February 10, 2016 - waiting with supportive care (including pharmacologic treatment) to improve sleep
outcomes, cognitive … with supportive care (including pharmacologic
treatment) to improve sleep outcomes, cognitive …
-Modified Epworth Sleepiness
-Desaturation nadir
-OSDB persistence
Cognitive … undergoing
Tonsillectomy -Other technique for
See sleep, cognitive …
years) with OSDB*
See Table 2
(KQ 1)
-Sleep, cognitive
August 17, 2021 - Nonpharmacologic therapies considered include psychosocial interventions, behavioral interventions, cognitive … behavioral therapy, digital gamified cognitive therapies, play therapy, mindfulness-based therapies, … school interventions, cognitive training therapies, biofeedback or neurofeedback, parent behavior training
August 01, 2021 - Instead, the workgroup
recommended that registries consider collecting information on symptoms, cognitive … global health status/quality of life, pain, fatigue, dyspnea, cough and
physical, social, emotional and cognitive … pain,
fatigue, dyspnea, and cough under ‘symptoms’ and recommended capture of physical, social, and
cognitive … Important domains to consider in collecting PROs are:
Functioning (cognitive, physical)
August 01, 2021 - Instead, the workgroup
recommended that registries consider collecting information on symptoms, cognitive … global health status/quality of life, pain, fatigue, dyspnea, cough and
physical, social, emotional and cognitive … pain,
fatigue, dyspnea, and cough under ‘symptoms’ and recommended capture of physical, social, and
cognitive … Important domains to consider in collecting PROs are:
Functioning (cognitive, physical)
November 01, 2012 - HCBS recipients or AL residents and
NH residents for a range of outcome domains: physical
function, cognitive … For each
outcome (such as cognitive function) and each
comparison (such as a broad definition of HCBS … Changes in cognitive
• Two studies provided low-strength evidence (high risk of bias) that … the rate of change in cognitive
function did not differ between AL and NH residents over time … served
• NH residents were generally more
impaired than HCBS recipients in
terms of physical and cognitive
May 01, 2020 - .
Combined cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing
decrease illicit drug use. … inclusion of seven primary intervention components:
motivational interviewing, family-focused therapy, cognitive
September 23, 2014 - Early intensive behavioral intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy, and social skills training are … Programs that use cognitive behavioral therapy help children manage anxiety. … Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces anxiety in some older children with ASD who do not have other developmental
September 01, 2014 - Early intensive behavioral intervention, cognitive behavioral
therapy, and social skills training are … Programs that use cognitive behavioral therapy help children
manage anxiety. … � Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces anxiety in some older
children with ASD who do not have other
September 20, 2013 - concepts or
things; and atypical sensory processing.2-4 Many children with ASD may also have impaired
cognitive … 1987, Ivar
Lovaas published findings36 on a subgroup of children who demonstrated improvements in
cognitive … and focus both on
traditional areas of academic progression/achievement and on addressing social, cognitive … and experience with the 2011 review, our initial
scan of the literature, and our abstract review: cognitive … Efficacy of applied behavioral intervention in preschool children with
autism for improving cognitive
January 30, 2014 - Current"and"previous"surveillance"reports"identified"
studies"examining"Cognitive"Behavioral"Therapy … Current"and"previous"surveillance"
reports"identified"studies"examining"Cognitive"Behavioral"Therapy … Comparison"of"cognitive"
behavioral"therapy"and"supportive"psychotherapy"for"the"treatment"of"depression … Systematic"review"of"the"prognosis"after"
mild"traumatic"brain"injury"in"adults:"cognitive,"psychiatric … $Gender$as$a$moderator$of$cognitive$and$affective$outcome$after$traumatic$brain$injury.$The!Journal!
November 11, 2015 - and
do we back off a little bit and
use things, like defaults, to allow a little
bit of cognitive … behavior that people do, not
conceptual behavior around
rationality -‐-‐ and
so things like cognitive … bit at a time -‐-‐ you have to think about how that actually works in your brain and why we have
cognitive … So it kind of goes way back to also what we can pay attention to with cognitive
August 01, 2021 - Instead, the workgroup
recommended that registries consider collecting information on symptoms, cognitive … global health status/quality of life, pain, fatigue, dyspnea, cough and
physical, social, emotional and cognitive … pain,
fatigue, dyspnea, and cough under ‘symptoms’ and recommended capture of physical, social, and
cognitive … Important domains to consider in collecting PROs are:
Functioning (cognitive, physical)
December 01, 2014 - Overall high-impact potential: video game for cognitive behavior therapy for
adolescents with major … High-Impact Potential: Moderately high
Video Games for Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents … Although traditional
cognitive behavior therapies (CBTs) can effectively treat mild to moderate eoMDD … Overall high-impact potential: video game for cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents
with major … A pilot
double blind randomized placebo controlled trial
of a prototype computer-based cognitive
September 13, 2012 - Psychological therapies provided in jails, prisons, or forensic hospitals may include cognitive behavioral … Effects of cognitive-behavioral programs for criminal offenders. … behavior/al therapy
Cognitive behavior/al treatment
Cognitive behaviour/al therapy
Cognitive … behaviour/al treatment
Cognitive therapy
Community-based program
Community-based treatment … OR cognitive therapy OR (cognitive ADJ behav* ADJ (therapy OR treatment)) OR CBT OR (community based)
September 13, 2012 - Psychological therapies provided in jails, prisons, or
forensic hospitals may include cognitive behavioral … Effects of cognitive-behavioral programs for
criminal offenders. … behavior/al therapy
Cognitive behavior/al treatment
Cognitive behaviour/al therapy
Cognitive behaviour … /al treatment
Cognitive therapy
Community-based program
Community-based treatment
Complementary … OR cognitive therapy OR (cognitive ADJ
behav* ADJ (therapy OR treatment)) OR CBT OR (community based
January 01, 2018 - Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Nausea Nausea Nausea Sedation Sedation … Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Dry Mouth Dry Mouth Dry Mouth Serotonin … Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Dizziness Dizziness Dizziness Peripheral … Oxcarbazepine - Placebo-Controlled Trials
WAE WAE SAE SAE Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects … Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects Hyponatremia Hyponatremia Hyponatremia Neutropenia Neutropenia Neutropenia
October 07, 2012 - Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Traumatic
Brain Injury: Evaluating the Evidence. … The use of cognitive assistive devices in TBI rehabilitation
3. … See the recent IOM review
for comprehensive assessment of
effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation … The use of cognitive assistive devices in TBI rehabilitation:
Cognitive prosthetic systems can achieve … Cognitive rehabilitation therapy is one component of
a comprehensive rehabilitation package.
July 07, 2017 - Patients with AF have increased risk of embolic stroke, heart failure, and cognitive impairment; reduced … risk factors include:
INR level
Duration and frequency of AF
Prior stroke
Type of AF
Cognitive … risk factors include:
INR level
Duration and frequency of AF
Prior stroke
Type of AF
Cognitive … impairment"[tiab] OR "cognitive impairments"[tiab] OR "cognitive dysfunction"[tiab] OR "cognitive dysfunctions … "[tiab] OR "cognitive decline"[tiab] OR "cognitive declines"[tiab] OR ((prior[tiab] OR previous[tiab]
April 01, 2013 - We included psychological (e.g., cognitive
behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy,
debriefing … Abbreviations: CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CC = collaborative care; CT = cognitive therapy; … behavioral therapy; CBT+Hypnosis = CBT combined with hypnosis;
CI = confidence interval; CT = cognitive … Abbreviations: CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CISD = critical incident stress debriefing; N = entire … The additive benefit of
hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating acute stress
December 03, 2019 - enrolling individuals
with disabilities or individuals with severe and persistent
mental illness or cognitive … Psychological
Similar concerns can be raised for those with mobility
limitations or cognitive