ cognitive performance (p<0.05; measured by delayed … subscale).11 All patients showed cognitive improvements when
administered 20 IU intranasal insulin … Effect of intranasal insulin on cognitive function:
a systematic review.
September 01, 2011 - ECRI Institute
Plymouth Meeting, PA
Cognitive Testing Respondents
Susanne Hempel, Ph.D. … Items
were eliminated and refined through face validity, cognitive, content validity, and interrater … Phase 2 included face validity testing,
cognitive testing, content validity testing, and interrater … Cognitive Testing and Experienced Reviewer Review
A preliminary version of the item bank containing … The cognitive
interviewer (at least one of the study principal investigators [PIs] accompanied by a
December 20, 2011 - therapy such as cognitive restructuring, cognitive processing therapy, exposure-based therapies, and … therapy [CBT], such as cognitive restructuring, cognitive processing therapy, exposure-based therapy … Cognitive”, “Cognitive Psychotherapy”, “Cognitive Psychotherapies”, “Psychotherapies, Cognitive”, “Therapy … , Cognition”, Therapy, Cognitive”, “Cognitive Therapies”, “Therapies, Cognitive”, “Cognition Therapy” … ”, “Cognitive Behavior Therapies”, “Therapies, Cognitive Behavior”, “Psychotherapy, Cognitive”
January 01, 2013 - interventions (non-pharmacological, psychosocial
interventions) including, but not limited to: psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral … comparative effectiveness of psychological
from Nominator: treatments (i.e., non-pharmacological; e.g., cognitive … )
Dementia is an umbrella term for cognitive disorders that are characterized by memory impairment … Psychosocial interventions such as sensory-stimulation, music therapy, and
cognitive-behavioral therapy
August 01, 2017 - Psychological and behavioral interventions include
cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) … /page/0/4
http:/ … /www.sleepeducation.org/treatment-therapy/cognitive-behavioral-therapy
http://www.sleepeducation.org/ … Cognitive Therapy Interventions to change patients’ thinking about sleep by identifying, challenging, … Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
for Insomnia (CBT-I)
Multimodal combination of treatments, including cognitive
January 01, 2009 - treatment, including reduction in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) core
symptoms; improved language, cognitive … Psychologist) versus
parents for reducing autism symptoms and improving language, cognitive, and
social … What is the comparative effectiveness of cognitive behavioral treatment
versus cognitive behavioral … Programs for promoting social, language, and cognitive skills for school age
December 20, 2011 - therapy such as
cognitive restructuring, cognitive processing therapy, exposure-based therapies, and … therapy [CBT], such as cognitive restructuring,
cognitive processing therapy, exposure-based therapy … , Cognitive”, “Cognitive Psychotherapy”, “Cognitive Psychotherapies”, “Psychotherapies, Cognitive”, … “Therapy, Cognition”, Therapy, Cognitive”, “Cognitive Therapies”, “Therapies, Cognitive”, “Cognition … Behavior Therapy”, “Behavior Therapies, Cognitive”,
“Cognitive Behavior Therapies”, “Therapies, Cognitive
February 01, 2012 - Outcomes
Our outcomes of interest for Key Question 1 included
Phe levels and cognitive impairment, … What is the evidence that any specific
Phe levels are optimal for minimizing or avoiding
cognitive … outcomes
was not linear, that a threshold of 360 µmol/L is the
level at which cognitive impairment … period, and thus concurrent measurements are poor
predictors of a cognitive effect. … Effects of dietary
management of phenylketonuria on long-term cognitive outcome.
February 01, 2015 - measures in patients with AD or amnestic mild cognitive impairment; additionally, genetic-
screening … Patients with the ApoE-ε4 allele show cognitive response to lower doses of
insulin than do patients … All patients showed cognitive improvements
when administered 20 IU intranasal insulin, but only males … Effect of intranasal insulin on cognitive
function: a systematic review. … Intranasal
insulin therapy for Alzheimer disease and
amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a pilot
February 22, 2012 - treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU) and evidence for a target phenylalanine (Phe) level to minimize cognitive
December 08, 2015 - graded the strength of evidence as moderate for only one outcome of one comparison: SGAs compared with cognitive … However, available data suggest that switching to another SGA, switching to cognitive therapy, and augmenting … with a particular medication or cognitive therapy are all reasonable options. … Comparative benefits and harms of second generation antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapies
September 23, 2014 - influenced by availability, time commitment required for the family, child characteristics such as cognitive … There is good evidence to support the use of cognitive behavioral therapy to treat anxiety in school-aged … children without cognitive or language delays. … Moderate evidence exists that child-focused early intensive behavioral interventions can improve cognitive … Clinical Bottom Line
Behavioral Interventions
Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces anxiety symptoms