May 04, 2013 - notion that development of speech and
language skills are robust in children who have no
sensory or cognitive … than three years old)
who are still developing speech and language
skills and who have sensory or cognitive … Vocabulary is
associated with many other cognitive, linguistic and academic tasks. … when parents who chose to subject their
child to a surgery are then asked to report on outcomes --cognitive
September 03, 2019 - caregiver burden
and distress, inappropriate continuation of
antipsychotic therapy, and long-term cognitive … Known risk factors for delirium such
as pre-existing cognitive impairment should also be
reported. … caregiver burden and distress,
inappropriate continuation of antipsychotic therapy,
and long-term cognitive … therapeutic interventions are needed to
reduce the burden of delirium and are associated [with]
long-term cognitive
March 23, 2019 - transcutaneous vagal
stimulation, remote electrical neurostimulation)
o Behavioral therapy (e.g., cognitive … respiratory distress,
neonatal intensive care unit time
• Neurodevelopmental – social, emotional, or cognitive … transcutaneous vagal
stimulation, remote electrical neurostimulation)
o Behavioral therapy (e.g., cognitive … respiratory distress,
neonatal intensive care unit time
• Neurodevelopmental – social, emotional, or cognitive
November 01, 2017 - treatment strategies for LSS symptoms include medications, supervised exercise or physical therapy, cognitive
January 01, 2016 - (including goal setting, problem-solving,
motivational interviewing, coping skills training, and
December 01, 2014 - specific EDs use furnishings and equipment designed to provide comfort, reduce injury risk,
and enhance cognitive … Protocol interventions include screening for cognitive impairment, delirium,
risk of adverse health … with an estimated 150 in development.64
Current Approach to Care
Traditional EDs may incorporate cognitive … patients, who might have multiple comorbidities, take multiple
medications, and have functional and cognitive
March 01, 2013 - urinary tract,
chronic pain syndrome or
other clinically significant
medical conditions including
June 01, 2015 - Video game (SPARX) for cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with major
depressive disorder
Archived … Eligible Topic Not Deemed to Have High-Impact Potential
Video game (SPARX™) for cognitive behavior … adolescents with early-
onset major depressive disorder (eoMDD) include supervised individual or group cognitive
January 01, 2012 - Conducted interviews with patients and performed chart reviews
o Semi-‐structured,
January 27, 2012 - hypertension, heart
disease, stroke, cancer, liver cirrhosis,
Effective Health Care Program
amnesias, cognitive … Some common
treatments for AUDs include cognitive behavioral therapy,
motivational enhancement therapy … offering acamprosate or oral naltrexone in
combination with an individual psychological intervention
(cognitive … in the
United States compared naltrexone plus “primary care
management” (PCM) with naltrexone plus cognitive … heavy drinking between those who received
naltrexone plus PCM and those who received naltrexone
plus cognitive
November 07, 2012 - This information is clinically useful, in addition to characteristics of
patient physical and cognitive … For example, the authors
acknowledge differences in measurement for ADL/IADL and cognitive
functioning … 9 indicate mixed results, with the
Florida Department of Elder Affairs finding more physical and
cognitive … impairment and Doty et al. finding more cognitive
impairment. … same-age friends, increasing ADL
dependency/helplessness, chronic illness, social isolation, sensory
and cognitive
June 23, 2014 - approaches in the last
decade include new medications and adjunctive psychological approaches such as
cognitive … remitted
o Two medications with different goals
Behavioral treatment
• Psychotherapy, such as cognitive
November 01, 2017 - Treatment approaches may include anti-depressant medications, cognitive therapy, individual or group